720p HD Replay of Kentucky vs. Louisville

Oct 31, 2007

Hi folks, a "quick" replay of the Kentucky vs. Louisville game is ready to watch at the link below. A commercial free replay is being worked on, but won't be ready until late tonight (due to the football game), followed by a Headrick & Pratt radio sync replay either in the middle of the night or sometime tomorrow.

Darn! Still not up. I had it on at work today in the background listening to it but couldn’t watch it. Hoping to watch it after the kids fell asleep...

Guess I’m staying up tomorrow night too!

Thanks Billionth for all the effort put in to keeping us crazies happy!
You've let us all down man. I'm never talking with you again.

But I'll watch it when/if it posts...
Funny how YouTube left the UCLA game up but of course they're going take down our beat down on Louisville lol
Alright, it has been reuploaded to a new video host (but it seems kinda slow--might just be my connection with the site). I did also provide a download link though that should be pretty fast and is good quality (you'll need a video player for it, such as VLC or MPC-HC).


Funny how YouTube left the UCLA game up but of course they're going take down our beat down on Louisville lol
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. They are both CBS games, and it seems like CBS has been a lot stricter about people uploading their games to YouTube during the past year or two... so no idea why they didn't touch the UCLA game. Oh well, I'm glad they didn't--less work for me. :p
Alright, it has been reuploaded to a new video host (but it seems kinda slow--might just be my connection with the site). I did also provide a download link though that should be pretty fast and is good quality (you'll need a video player for it, such as VLC or MPC-HC).


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. They are both CBS games, and it seems like CBS has been a lot stricter about people uploading their games to YouTube during the past year or two... so no idea why they didn't touch the UCLA game. Oh well, I'm glad they didn't--less work for me. :p

They got super strict with the NCAA Games when I streamed them last season...Never had an issue with the football games nor regular season games when it came to streaming the NCAA tourney. The minute I'd start it about 5 mins in the kill they stream. I'll occasionally have network issues on Youtube with buffering like yesterday, but it usually works itself out.
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I did but it was a major pain the ass. But am grateful Billionth got something up we could see.
If someone knows of a better video hosting service that supports 2-3GB files and works fast, let me know and I can give it a shot.
did some and research any thing reliable and can handle a lot of traffic plus file size... is going to be quite expensive per month.

The one option that's possible is download megasync application to your pc and choose the stream option from settings. However where it can be a bit laggy at times wont be worth it
did some and research any thing reliable and can handle a lot of traffic plus file size... is going to be quite expensive per month.

The one option that's possible is download megasync application to your pc and choose the stream option from settings. However where it can be a bit laggy at times wont be worth it

I tried downloading that app. Didn't work for me. But i know other people are smarder than me. So I'm sure they got it working just fine
It was very jerky video a couple hours ago. Streaming perfectly now.

Probably takes a little more time encoding and on a new site it's not going to be as reliable as a Youtube video. Sometimes on sites like that, it is better off if you just pause it and walk away for about 10-15 mins so video has time to catch up with your connection as it plays
I tried downloading that app. Didn't work for me. But i know other people are smarder than me. So I'm sure they got it working just fine

Ummy Video Downloader is a Chrome browser extension (not sure if it works on firefox) if you can get the video to play click on that extension and you can download it