Anyone know


Blue Chip Prospect
Mar 19, 2003
What section UK will be sitting in when UK plays USF is Miami? I have called Ticketmaster, American Airlines Arena, and the UK ticket office of which none of them can answer. I want to sit with UK fans at the game, but I don't know which section? Can anyone help?
What section UK will be sitting in when UK plays USF is Miami? I have called Ticketmaster, American Airlines Arena, and the UK ticket office of which none of them can answer. I want to sit with UK fans at the game, but I don't know which section? Can anyone help?

CaneCat - I'd like to go to that game too. Live in P Pines, for now, and would gladly run to AAA. The Big Blue Mist is everywhere!
I have never missed a UK/UL game in basketball nor football. My confidence is so low in Fball team after giving up an average of 45 a game the last 5 games of the season that I'm spending Thanksgiving in Soith Beach and going to bball game.
Swflakat, I live in Ft. Myers.

Cool, I lived in Cape Coral for 12 years and my kids live in Naples. I was over for Father's Day visiting. I received a message from Alumni club about tickets - basically saying they have no info at this time. I'll post what they send in Sept.
What section UK will be sitting in when UK plays USF is Miami? I have called Ticketmaster, American Airlines Arena, and the UK ticket office of which none of them can answer. I want to sit with UK fans at the game, but I don't know which section? Can anyone help?
I've lived in South Florida for 25 years; UK graduate. I was so excited when I read about the game in Miami, I went on Ticketmaster and got two tickets in the middle, upper section (309 3rd row). I assumed the Blue Mist would cover the place; didn't think about the football game. Too late now. This will be my wife's first live game. She's all in as a UK fan; not from KY. We almost went to the Bahamas last year; probably will in 2016. Can't wait.