2044 - "Whites" become a minority...then what happens?


Gold Member
Mar 26, 2007
I think I will live that long. It will be interesting to see what the national dialoge is at that time. Is it business as usual? Will affirmative action then apply to "whites"? Will the predominate race seek "revenge and retribution" for years gone by?

Fast forward to 2044....what does the United States look like?
This post was edited on 3/23 3:48 PM by LeTude
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Globally aren't whites already a minority?
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Hopefully by then the divisive social stereotypes will be mostly in the rear-view mirror and we can think of ourselves as one people rather than "them against us".
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

How the hell would whites be a minority in 30 years? We're like 70% of the damn population. Sounds like a completely made up statistic to make old white people paranoid that eskimos will enslave them or some other such stupidity. The top 1% of this country already holds all the power anyway, so the minority is already in control, so I fail to see what you think is going to change - other than more good restaurant options.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Just because whites might drop under 50% does not make it a minority. If one group is still statistically bigger than each other group, then how would that equate to the biggest one being a minority? I hate when people use statistics to make up bullshit. I just read a link saying whites would be a minority when compared to all of the other minorities combined.

As my avatar reads .... That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

(Sorry for rambling above. I run on when I'm trying to type on a phone)
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

So whites are only a minority if you combine all other ethnicities into a single group?

Makes sense

Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Jesus who gives a shit. Is my credit score going to immediately drop on 1/1/2044?
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

That future Univision IPO just got a hell of a lot more sexy!!!

Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Guess I will need to avoid all neighborhoods starting in 2044 since we will all be minorities.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

silly fun with statistics! What is most funny, is that people who are now considered "white" a century ago were white. they were dirty mic Irish....or greasy Italians....or smelly Germans.

So the reality will be some current "minority" group or group not considered "white" will have moved up enough in the societal ladder to where they too will be "white".
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

When can I get "My Dolla"?
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by JHB4UK:
silly fun with statistics! What is most funny, is that people who are now considered "white" a century ago were white. they were dirty mic Irish....or greasy Italians....or smelly Germans.

So the reality will be some current "minority" group or group not considered "white" will have moved up enough in the societal ladder to where they too will be "white".
im betting on the hispanics...they weren't a separate race by anyones count until the nixon administration. and they love them some jesus, work, and family.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

What happens??? Helter Skelter baby, that's what.

Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by LordEgg:

Originally posted by JHB4UK:
silly fun with statistics! What is most funny, is that people who are now considered "white" a century ago were white. they were dirty mic Irish....or greasy Italians....or smelly Germans.

So the reality will be some current "minority" group or group not considered "white" will have moved up enough in the societal ladder to where they too will be "white".
im betting on the hispanics...they weren't a separate race by anyones count until the nixon administration. and they love them some jesus, work, and family.
And burritos.
I'm sure that only refers to "non-hispanic white." At least as things are recorded now, Hispanic origin is treated separately from race. By 2044 you'll have a lot more Spanish language influence, more bilingualism, but also a whooooole lot of people of Hispanic origin who are 3rd or 4th generation English speaking 'murcans.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by Ron Mehico:
Sounds like a completely made up statistic to make old white people paranoid that eskimos will enslave them or some other such stupidity. The top 1% of this country already holds all the power anyway, so the minority is already in control, so I fail to see what you think is going to change - other than more good restaurant options.
It's just a nice diversion. "I'm being cheated by a conspiracy of the dang messcans!" The guys picking up garbage along the interstate are the ones you need to keep an eye on!
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

What do you think Obama's whole immigration policy is about. It's not about trying to help the poor Mexican Nationals that just want to work and make America a better place. It's about trying de-white America. He like most African Americans believe whites are the great white devils. Decades of oppression breeds hate.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by BigSexyCat:
What do you think Obama's whole immigration policy is about. It's not about trying to help the poor Mexican Nationals that just want to work and make America a better place. It's about trying de-white America. He like most African Americans believe whites are the great white devils. Decades of oppression breeds hate.
You shouldn't fret it. More and more young white girls are gonna have a black baby daddy. We're all going to be the same in a few generations. It'll all work out.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

