Anybody potentially interested in my season tickets?

UK Cats Rock

Nov 30, 2001
At this point, I do not know if I will be able to use my season tickets this year. My seats are in 225 and I believe the rows are 22 and 23 (I have two seats in one row and two seats directly behind those in the next row).

I am not sure if I'm getting my parking pass back due to the construction, but will know for sure in May. If I get it, I have no idea where it'll be.

Just trying to determine if anybody might be interested in them. I probably can make 2-3 games, but I can work that out with whomever purchases the season tickets if they desire.

Just drop me an email at the link below to discuss if interested.

Thanks, and Go Cats!
face value i might but im afraid it will be a month before i know how work is gonna go this fall. im guessing you wont know about parking so maybe time is doable. if nobody bites before first of june, post again and i'll definitely know by then if i'll have my weekends free this fall.
Can you guys read this? That's weird.

I responded to some emails today, so I hope you guys got them.
Originally posted by UK Cats Rock:

Ok, looks like it stopped doing that. My bad, guys.
I just read it by left clicking and running over the blackout.

I might be interested if plane tickets are included, LOL.

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