Q. You mentioned some of the highlights of the past school year. Obviously the league had some black eyes during that same time, whether it was the Louisville basketball scandal and what they were willing to do to get recruits or the ongoing North Carolina academic saga or WikiLeaks showed what people in this league are willing to stoop to to try to win a football game. How do you deal with the challenges as a commissioner of trying to maintain the pursuit of athletic success but without it coming at a cost to the league's reputation?
JOHN SWOFFORD: Well, I think you do several things. The first thing you do is consistently and constantly talk about the importance of the balance of academics, athletics and integrity. Those are the foundation blocks of this league. They have been for many, many years. That hasn't changed, and when any of us fall short in regard to that, then it's a disappointment, without question.
The other thing we do is once these things come to some type of culmination, the school that has had the problem comes before the other 14 schools and, in essence, gives a session on what happened and what they're doing to correct it, and that's really based on learning something from it and other schools learning how to avoid it. Most of the time, without getting into particular sessions, it's not an entire institution.
It gets perceived, I guess, as an entire institution, when most of the time it's a few people that made some bad decisions.
So those are the things I think you do as a conference. As I've said before, you know, I like to -- I don't want any of those things on our plate. That's -- and historically, we haven't had many in this league, relatively speaking and historically. But we've had some, from the very beginning, because it's -- intercollegiate athletics is a passionate world. It's a world that plays out very publicly. It's a world with more and more pressure to win, and there are human beings that are in all of these roles, and unfortunately us human beings made mistakes sometimes. Sometimes they're little ones; sometimes they're big ones. It would be nice not to have any of those.
I like to get them over with as quickly as possible, but in my role, we really don't have much impact on that. But I always feel like the better approach is to find out what happened, address it, correct it, and as quickly as you can through the process, put it behind you and move on. Sometimes that's hard to do in today's processes, but the best day for any league is when you don't have any of that. So hopefully those will be put to rest and no others coming forward in the near future.