Are you sock then sock OR sock shoe then sock shoe?

I’ll be honest because lying about this would be a bad thing. I do whatever my brain says that morning.
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It has never occurred to me that anyone would go sock-shoe-sock-shoe.
Nor should it. Because it is completely illogical.

Only a contrarian hipster, or smooth-brained dumbass would do it that way. One is doing it to make a statement (think about that, doing something the HARD way, just to make a statment, and the other is just a dimwit that, given the law of averages, leaves the house with his/her shoes on the wrong foot 50 percent of the time.)
Idk what happens at 4:15a but both happen, it’s whatever my 4a zombie brain says to do on autopilot til the pre workout kicks in…
Nor should it. Because it is completely illogical.

Only a contrarian hipster, or smooth-brained dumbass would do it that way. One is doing it to make a statement (think about that, doing something the HARD way, just to make a statment, and the other is just a dimwit that, given the law of averages, leaves the house with his/her shoes on the wrong foot 50 percent of the time.)

Just pause and think for a minute.

That sock on the outside would keep athletic shoes, especially their soles, crisp and clean.

Liken it to a screen protector or phone case for your shoes.

Where as I wear them until stitching or glue fails, my wife ditches them when they are dirty. No cleaning or reconditioning will ever bring them back. They are moved to the back of the rotation and one year later will appear in a consignment shop.

If I can get Lululemon on board, I think I've got a winner.
The only way to do socks now that work is casual. Buy 30 pairs of the same sock. Take from the right, put laundered socks to the left. You get the perfect rotation.
Just pause and think for a minute.

That sock on the outside would keep athletic shoes, especially their soles, crisp and clean.

Liken it to a screen protector or phone case for your shoes.

Where as I wear them until stitching or glue fails, my wife ditches them when they are dirty. No cleaning or reconditioning will ever bring them back. They are moved to the back of the rotation and one year later will appear in a consignme
When I wear my better running socks is when I do it. I prefer to keep them clean.
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I'm going to start putting one leg in my underwear and then that leg into my pants. Then do the other leg. It's a revolutionary idea.
Right sock
Left sock
Left shoe
Right shoe

But I’m not consistent with it, that’s just my preferred method