Anyone Taking Vitamins Or Supplements?


May 7, 2002
I've been doing my Biggest Loser competition at work now for about a month. I am down 14 pounds so far. I still am having trouble getting my diet where it needs to be so I thought about taking some vitamins and/or supplements to help get the things I might be missing from the foods I am eating. At least until I get my diet completely under control.

Are any of you taking anything while trying to lose weight/build up muscle? I figure a one a day vitamin probably is a must. Anything else that might be good to take as well? I knew a guy that lifted weights and he would take fish oil pills. Anything good for easing sore muscles?
Posted from Rivals Mobile


I am in and out of airports weekly so every morning I pop a 1000 b-12,D & C for the immune system. Probably more for my own piece of mind more than anything.
thought fish oil was just to help people with bad cholesterol numbers, that it wasnt really an aid to dieting/weight loss

fen fen FTW
For losing weight/gaining muscle I take amino acids. I take the tablets but some people prefer the powder you put in drinks.
Originally posted by KyCatFan:
I've been doing my Biggest Loser competition at work now for about a month. I am down 14 pounds so far. I still am having trouble getting my diet where it needs to be so I thought about taking some vitamins and/or supplements to help get the things I might be missing from the foods I am eating. At least until I get my diet completely under control.

Are any of you taking anything while trying to lose weight/build up muscle? I figure a one a day vitamin probably is a must. Anything else that might be good to take as well? I knew a guy that lifted weights and he would take fish oil pills. Anything good for easing sore muscles?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Multivitamin, Fish Oil, Vitamin D.. I'd say those are pills everyone should take daily. You can argue the Multi-Vitamin.. some say it's useless. I'm not that deep into chemistry to really know.. but everyone agrees they don't hurt you. I always feel a bit more energized with a daily multi.

I have been looking more into brand quality to be honest and how not all Fish Oil is the same. I'm thinking of grabbing Nordic Naturals+ Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil. Pricey, but people rave about it.

Fish Oil is just good for everything. Heart, brain, muscles, skin.. you name it, chances are it helps.

I like taking a BCAA supplement intra-workout. Studies find that regular taking a BCAA before/during/after a workout can help recovery times and soreness. They also quench thirst and give you a bit of energy, but nothing crazy like Jack3d or NOXplode. Might want to add one of these to your repitoire. And from someone who is VERY careful what goes in my body, these are just fine. Nothing crazy. Nothing experimental..
I'd steer clear of aminos acids. They have the side effect of making you senile with delusions of being a prophet.
Originally posted by KyCatFan:

Are any of you taking anything while trying to lose weight/build up muscle?
Jack3d FTMFW. Don't let the Black Box warning scare you off -- if you want ultra-intense, muscle-gorging strength, energy, power and endurance then use this stuff. Period.

The only people not on it are pussies who don't wanna gain brah.
MTS Whey Protein (Mint Cookies and Cream). Best tasting protein powder I have ever had.


Fish Oil

Assault (pre-workout)
I take Resveratrol, Aged garlic oil, Biotin (skin and hair), Natberry, and Tong Kat Ali.
-Take a men's multi-vitamin.......try to stay away from a lot of multi-vitamins at places like GNC. Average Joe does not need a multivitamin that has %5000 of their daily alotted iron.

-If you spend at least 20 minutes outside every day......or every other day.....then you don't need Vitamin D supplements.

-Skip the fish oil supplements and have a piece of fish or 2 or 3 per wk. You get the benefits w/o burping up fish and bad breath all day.

-For the Average Joe, a good Whey Protein Shake is a decent option to help build muscle.
Originally posted by BlueRaider22:

-Take a men's multi-vitamin.......try to stay away from a lot of multi-vitamins at places like GNC. Average Joe does not need a multivitamin that has %5000 of their daily alotted iron.

-If you spend at least 20 minutes outside every day......or every other day.....then you don't need Vitamin D supplements.

-Skip the fish oil supplements and have a piece of fish or 2 or 3 per wk. You get the benefits w/o burping up fish and bad breath all day.

-For the Average Joe, a good Whey Protein Shake is a decent option to help build muscle.
Studies show that anywhere from 75 to 85% of the US Population is Vitamin D deficient. While being out in the sun can correct this, I think you need more than 20 minutes a day..

Also difficult for those in the northern states to get outside or even expose their body to sunlight. I think we've had a total of 10 hours above freezing the entire month of February.

Am I the only one who has NEVER had issues with burping and bad breath from Fish Oil? I've had like 4 different brands, too. Are people just being kind and not telling me my breath smells like anus?
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Are people just being kind and not telling me my breath smells like fish anus?

I never really have either, especially if I keep the capsules refrigerated and take them with food.
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:

Originally posted by BlueRaider22:

-Take a men's multi-vitamin.......try to stay away from a lot of multi-vitamins at places like GNC. Average Joe does not need a multivitamin that has %5000 of their daily alotted iron.

