anybody know logistics on making tshirts??

Sep 9, 2009
If I have a good idea, do I have to trademark the word/phrase to protect it or can I just copyright it? And for that matter, what types of things are protectable? I know you cant use player images, but how bout coaches or other public figures? Ive actually got a variety of ideas, but at least 1 that I think would be great for the Cats this march. Anyone whos done it before and has any knowledge or guidance, id appreciate it.
There are a couple of guys on here that are like the Mark Cubans of t-shirts. Just lay out your ideas and I'm sure they'll stop by with advice.
I'm telling you. Just lay your ideas out here so that we can see that you're being on the level with us. There might be plenty of investors interested if you have a marketable item. I know my team is always looking for a good startup or ideas.
Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
Ive been smelling profits for a longtime but waiting for the right timing to implement my ideas.
Tell, you what. You get that part started. Then we can file the company as a penny stock. Dilute the shares and bleed out the investors and make out like bandits without even selling one single t-shirt.
Willy, with the right profit margin and perhaps an off-shore distribution agreement, would you be willing to throw in some coin to work with this guy? Seems legit.
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Willy, with the right profit margin and perhaps an off-shore distribution agreement, would you be willing to throw in some coin to work with this guy? Seems legit.
Absolutely man. Can you still file those 8-K's with the Stock Exchange Commission so we move this along?
I've got a few thing stuck in escrow, but I'm pretty sure I can get some capital moving. Our boy in the SEC still owes us a favor after the Aruba incident, right?
Yep. We're okay with him. Should start seeing it shape up.within in the next two weeks. Told me that reverse split on those remaining outstanding shares should cover us till the 2nd quarter.
So, OP, you can see we've got the business side of this cleared up in the monetary end. I have a copyright/trademark guy that can get it pushed through in two business days if you're ready to move. Get your LLC formed by tomorrow morning and we're printing by Wednesday afternoon. I have a distributor that can ship to stores in Nashville for the fans coming down for the tourney.

If you want me to handle the legal side, I can, but I have to feed my kids so don't try to screw me. I had one dude throw one by me one time, and it's never happened again, if you know what I mean. If you're ready to run with the big boys and cash some checks, let's hear something.
Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
Damn, can't a fella ask for some advice from fellow cats fans wout being made fun of?
Dear OP,

Well, I would imagine that whatever coach or public figure you are going to exploit by using their image to make a profit would sue you in a heartbeat for using said image without their consent. Furthermore, pretty much in any/every court of law in this fine country you should find yourself defending your case...the verdict would not be favorable. You would wind up forfeiting whatever profits you made, plus have to pay their legal fees in addition to your legal fees and possibly an additional "damages" fee for damaging their image/reputation via said exploitation if they so choose to pursue such actions. advice would be to either get their permission first (which you probably won't get) and offer them a cut of the proceeds or go back to the drawing board. Perhaps a nice pyramid scheme of some sort would be a more viable means for you to exploit others to make a profit.

Your Wildcat Friend Forever,

Thats the thing, I dont know the law on public figures. I do know you can use images of some public figures like politicians with no recourse so I dont think my question is as asinine as some of you imply...also, the word exploit is quite harsh, as my ideas are in no way intend to paint a negative picture of said public figures, rather, they intend to celebrate them...but if you happen to have coa hes #, ill get right on calling and asking his permission! Shame on me I guess, for wanting to take a creative idea that celebrates my favorite team and try to use it to better myself with it. How unamerican of me!
I have made and sold tee-shirts before. copyrighting is tricky. We avoided any illegal stuff by making shirts that were blue that said Louisville sucks and shirts that were red that said Kentucky sucks and selling them during tailgating outside the UK-Louisville football game one year. We also did the same thing for Michigan and Ohio State. Basically you can say Kentucky, but you cannot say University of Kentucky or UK or use the logo. You could not use anybodies name either. You could also use 40-0 or talk about winning number 9.
Look this was a one time offer. If you can't see that I presented you with an awesome opportunity, then .... I'm out.
Originally posted by dgtatu01:
I have made and sold tee-shirts before. copyrighting is tricky. We avoided any illegal stuff by making shirts that were blue that said Louisville sucks and shirts that were red that said Kentucky sucks and selling them during tailgating outside the UK-Louisville football game one year. We also did the same thing for Michigan and Ohio State. Basically you can say Kentucky, but you cannot say University of Kentucky or UK or use the logo. You could not use anybodies name either. You could also use 40-0 or talk about winning number 9.
Actually, pretty solid advice on this. Copyrighting something is indeed tricky. If you have a catchphrase, or saying, that you want to copyright, it has to go through MONTHS of back and forth with the Copyright office before it gets the nod from them to allow you to list it as "copyrighted". Same thing with a Trademark. Something generic can be used pretty much whenever you want, as long as you do NOT use a logo or any other copyrighted symbol. If you're gonna make about 100 T shirts and sell them, I highly doubt you're going to get into any ish with a major player, as they probably won't even want to mess with you. But, if you are going for something that might sell an ish load of items, you'd better make sure all your legal ducks are in a row.
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Look this was a one time offer. If you can't see that I presented you with an awesome opportunity, then .... I'm out.
I think you should do a royalty deal..... I've seen that work out so often.....
I made a blue t-shirt with the outline of KY (in white) and a number which happened to be the number of championships we've won.


I posted about it once in GYERO and once on my twitter account with ~100 followers.

I wasn't even trying to make money from it (that is a fool's errand) I just posted it because I thought it was pretty cool.

A couple days later, I was contacted by a team of lawyers from the "Collegiate Licensing Corporation" who wanted me to cease and desist and turn over my books so they could assess how much they should sue me for.

Besides that, your idea is not clever enough to make money - especially if you are asking how to make the shirts in the first place.
Originally posted by dgtatu01:
You could also use 40-0 or talk about winning number 9.
According to the CLC you cannot. They've beat actual t-shirt producing companies for using references to statistics in conjunction with team colors.
OP, go ahead and print those t-shirts. Don't let these guys try to scare you off with all of their legal mumbo jumbo. You just need to network with the right people. Word on the street is that there is a guy that sells t-shirts from the back of his van in the parking lot of Applebees.

The only legal mumbo jumbo you need to know is plausible deniability.
Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
I do know you can use images of some public figures like politicians with no recourse so I dont think my question is as asinine as some of you imply...

Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
...but if you happen to have coa hes #, ill get right on calling and asking his permission!
Google magically produced the following...

UK Mens Basketball Office: (859) 257-1916 {{{ Ask for Coach Cal }}}

Originally posted by How Blue Can You Get?:
...also, the word exploit is quite harsh, as my ideas are in no way intend to paint a negative picture of said public figures, rather, they intend to celebrate them...
False, again. It is not too harsh of a is the CORRECT word in this context. And you don't have to "paint a negative picture" of someone in order to exploit their fame/talents/accomplishments.





make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)

1. make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)

This post was edited on 3/9 1:03 PM by Kaizer Sosay
Well I can tell you you probably aren't going to make much money selling t-shirts. After expenses you might pocket a couple bucks a shirt so unless you think you can sell several million...
Originally posted by Joey Rupption:
I made a blue t-shirt with the outline of KY (in white) and a number which happened to be the number of championships we've won.

So did you steal that from State Traditions? Because if not, then either they were suing you, or should also be sued. I have that hat. Obviously it doesn't look like it was made on a Commodore 64, but nevertheless.

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