Anybody know any tricks to listen to Leach & Pratt?

Blue Chip Prospect
Sep 19, 2013
I grew up with my dad (RIP) turning up the radio with Cawood and muting the TV sound.

For present-day, the TV lags behind about 5 seconds (thanks Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

So, anybody know any tricks regarding how to pause online radio to catch up with TV network?

If it sounds stupid, I apologize, I'm not extremely Internet savvy. I legitimately wonder if there is a way to do this?
I have att uverse with a DVR so I can pause the tv. But if you can't do that, they say you can listen on the UK game day app and sync it through that.
iHeart radio coupled with DirecTV. Typically iHeart runs about 2 minutes behind my TV. It's a piece of cake to pause the video and let the audio catch up. It is a dream come true. I haven't listened to lame ass broadcasters like Dickie V in years.
Thanks to all the replies and info.

And, especially thanks to Billionth who has spoiled me with the replay-sync version of Leach and Pratt when I can't catch the game live.
iHeart radio coupled with DirecTV. Typically iHeart runs about 2 minutes behind my TV. It's a piece of cake to pause the video and let the audio catch up. It is a dream come true. I haven't listened to lame ass broadcasters like Dickie V in years.

Do the same with TimeWarner.