-If you spend at least 20 minutes outside every day......or every other day.....then you don't need Vitamin D supplements.

-Skip the fish oil supplements and have a piece of fish or 2 or 3 per wk. You get the benefits w/o burping up fish and bad breath all day.

-For the Average Joe, a good Whey Protein Shake is a decent option to help build muscle.
Studies show that anywhere from 75 to 85% of the US Population is Vitamin D deficient. While being out in the sun can correct this, I think you need more than 20 minutes a day..

Also difficult for those in the northern states to get outside or even expose their body to sunlight. I think we've had a total of 10 hours above freezing the entire month of February.

Am I the only one who has NEVER had issues with burping and bad breath from Fish Oil? I've had like 4 different brands, too. Are people just being kind and not telling me my breath smells like anus?
a) Studies show that 90% of the population will believe whatever any study says on any given topic.
By the way.....ever notice how multivitamins usually only provide about 20-50% of daily Vit D?'s because it's in a ton of food that we eat and they expect us to get in the sunlight for 20-30' day.

b) Window......just saying.....or get a UV light for your seasonal "defective" disorder

c) Even though I said above that I eat fish, I also take a FO supplement. I've been through several brands as well. As long as I take just 1 or 2 with food I'm ok. But many of the brands out there say to take up to 5-10 per day......seriously.....I've tried to take 3 or 4 in a day a time or two.......I ain't doing it again.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Are people just being kind and not telling me my breath smells like fish anus?

I never really have either, especially if I keep the capsules refrigerated and take them with food.
Ha. Yeah weird. I may start taking the liquid form. I imagine that really won't taste and smell well, but then again I don't care about the people around me.. just want to lube the system, ya know?
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
- Multi-Vitamin every day. Centrum Silver, cause I'm an old fart.
- Protein bar every day at lunch and protein shake right after lifting.
- Creatine.
WCO...I am a 64 year and take CS each day along with a Cinnamon tablet...Question ...What is your wt training routine?..
Even if it were warm enough in Kentucky winter for people to spend significant time outside, the low angle of the sun there in winter means that there is not sufficient magnitude of UV radiation for the skin to produce vitamin D.

In the summer there, sure, it's high in the sky and only 10-20 minutes of sun exposure is enough (assuming sunscreen not applied, sufficient skin exposed, and mid-day sun).

But in the winter months, anyone north of around Atlanta, or maybe even Jacksonville FL, needs to get vit D from food or supplementation.
Originally posted by sluggercatfan:
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
- Multi-Vitamin every day. Centrum Silver, cause I'm an old fart.
- Protein bar every day at lunch and protein shake right after lifting.
- Creatine.
WCO...I am a 64 year and take CS each day along with a Cinnamon tablet...Question ...What is your wt training routine?..

I'm 55. In my living room with two 20 lb dumbbells. Three days a week I do these. One day a week I double the sets below.

Curls - 3 sets of 30
Overhead press - 3 sets of 20.
Bench (floor) press - 3 sets of 50
Butterflies - 3 sets of 20
Scull crushers - 3 sets of 20
Pulls - 3 sets of 30
Just have a glass of orange juice every morning, then you'll be healthy as a horse like ole Norm here.
Originally posted by UK_Norm:
Just have a glass of orange juice every morning, then you'll be healthy as a horse like ole Norm here.
Not good advice. same as drinking a coke.
Most weeks during winter months, I bicycle at least 20 miles outside and walk 5. It depends mainly on the weather. For example, 2 weeks ago, I cycled 57 miles and walked 9. LOL, 7 mile hikes to Whole Foods for beer, plus other errands on foot, help in this respect. A rucksack is always on my back whether walking or riding, and I've also been using hand weights. Since I work on the 3rd floor, rather than take elevators, I climb stairs. The real key, though, is staying active.

Recently, I've been eating lots of olives, usually 6-8 per day, and have noticed positive changes in my skin texture. After battling dry skin for over 30 years, this change is most welcome.

Fish oil supplements: May check into it. Aside from bad breath, has anyone noticed adverse side effects? TIA.
Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
Most weeks during winter months, I bicycle at least 20 miles outside and walk 5. It depends mainly on the weather. For example, 2 weeks ago, I cycled 57 miles and walked 9. LOL, 7 mile hikes to Whole Foods for beer, plus other errands on foot, help in this respect. A rucksack is always on my back whether walking or riding, and I've also been using hand weights. Since I work on the 3rd floor, rather than take elevators, I climb stairs. The real key, though, is staying active.

Recently, I've been eating lots of olives, usually 6-8 per day, and have noticed positive changes in my skin texture. After battling dry skin for over 30 years, this change is most welcome.

