AJ Stewart

Nov 4, 2011
I have a buddy that works at Bob Sumeral tire here in northern ky. He said AJ Stewart just started working there today. It got me thinking, did anyone ever come out and say what happened with him and BCG?
It's not one of the stores. It's the commercial tire retreading center in Erlanger. Working as general laborer I believe.
He said AJ Stewart just started working there today. It got me thinking, did anyone ever come out and say what happened with him and BCG?

I'm pretty sure it was because even though "Year Of The Cat" had one of the smoothest piano intros -- and one of the coolest overall vibes period -- in classic pop/rock history, the song just didn't make any sense overall. I mean c'mon, the chick's name is "Year Of The Cat"? WTF kind of bad acid-trip flashback bullshit is that?

Didn't AJ fall asleep during film sessions? I thought that came out while he was here.
Well now your going to have stalkers bothering him at his work. I would not like it all if people knew where I worked at and would come bothering me asking me about my former coaches and teammates.
I doubt people would stalk him. As far as asking players about the past, it seems most enjoy talking about it. You can get on twitter and ask Perry any question at all and he will give you an honest answer.
Well now your going to have stalkers bothering him at his work. I would not like it all if people knew where I worked at and would come bothering me asking me about my former coaches and teammates.

He could do like Monica Lewinsky did going on record about the whole thing.
I'm sure Tony Stewart is doing an autograph session for a grand opening or something. No way he's working at a tire barn in some nothing town. Does anyone know if he's signing for free? Not a big nascar fan but what the hell. Bada Bang.
I wish we could have saved all of those messages back then. We sucked so bad yet we had so many people trying to spin things. I also, remember some of our fans freaking out when people were saying that AJ Stewart was definitely transferring. You would have thought that you slapped their mother.

This was of course, before Calipari but still, we have some that will defend or live in a world of delusion simply because of the fanaticism. I do not miss those days in the slightest on here or watching it. Hearing guys trying to sell us and themselves on Michael Porter, Perry Stevenson, Ramon Harris, and AJ Stewart being good was nauseating.
Perry responded on Twitter....he's 'mostly in Lex'.... I doubt he's the guy mentioned here in Erlanger.
I wish we could have saved all of those messages back then. We sucked so bad yet we had so many people trying to spin things. I also, remember some of our fans freaking out when people were saying that AJ Stewart was definitely transferring. You would have thought that you slapped their mother.

This was of course, before Calipari but still, we have some that will defend or live in a world of delusion simply because of the fanaticism. I do not miss those days in the slightest on here or watching it. Hearing guys trying to sell us and themselves on Michael Porter, Perry Stevenson, Ramon Harris, and AJ Stewart being good was nauseating.

Honestly, there are always regular posters on these boards that will spin anything at any time into a "nothing to see here" situation or try and make a neutral or a negative a positive. It's just part of being a fan, but this still happens regularly around here. We don't have to suck for Rafters to spin.
From my recollection it was Perry made to eat pop tarts, Jorts put in the bathroom stall at halftime & Darius being berated & told to get off the bus & walk until teammates & an assistant entervened
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