Your interest in sports


Mar 2, 2009
Central Indy
The NBA AS Game thread got me thinking. I've seen a lot of posts from folks talking about losing their interest in sports lately. So, my question is, what's the 'why'? Is it the quality of completion? The athletes themselves? Politics? Social media? What is driving people to lose interest in these sports that used to be a main form of entertainment and joy?

For me, I think it's a combination. I'm older and have less time to waste on sports. Add that to social media has exposed the worst of a lot of these stars. Their character and whatever uneducated, outspoken and out of touch politics is hard to stomach. I also think the lack of investment in the pros to a city and fanbase that makes people not willing to invest in them either. As a Kentucky fan, we all know it's pointless to get an emotional investment of these guys anymore.

I find myself getting more interested in non-NASCSR racing these days. Living in Indy, I keep an eye on Indy Car, but becoming more interested in it, and F1, these days.
I still watch sports. The NBA is fun to watch you just have to find the correct teams to watch. The kings, thunder, and cavs are really fun to watch. Also really love watching soccer for anybody here who likes soccer, the premier league is great. Let’s hope Arsenal doesn’t choke the league. But yeah I don’t get how people can not have interest anymore. When Kentucky loses I don’t watch college basketball for a day or two because I know they will trash Kentucky and I don’t wanna listen to it
I used to be a die hard:

UK sports fan
Reds fan
Red wings

Now, I’d say I’m only a die hard UK fan. And even that is less than it was a few years ago.

I have a job, wife, 5 kids. I coach and officiate basketball and football. I even doordash and deliver groceries sometimes. Making extra cash has recently become more important to me.

Life in general is just busy.
Kentucky basketball and football are pretty much it for me. I was a Bengals fan but they have trained me to expect misery and so I checked out on them. In my book it’s self preservation. I used to live and die with every win or loss. Now it’s just not as important.
I'm in my mid 30s with a 4.5 year old. I don't have the time to dedicate to watching sports all day on Saturday and Sunday and on weekday evenings anymore like I did n my 20s.

I love talking to you guys on here as part of the hobby but I work remote so I can do that during work breaks and during work day.

I'm a cardinals fan in baseball but season is so long and they aren't a true WS contender at present to me, I started liking lakers n early 90s with van exel and Eddie John's but lebron is such a douche that even with AD on the team I'm not interested much anymore. The Titans were so predictable and you knew when tannehill got hurt they were probably going to lose out and even if they made playoffs one and done. I'm college football and college bball more than anything still but even those are limited to UK games mostly. I'll watch a big time sec football game once in a while though and of course playoffs and March madness some. I don't care as much about March when UK isn't in or good though.

Long post to say I'm older and priorities change. So much more fun stuff to do in life than sit on the couch and watch sports. For those that go in person I get it more but I can't afford that and only team close enough to go in person a decent amount is titans anyways. And I hate driving in Nashville so eff that and again, I'm poor. Maybe when my son is older I'll take him some.
The state of KY refuses to get on board to try their hardest to get a professional team here and investment in a franchise that's not necessarily "local" can be a pain since you may not see every game unless you buy a sports package. Plus, in many cases it's just not feasible to follow teams in every sport. As Emarc simply said, life gets in the way. Many games are longer now while there's dozens of other distractions at home to occupy one's time.

And let's tackle one aspect in a civil, adult manner: I do get the politics angle and understand why that's turned some off. However, you can turn that off in general pretty easily. You don't have to go to an athletes' social media account or listen to a coach's spiel at a presser if they want to talk about Ukraine or whatever for some goofy reason. Some here may think an athlete's opinion on a serious topic is incorrect or out of touch, and that's fine, however don't then bring your personal views on such topics to, let's say, a LeBron thread. If you do that, you're doing exactly what you're bashing the athlete for doing. Many will crush the athletes or the organization for such things, but then randomly bring up China in every NBA thread (like in the All-Star thread). So on this whole aspect, don't be what you supposedly can't stand.
The state of KY refuses to get on board to try their hardest to get a professional team here and investment in a franchise that's not necessarily "local" can be a pain since you may not see every game unless you buy a sports package. Plus, in many cases it's just not feasible to follow teams in every sport. As Emarc simply said, life gets in the way. Many games are longer now while there's dozens of other distractions at home to occupy one's time.

