30 for 30 on the Miracle on Ice from Russian perspective.....


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004
Anybody see this? Fascinating. They had interviews with many of the Russians, not only players but officials, journalists,etc. Also had the Russian tv broadcastt of the game. The soviet announcers were about as biased as any I have ever seen broadcastt any sporting event ,ever. I mean, weta.k about homer announcers, but this was awhile different level. I think the announcers were more shocked than even the players. Needless to say there was no " do you believe in miracles" on their broadcast. They literally signed off the air in a monotone 5 seconds after the horn sounded . Most of the Russians seemed like decent guys who rally didn't like the Red Army system . A couple were still bitter, but most have now come to give the USA team credit and appreciate the magnitude of the upset. After all this was a team that the year before had beaten an NHL all star team that had 20 future hall of famers 6-0
Great show. It made the Russian players look like actual human beings. At the time, many of us viewed all russians the same way we look at muslim terrorists. Watching the show, I felt sympathy for the players; having been lied to and taken advantage of. One of the best 30/30's I've seen.
I was surfing around and saw this was on. Really enjoyed it, was a great perspective to view.
I will definitely look for it. Read an article years ago about the Russian team and supposedly the only thing the Soviet coach did in the locker room after the game was stand in front of his team and scream "You are shit, shit, SHIT!!!" I am sure that made them all feel better.
The longer time goes on, the more the achievement of winning that game is appreciated. Forget the political climate and the foreign policy aspect of the matchup at the time, that game was a total mismatch on paper.

Agreed on the depiction of the Russian guys, especially Slava Fetisov (the guy they follow to Lake Placid w/ his daughter)...everyone remembers the winners, but its good to see the POV of the other side. He ended up doing ok, becoming the first Soviet to play in the NHL.
I just saw where all of the surviving members of the team were reunited yesterday for the first time since the game. I think they had a few others but this was the only time everyone has made it.


One of the interesting quotes from it I thought was when they said it actually ended up working out for Tikanov because he got rid of all the old timers. That and they had a bunch of champagne celebrating the figure skating gold medal they won the night before. I don't think it will ever be a bigger upset. The Russians sure were a bunch of good hockey players for being "soldiers."
One of my favorite ones I've watched. Very good. I felt bad for the Soviet players for how they were treated during their time as players. I was watching a video about the USA team earlier and one of the guys said it was interesting because that team was unlike any other team. After the games, the team was no more. There was no next year. That team has never been together where every single member was there since the games. Today was the first time all living members were there. I've just always thought that was interesting.