They were the best of the best, right? Lost to UMass in the second game (UMASS was #5), barely beat IU in the next game by 7, the next game WISC-GREENBAY we all were up in arms because it was close and ended 74-62, a couple of games later, our defense was questioned when we let MARSHALL score 99 points on us! 99!!! We beat them 118-99. We had a couple of other fairly close ones but for the most part waltzed through the SEC, but we let several teams score over 80 on us. BUT we lost the SEC tournament by 11 to MISS State. We went on to win the National Championship by 9 over Syracuse (who could forget?). My point is, not every year is going to be a team that blow every one out game after game. Take a win. Take improvement and player development and shoot for March Madness! That's all I can do to stay sane.