9 people charged with murder for this brawl in Georgia

The actual names of those charged, from the CNN article:

Evette Lashawn
Demetrius Lamont

Clearly, Todd is not such a bad name after all.
came here to post that [laughing]

when i was reading the news blurb, the list of names just kept getting better and better. I was like "well, those are just the girls' names. Surely the guys' names will be less unusual." Wrong.
A'Lexus is the greatest name I have ever heard.

By the way, the dudes in that fight are pretty bad ass when you think about it. They pulled out knives and bats and then just went at it.
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Disgusting. Who in the **** are these animals? And who videos that? They deserve all they get.
This is why I am Pro Abortion, what animals, the sad thing is this is not unusual for that culture.
And I like that they're charging all those people with murder. That way people will hopefully think twice about joining in a random stupid fight now that they don't have to actually be the murderer to get charged with it.
So I could not tell hardly anything that was going on. Saw a guy get hit with a baseball bat and someone grab their throat and run. So much stuff was going on.

That place seemed like a nice neighborhood.
So I could not tell hardly anything that was going on. Saw a guy get hit with a baseball bat and someone grab their throat and run. So much stuff was going on.

That place seemed like a nice neighborhood.

I think the kid that runs holding his throat towards the end of the video got stabbed in the neck about 20 seconds earlier (you can see it on video during the car choas) and is the one that died 2 days later.
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too disturbing. too much sadness. regret watching.

Didn't watch, thankfully... read enough about the story in several places to know to avoid it. But the entire situation is just disgusting, and follows on the heels of countless videos where people just observe violence and do absolutely nothing to stop it. I hate when you see those videos of kids fighting and no adult steps in... rips me up, because you know the kids involved are usually terrified and miserable.
What really sucked is all the parents in that neighborhood were at work when it was going on and couldnt stop it.

Bunch of pathetic, trash losers. Hope they all die. The world will be a better place if none of them can procreate.
"Oh guuuuuuurrrrrrllllll dat's a beautiful name fo da baby. What Sha'quan mom and nem thank?"
Alot of black people will combine the names of dad/moms side which is why they have some unusual names. It's a tradition of theres.

Also, just a sad indictment of where society is taking us. Mob rule wins the day. And people just stand around watching/filming it. Reminds me of the old Seinfeld episode where they got locked up for not helping someone.I'd be all for that.
Need to build those children a place to play. You can't expect kids to be outside with all that energy and not have anything positive to channel it towards. It takes a village to raise a child.
A'Lexus is the greatest name I have ever heard.

By the way, the dudes in that fight are pretty bad ass when you think about it. They pulled out knives and bats and then just went at it.
Just wait till her cousins A'Benz and A'Bentley find out about this.
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A'Lexus, well we know where one of them was conceived. I am guessing it was like a 04-05 model, doubt it was a newer model year. Rims and stereo was worth more than The'Lexus. "Oh baby, you knocked me up in a Lexus you owned, let's name her A'Lexus, Your'Lexus doesn't sound right.

Good thing it was not a Pinto or Gremlin dude owned.
If you like this, just spend an hour or so on LiveLeak. You'll see just how crazy a lot of people in this world really are. No holds barred videos.
One of my guilty pleasures is watching cat fights and random cafeteria brawls. @ItsFightVideos is one of the best things @BoringJabariParker ever revealed to the world.