I'll try to look into some of the few remaining ad alternatives out there to see if there are better options... but it has become very frustrating, because like I mentioned I have tried 7-8 different ad companies and I've had complaints from people about them all except for when I used Google Ads; which banned my site from using their ads prior to this season starting. With the traffic that BBN sends to my site on game days, I've had to upgrade the web hosting multiple times to more expensive packages to avoid the site getting shut down due to too much traffic/resources/bandwidth usage, so I've gotta pay for the bills on it somehow.
I do get the occasional PayPal donations, which really help out and I am very grateful for them, but those donations haven't been enough to justify the cost and time it takes to run the site; so that's why I have to rely on ads for everything to work out. I really wish Google Ads would still be a viable method because they were great in terms of non-intrusive ads and their revenues, but Google claimed the site was too focused on video content only and said I could never sign up with another account with them again... so it was probably more because of the nature of it being copyrighted content and whatnot.
The pop-ups that claim viruses, malware, etc. are all fake. They've been around on the Internet since it was invented, so I dunno why people think they are legit. All you have to do is ignore and close them. I'm an IT guy that has worked in the industry for several years and I've never heard of anyone actually getting viruses/malware from them unless you actually click on the pop-ups to download/install something from them, which would be a very dumb thing to do. Of course you could always use an ad blocker, but I'd prefer people not to as that's taking away potential revenue being made on the site.
Like I said though, I'll keep looking around at other ad companies, so hang in there for now.