Alaska legalizes cannabis


Aug 21, 2005
One state closer

We (Kentucky) will more than likely be one of the last states to legalize. It will be a good day when I can sit on my porch and hit a GB anzd wave to the neighbors.
As long as Ohio passes med/rec soon, it doesn't matter to me if KY is the 50th state to pass it.

Really haven't researched it enough to know what the chances are of Ohio getting this done in the next couple of cycles. Anyone have any insight into this? There seems to be rumblings about it, but I really have no idea what the poll numbers look like or what the prevailing sentiment is in the state.
Im about as close to Ohio as I am to Alaska.

But really, Kentucky and Tennessee are both going to be near the end. I live on the Kentucky/Tennessee line
Ohio will do it just to spite Kentucky, and take more $$$$$$$ from us.

I dread it in KY. It wont' be pretty for anybody, and you don't want government in the mj business anymore than they already are. Will just be a political and social mess because people can't handle themselves around here.
Originally posted by ThroughBlue:

We (Kentucky) will more than likely be one of the last states to legalize. It will be a good day when I can sit on my porch and hit a GB anzd wave to the neighbors.
Kentucky still hasn't comprehensively legalized alcohol yet, so I wouldn't get my hopes up. However, it would be great for the Kentucky economy. The hills of Eastern Kentucky is prime land for pot growing.
^^ We will eventually HAVE to do it. We can't be the only state prohibiting pot.

We already lose too much money to the Tennessee line on alcohol.

As much as painpills are killing the people in this state, one would think it would be a no brainer to legalize pot
If you go back through the history of the US and look at where cannabis and hemp in particular have fallen in the eyes of some people it will make you even more tired.

Hemp is a cheaper way to make clothing.
Hemp is a cheaper, more "green" way to make paper.
Hemp is an excellent source of fiber.
Yet it is illegal. ONLY because you can smoke the bud, but guess what?

Weed is a safer pain killer than the opioids we are shoving down everybody with a tooth ache's throat
Weed is safer than the 120 xanex that we are giving John Doe a month
Weed is safer than the appetite pills that we are giving these rail girls to make them eat

Yet I can go to the line and get a fifth of ciroc and soak my liver in that and get cirrhosis and die
Originally posted by Mashburned:

I dread it in KY. It wont' be pretty for anybody, and you don't want government in the mj business anymore than they already are. Will just be a political and social mess because people can't handle themselves around here.
Don't get this line of reasoning. If KY were to hesitate on everything that the state gov't will potentially mishandle then everything would be prohibited.

Legalize it, if nothing else then for the benefit of Sam Elliott and his cronies.
Anyone who is able to think rationally realizes that misinformation has been the name of the game for years. Medicinal value is there but it honestly still needs more research and examination. The benefits it provides for people in regard to pain and appetite management are indisputable, but long term health effects do need more study. Many of the commonly attributed issues referenced by opponents are a byproduct of combustion; these risks can be mitigated with edibles or utilization of vaporizers. The research going on right now pertaining to CBD and the positive effects it seems to have on those with epilepsy are fascinating and very encouraging. Just a few of several examples.

Hemp is a great resource and the cotton lobby used its relation to the smokeable cannabis plant to help get it outlawed.

There are several factors in play to end this ridiculous prohibition nationwide. Big Pharma and Big Prison will fight with everything they have to stop its reclassification to a lower schedule. That is the first real step, find someone with the clout and balls to push the feds to reclassify. That will speed up the process exponentially.

More than anything, it's about taking freedom of choice back.
Originally posted by Mashburned:
Ohio will do it just to spite Kentucky, and take more $$$$$$$ from us.

I dread it in KY. It wont' be pretty for anybody, and you don't want government in the mj business anymore than they already are. Will just be a political and social mess because people can't handle themselves around here.
I dont know about you, but I for one will be thrilled going into a store to buy my weed instead of feeling like I should be carrying a pistol every time I go to a drug dealers house.
I am very glad to see this starting to happen, like most have said Kentucky will most likely be last to legalize it.
Originally posted by JasonSpear:

Originally posted by ThroughBlue:

I dont know about you, but I for one will be thrilled going into a store to buy my weed instead of feeling like I should be carrying a pistol every time I go to a drug dealers house.
+1 hahaha

Nothing like buying weed off Craig's List.
Originally posted by argubs2:
The benefits it provides for people in regard to pain and appetite management are indisputable,
Appetite management? For me it seems to have the opposite effect, appetite mismanagement.
If Kentucky legalizes it, it will be like wet and dry counties only we'll have cool and uncool counties.