Fish oil supplements: May check into it. Aside from bad breath, has anyone noticed adverse side effects? TIA.
Rucksack at all times... walking long distances to get beer... sure you're not a hobo?
Remember when Ephedrine was legal. If I ever needed to lose some weight I would take a cycle of Ripper Fuel and the fat would melt off. Of course, I would shake like a leaf the whole time but my workouts were intense.
Originally posted by wildcatadam6:

Originally posted by UK_Norm:
Just have a glass of orange juice every morning, then you'll be healthy as a horse like ole Norm here.
Not good advice. same as drinking a coke.
Awww c'mon man, what about Vitamin C?
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by wildcatadam6:

Originally posted by UK_Norm:
Just have a glass of orange juice every morning, then you'll be healthy as a horse like ole Norm here.
Not good advice. same as drinking a coke.
Awww c'mon man, what about Vitamin C?
Better to eat the orange...OJ is LOADED with sugar
I drink a glass of OJ every day. I'm healthy as a horse and haven't been sick in years, so actually its great advice (I also have a coke every evening so I can't absolutely deny the benefit in that, either).
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
- Multi-Vitamin every day. Centrum Silver, cause I'm an old fart.
- Protein bar every day at lunch and protein shake right after lifting.
- Creatine.
WCO...I am a 64 year and take CS each day along with a Cinnamon tablet...Question ...What is your wt training routine?..

I'm 55. In my living room with two 20 lb dumbbells. Three days a week I do these. One day a week I double the sets below.

Curls - 3 sets of 30
Overhead press - 3 sets of 20.
Bench (floor) press - 3 sets of 50
Butterflies - 3 sets of 20
Scull crushers - 3 sets of 20
Pulls - 3 sets of 30
Scull crushers...Pulls????
Originally posted by sluggercatfan:
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
- Multi-Vitamin every day. Centrum Silver, cause I'm an old fart.
- Protein bar every day at lunch and protein shake right after lifting.
- Creatine.
WCO...I am a 64 year and take CS each day along with a Cinnamon tablet...Question ...What is your wt training routine?..

I'm 55. In my living room with two 20 lb dumbbells. Three days a week I do these. One day a week I double the sets below.

Curls - 3 sets of 30
Overhead press - 3 sets of 20.
Bench (floor) press - 3 sets of 50
Butterflies - 3 sets of 20
Scull crushers - 3 sets of 20
Pulls - 3 sets of 30
Scull crushers...Pulls????

Skull Crushers = Tricep lifts. Lay flat on your back with a dumbbell in one hand. Hold arm with elbow up and forearm parallel to the floor and back over your head. Your upper arm should be vertical and your forearm horizontal. Lift the weight until your arm is straight up, keeping your elbow in same place. Drop your arm back down to 90 degrees. This isolates the tricep. When done, switch hands and do the other arm. Don't drop the weight or you might crush your skull.

Pulls...Put left hand and left knee on the edge of a coffee table or chair. Right foot on the floor and slightly back. 20 pound weight in right hand and let your arm fall straight down. Now pull the right hand upwards as far as you can, then let it back down. When done, switch sides and do the other arm. Similar motion as pull-starting a lawn mower.
Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:

Originally posted by sluggercatfan:

Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
- Multi-Vitamin every day. Centrum Silver, cause I'm an old fart.
- Protein bar every day at lunch and protein shake right after lifting.
- Creatine.
WCO...I am a 64 year and take CS each day along with a Cinnamon tablet...Question ...What is your wt training routine?..

I'm 55. In my living room with two 20 lb dumbbells. Three days a week I do these. One day a week I double the sets below.

Curls - 3 sets of 30
Overhead press - 3 sets of 20.
Bench (floor) press - 3 sets of 50
Butterflies - 3 sets of 20
Scull crushers - 3 sets of 20
Pulls - 3 sets of 30
Scull crushers...Pulls????

Skull Crushers = Tricep lifts. Lay flat on your back with a dumbbell in one hand. Hold arm with elbow up and forearm parallel to the floor and back over your head. Your upper arm should be vertical and your forearm horizontal. Lift the weight until your arm is straight up, keeping your elbow in same place. Drop your arm back down to 90 degrees. This isolates the tricep. When done, switch hands and do the other arm. Don't drop the weight or you might crush your skull.

Pulls...Put left hand and left knee on the edge of a coffee table or chair. Right foot on the floor and slightly back. 20 pound weight in right hand and let your arm fall straight down. Now pull the right hand upwards as far as you can, then let it back down. When done, switch sides and do the other arm. Similar motion as pull-starting a lawn mower.
Thank you....
Two quarter pounders w/cheese, nothing else on it, after workout. 58 grams of protein, bro. Calories and cholesterol be damned...