A crazy UK championship statistic


Jan 28, 2010
So, the 2016 election is around the corner and I was thinking about all 8 UK titles. All of them except 1, 1958 all happened when there was a democrat in office. I must ask, would you sacrifice having another democrat in office if it lead to UK winning another title or two based on history?
So, the 2016 election is around the corner and I was thinking about all 8 UK titles. All of them except 1, 1958 all happened when there was a democrat in office. I must ask, would you sacrifice having another democrat in office if it lead to UK winning another title or two based on history?

You are an absolute idiot. Keep your political BS to yourself.
I think we should do away with parties all together. Everyone should be judged on what they stand for and not have to toe the democrat or republican party line.
There are a few things more important than Ky basketball and the good of our nation is one of them.
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Thank you, it was in good fun way to make yourself look like a moron by being the only one to not get it. I didn't say anything about who to vote for. I just stated something I thought was odd.
If a magical genie appeared tomorrow and said you have to make a choice that will affect all of humanity:

Put Hillary in office, and UK is guaranteed to win the next national championship...

Assuming we're pretending this could actually happen...the answer is yes.

I'll assume the democratic candidate may win it regardless.
I'll also assume that my vote has never really mattered or gotten me anything in the past. So, this one chance to cash in? For the whole (big blue) nation?

But honestly, I always lean to the law of averages. It's probably due time that UK wins with a Republican in office.
BIG NO Our Country should always come first. If you said four years in a row, my answer NO.
Man I would let an independent be in office for 8 years if U.K. won 1 championship guaranteed in that span
The 58 team liked Ike.

That is crazy all the other ones have come while a Dem. was in office. Truman was around for three of them, Jimmy Carter for one, Clinton for two and Barry Obama for the latest. Of course, some "UK fans" on here will tell you UK has massively failed during Obama's administration and probably blame Obama for UK not having 3-4 titles in Cal's tenure.
Sure, if you could guarantee it. It's been a while since it really mattered who the president was.
So, the 2016 election is around the corner and I was thinking about all 8 UK titles. All of them except 1, 1958 all happened when there was a democrat in office. I must ask, would you sacrifice having another democrat in office if it lead to UK winning another title or two based on history?
Unless some strange occurence happens - in April of 2016 we will have a democrat President. It's 2017 when the next president takes office.

Go Big Blue!
The 58 team liked Ike.

That is crazy all the other ones have come while a Dem. was in office. Truman was around for three of them, Jimmy Carter for one, Clinton for two and Barry Obama for the latest. Of course, some "UK fans" on here will tell you UK has massively failed during Obama's administration and probably blame Obama for UK not having 3-4 titles in Cal's tenure.
Absolutely agree it's Obama's fault we don't have 3 more titles!

Go Big Blue!
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So, the 2016 election is around the corner and I was thinking about all 8 UK titles. All of them except 1, 1958 all happened when there was a democrat in office. I must ask, would you sacrifice having another democrat in office if it lead to UK winning another title or two based on history?
The short answer is yes,
Begin Rant... Because IMO neither party much cares about the common citizen. Both Dem's and Rep's are much too concerned with pleasing their corporate masters. WE just trade different special interest sponsors depending on who's in power. So if I can get a title or two even if it's another Dem ( I pray not Hillary) I'll take it.
Endeth rant.

Go Cats!
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Republican and Democrat are useless labels today.

They are all the same, I don't care what label you put on them.
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You're an idiot if you think anything is changing, pub or dem in the Oval office.

So, hell... might as well stick a fascist in there and see what kind of luck that gives our boys.
call me crazy, but i think if the donald gets in uk will go on a unprecedented nat'l championship win streak. also saw a cat out back trying to climb a tree backwards. not sure what that signifies though.
I'd be happy with a Martian in the White House if we clicked off #9.

(Anyone else remember the HL's Martian comment in 1985 Villanova vs Georgetown?)
call me crazy, but i think if the donald gets in uk will go on a unprecedented nat'l championship win streak. also saw a cat out back trying to climb a tree backwards. not sure what that signifies though.
If the Donald gets elected, it won't matter, because we'll all shoot ourselves in the face.
you had better hope that "trend" is not absolute because we probably won't have another Dem President for 20 more years....