Andrew Harrison

Nov 9, 2014
Just saw on the ticker of NBATV that he signed with the Hornets also.
I'm thinking this is a misprint.
Can anyone confirm?
Hell,, why don't you read down about 7 threads on him while you're here looking like a Darwin award winner..

NBA TV was reporting that ANDREW had signed with the Hornets. I figured they mixed up the two, but came here for confirmation. Your response further supports my hypothesis of just how easy it is to get the two confused.
It isn't cool to act like a tool when somebody asks a question. OP did say "also", so I'm sure he know about Aaron signing with the Hornets.
No way,, that's fighting words.. I'm just an alcoholic..

Here's one for you fuzzy!

Harrisons seem like a perfect candidate for that insurance commercial featuring twin athletes..