People need to stop obsessing over height. Yes you need bigs and yes you need height, but acting like we NEED five or six guys 6-8 or over is a little bit nuts. Cal traditionally only plays 7 or 8 guys, last season was an anomaly, so you're only going to see 3 or 4 bigs get the majority of the minutes in the post anyway.
Look at our 2002-2003 team for example. It was the most dominating team in college basketball that year by the end of the season and one of the most dominating teams in the last 15 years not to win a title. We steamrolled nearly everyone we played (from conference play and on) and looked to be well on our way to winning the National Championship. That team played only 3 people 6-8 or taller (Marquis Estill - 6'9", Jules Camara - 6-11", and Erik Daniels - 6-8"). The starting lineup for that team was 6-1 (Hawkins), 6-3 (Fitch), 6-5 (Bogans), 6-6 (Hayes), and 6-9 (Estill). That team was deep of course (bringing Daniels, Camara, Azubuike, and Barbour off the bench), but the starting five saw the vast majority of the minutes.
Or better yet, let's look at our 2010-2011 lineup. That team went to a Final Four with nothing more than a couple good guards and a good forward (all three frosh), and three role guys making big plays and exactly 3 bigs (Jones, Harrellson, and Vargas). 2015-2016's team is already more talented than that team was (minus Kanter of course).
Currently, with no more additions, we're looking at starting 5-9 (Ulis), 6-3.5 (Briscoe), 6-6 (Matthews), 6-8 (Poythress), and 7-0 (Labiessiere). We will still bring two 6-8/6-9 guys off the bench in Willis and Lee. I still believe we will add Mulder and Murray and possibly Diallo. This team has the potential to be amazing, but people acting like our current roster is inadequate is insane.