Kentucky already has some of the most lax mj laws of any state as it is. You can possess up to 8 oz and as long as it isn't broke into small quantities it is considered for personal use. Misdemeanor.

You can grow up to four plants and it's a misdemeanor.

By the way, just because it's legal places, if you have a job worth a shit where you work for someone else, you will still be subject to piss tests.
Romulan FTW.

Polar Bears gonna get in some gardens and attack with über munchies.
Who cares?

It will end up being another tax on the poor and stupid that ends up funding bigger government.

It's just pot ppl - everyone I know outgrew it before age 21...
Originally posted by Mime-Is-Money:

Originally posted by Mashburned:

I dread it in KY. It wont' be pretty for anybody, and you don't want government in the mj business anymore than they already are. Will just be a political and social mess because people can't handle themselves around here.
Don't get this line of reasoning. If KY were to hesitate on everything that the state gov't will potentially mishandle then everything would be prohibited.

Legalize it, if nothing else then for the benefit of Sam Elliott and his cronies.
Like dude up there said: KY ain't even legalized alcohol yet.

KY will be ready in like 20+ years.

They'll let Ohio do it and just police the shit out of it. War on drugs is $$$ too, but it's also fighting the Devil. Take a little while to change that mentality. Voters gonna vote.
Originally posted by UK!!!:
I am very glad to see this starting to happen, like most have said Kentucky will most likely be last to legalize it.
My friend, South Carolina will most assuredly be the LAST state to legalize it. Trust me on this. Utah will legalize before SC will. I'm thinking the feds will drag Ca'lina kicking and screaming into legal ganja.
Originally posted by GhostVol:

Originally posted by UK!!!:
I am very glad to see this starting to happen, like most have said Kentucky will most likely be last to legalize it.
My friend, South Carolina will most assuredly be the LAST state to legalize it. Trust me on this. Utah will legalize before SC will. I'm thinking the feds will drag Ca'lina kicking and screaming into legal ganja.
South Carolina might be after kentucky but NO WAY does alabama do it before any other state..we dont even have the touching lottery cuz it's the devil..
Originally posted by UK-BILL:

Who cares?

It will end up being another tax on the poor and stupid that ends up funding bigger government.

It's just pot ppl - everyone I know outgrew it before age 21...
Congrats to you and your friends for being so mature by not smoking pot
Originally posted by PhattyJ4UK:

Originally posted by GhostVol:

South Carolina might be after kentucky but NO WAY does alabama do it before any other state..we dont even have the touching lottery cuz it's the devil..
I'll admit that Alabama states its case well. the liquor stores in Alabama have to close by 7pm? If they stay open later, South Carolina retains its bid for last state for legal weed.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

By the way, just because it's legal places, if you have a job worth a shit where you work for someone else, you will still be subject to piss tests.
So because your employer forces you to submit to a piss test you have a better job than others? Ok then. Thinking back, every place that required me to take a drug test was a crap place to work. Luckily I work in an industry that doesn't hover over my personal life.
This is disgusting. I could never eat another person.
I just don't see any logical reason for it to be illegal.

This post was edited on 2/26 1:16 PM by UK!!!
If there is going to be a test done for marijuana then it should be a blood test. It is out of your blood in a few days and you aren't going to be dirty over an occasional doob for thirty days
the only legitimate concern I can see is how to test for impairment at work/while driving/etc.
Originally posted by argubs2:
They're developing a breath test for that.
Yep. My stock company Cannbix has the first MF'n patent on it too. I got 1,300 shares of it that I bought for $.07. Up to $.45 cents now. Will make a nice profit off this bastard
Originally posted by ThroughBlue:

How do you go about getting stocks in that?
I go through Optionsexpress online. Their first prototype is apparently out. Lifeloc is in the process of making one too, but Cannabix has the patent, so Lifeloc is trying a different way to test.

Gotta be careful with the penny stocks, most are BS.
I just think it is safe to assume that there will be SOMETHING along those lines that will be used by the police. The only gamble is which one. I would also assume that lifeloc is probably more expensive than the other one.
Originally posted by ThroughBlue:

Originally posted by UK-BILL:

Who cares?

It will end up being another tax on the poor and stupid that ends up funding bigger government.

It's just pot ppl - everyone I know outgrew it before age 21...
Congrats to you and your friends for being so mature by not smoking pot
well we discovered Bourbon and didnt have to puff puff pass or worry bout have a roach in our wallets anymore...

just saying pot should've always been legal - I get a better buzz off benadryl