Anarctica Glacier Melting/Arctic Sea Ice Record Low

Big Blue 1977

Oct 21, 2011



Isn't there a lost city of Amazon women under Antarctica?
Dang it, I knew I should have painted that stool with a brush instead of the spray paint. Sorry guys, all my fault.

This post was edited on 3/22 12:03 AM by trueblujr2
Why do you think the Eastern portion of North America had some of the lowest temps in history in February? The air that normally is over the Arctic shifted south. The jet stream was pushing arctic air south, and warm air north.

It normally isn't -15 degrees in KY and sustain those type of temps for weeks. When it has the few times in the past the Arctic temps were above average then as well.

The jet stream and Pacific oscillation causes it.
sounds like a good time to start scoping out beach front property that is 20 ft above sea level (well, it doesn't look like beachfront *now*)
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
Karl Marx likes climate change. He probably likes lots of graphs and charts.
That's funny, because the guy who is notorious for posting climate change graphs seems to be a staunch Republican.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
Karl Marx likes climate change. He probably likes lots of graphs and charts.
That's funny, because the guy who is notorious for posting climate change graphs seems to be a staunch Republican.

"Tolstoy was completely convinced the Gospel was true." - wkycatfan

He has a record of pulling historical bullshit out of his ass to try and make personal points. He always ends up with his foot in his mouth.
Originally posted by IdaCat:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:

That's funny, because the guy who is notorious for posting climate change graphs seems to be a staunch Republican.

"Tolstoy was completely convinced the Gospel was true." - wkycatfan

He has a record of pulling historical bullshit out of his ass to try and make personal points. He always ends up with his foot in his mouth.
"Tolstoy was a good ol' man, he jumped out the window with his d*** in his hand".
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:

Most people don't know that this was originally the last line of Anna Karenina.
Ah, so you've read the original too, huh?
So does this mean that Tolstoy didn't believe that climate change legislation isn't really about doing anything about climate change?

This post was edited on 3/23 10:12 AM by wkycatfan
Originally posted by wildcatadam6:
Will this wipe out San Francisco? If so, ill go burn a few tires to speed it up.
Me too, plus feed all my livestock pinto beans and pickled eggs so they can muck up the ozone some more.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
So does this mean that Tolstoy didn't believe that climate change legislation isn't really about doing anything about climate change?

This post was edited on 3/23 10:12 AM by wkycatfan
Hell, why not? For you, historical figures are whatever you want them to be.