4 free tickets for the South Carolina game Saturday night for a family


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004
Murfreesboro , TN
We have four extra tickets to the game Saturday night. They are 6 rows up in the upper deck. It’s a set we bought for UK fans who want to come to the game and support the Cats.

Something came up with the family that got these earlier in the year.

If you will show up and use them drop your email and I will send them to ya.
I would really really enjoy. Me my wife and daughter would love to go to a game but due to the financials can’t really afford it.
Would like to go before it gets too cold out.
We have been to games and would love to go, but it looks like there are those that haven't yet been that we will defer to. If no one claims by Friday afternoon, please contact me.