FYIW a majority by definition means more than 50%. If the percentage of Whites falls below 50% but is still the largest demographic group that would a plurality. There would be no majority.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Cannot wait, imo. This country is so honkified and embarrassing smh.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
FYIW a majority by definition means more than 50%. If the percentage of Whites falls below 50% but is still the largest demographic group that would a plurality. There would be no majority.
If there is no majority, then there is no minority, correct?
So does this mean there will be more athletic basketball players in 2044?
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by From-the-stands:

Originally posted by BigSexyCat:
What do you think Obama's whole immigration policy is about. It's not about trying to help the poor Mexican Nationals that just want to work and make America a better place. It's about trying de-white America. He like most African Americans believe whites are the great white devils. Decades of oppression breeds hate.
You shouldn't fret it. More and more young white girls are gonna have a black baby daddy. We're all going to be the same in a few generations. It'll all work out.
I think you're on to something. According to National Geographic:


The Changing Face of America
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by BigSexyCat:
What do you think Obama's whole immigration policy is about. It's not about trying to help the poor Mexican Nationals that just want to work and make America a better place. It's about trying de-white America. He like most African Americans believe whites are the great white devils. Decades of oppression breeds hate.
This started way before Obama, with the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, promoted by good old Ted Kennedy. The Act gave a preference to third-world immigrants over Europeans, and that just counts the legal ones.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Just because whites might drop under 50% does not make it a minority. If one group is still statistically bigger than each other group, then how would that equate to the biggest one being a minority? I hate when people use statistics to make up bullshit. I just read a link saying whites would be a minority when compared to all of the other minorities combined.

As my avatar reads .... That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

(Sorry for rambling above. I run on when I'm trying to type on a phone)
In many states, you will see whites be the minority sooner than later. Althoughthat sure as hell won't be the case in Kentucky.

In my County, whites are a minority. However, whites are still the largest ethnic group, with asians being second, and blacks and hispanics representing the smallest groups. The old white power structure stills control everything however.

I believe this will mean doom for the GOP. They make giant strides everyday it seems to piss off non-whites and the poor.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Whites are already a minority. Everyone else has their hand's in a white mans pocket. Gimme gimme gimme. You owe me.

This post was edited on 3/23 10:07 PM by rodgerblue
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by funKYcat75:

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
FYIW a majority by definition means more than 50%. If the percentage of Whites falls below 50% but is still the largest demographic group that would a plurality. There would be no majority.
If there is no majority, then there is no minority, correct?
Great question funKY, you got me diggin for the answer - here's what Wiki says:

the term minority refers to a power in a society. The differentiation can be based on one or more observable human characteristics. . .

My conclusion is, if there is no majority class than there is no minority class either.

This post was edited on 3/23 10:15 PM by Deeeefense
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by buster3.0:

I believe this will mean doom for the GOP. They make giant strides everyday it seems to piss off non-whites and the poor.
It's all about abortion. If the GOP addresses gender equality they might sway white women back to their side. Until then they can forget about the White House. And eventually they will lose mid term elections and control of Congress.
Re: 2044 - "Whites"become a miority...then what happens?

Originally posted by From-the-stands:

Originally posted by BigSexyCat:
What do you think Obama's whole immigration policy is about. It's not about trying to help the poor Mexican Nationals that just want to work and make America a better place. It's about trying de-white America. He like most African Americans believe whites are the great white devils. Decades of oppression breeds hate.
You shouldn't fret it. More and more young white girls are gonna have a black baby daddy. We're all going to be the same in a few generations. It'll all work out.
Not if the Ferguson PD and Zimmerman take care of it first.

They set the blueprint. Get them to assemble, and then blame whatever happens next on Muslims or Ben Richards.
Originally posted by -LEK-:

Originally posted by thabigbluenation:
i will be signing up for my free obama phone and obama check
Was wondering when the first racist/bigot would chime in.
a bigot pretends to not be who he/she really is. if what i said wasn't a product of reality, then it wouldn't have been understood what i was aiming for. and you apparently understood it loud and clear.

besides, i was just getting in before the lock.
It's crazy the rate of births from Hispanics compared to whites.

This goes to every group but welcoming everyone into this country illegally especially from third world countries is like a dog welcoming fleas. What do you think is going to happen to this place? It will be turned into a dump. I'm all for people wanting to better their lives but go about it legally so you don't drain the resources and actually put into the pot like everyone else as well as learn to adapt to America customs instead of expecting everyone to adapt to you. You can see how that's working out in the UK.