And let's tackle one aspect in a civil, adult manner: I do get the politics angle and understand why that's turned some off. However, you can turn that off in general pretty easily. You don't have to go to an athletes' social media account or listen to a coach's spiel at a presser if they want to talk about Ukraine or whatever for some goofy reason. Some here may think an athlete's opinion on a serious topic is incorrect or out of touch, and that's fine, however don't then bring your personal views on such topics to, let's say, a LeBron thread. If you do that, you're doing exactly what you're bashing the athlete for doing. Many will crush the athletes or the organization for such things, but then randomly bring up China in every NBA thread (like in the All-Star thread). So on this whole aspect, don't be what you supposedly can't stand.

I would have no idea about Lebron’s political views if it weren’t for people complaining about them on this site. I personally could care less what celebrities think and actively avoid their opinions.
I personally think sports in the 90's and 00's seemed like it was at its peak. Football is the only sport I'd argue that's more enjoyable.

Of course this time frame is when I was a kid (91 baby) so it could just be again that I'm older.
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As a Bengals fan my interest couldn't be higher than at any point in time. As far as the Reds, it just goes without saying. There are so many other things to do that occupy time and life does get in the way. 2020 when sports went away for a period of time, my overall interest level just never was sustained. Sports definitely was at its peak for me in the 90's & 2000s when we did not have as many things to keep us entertained. When no more of your childhood heroes that you grew up watching are out there, it's just not as fun.
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I am a sports fan. I’m much more focused on youth/amateur sports. My business interests keep me very busy. Family keeps me very busy. I am also less inclined to spend my time making someone else money. That said, I don’t watch a lot of sports, tv, streaming, etc. in general.
College Football is my favorite and the expanded playoffs will help the sport in general. Gotta have basketball 🏀 so NBA is still good to me follow our guys most of the time. Overall my love for sports is draining as the years go by. MLB interest has fell to nothing since covid and most time by the time NBA finals gets here I'm busy with summer stuff. NCAA is garbage 🗑 and yeah the tournament will be good as always but I need UK to atleast second weekend. Someone said FanDuel and Draft Kings is a good way to stay involved trying to hit parlays is fun and keeps me wanting to watch.
The state of KY refuses to get on board to try their hardest to get a professional team here and investment in a franchise that's not necessarily "local" can be a pain since you may not see every game unless you buy a sports package. Plus, in many cases it's just not feasible to follow teams in every sport. As Emarc simply said, life gets in the way. Many games are longer now while there's dozens of other distractions at home to occupy one's time.

And let's tackle one aspect in a civil, adult manner: I do get the politics angle and understand why that's turned some off. However, you can turn that off in general pretty easily. You don't have to go to an athletes' social media account or listen to a coach's spiel at a presser if they want to talk about Ukraine or whatever for some goofy reason. Some here may think an athlete's opinion on a serious topic is incorrect or out of touch, and that's fine, however don't then bring your personal views on such topics to, let's say, a LeBron thread. If you do that, you're doing exactly what you're bashing the athlete for doing. Many will crush the athletes or the organization for such things, but then randomly bring up China in every NBA thread (like in the All-Star thread). So on this whole aspect, don't be what you supposedly can't stand.

You’re so disingenuous. You know full well if athletes were hard right wingers you and your type would see to it to fight against it. Y’all cannot for one second talk about salt and pepper shakers without bringing social justice (as you see it) into it. The left brings politics into every aspect of our lives ( forcing it in our schools, in sports, Hollywood - movies). I can’t even watch a TV show without the bullshit social engineering that takes place because of guys that think like

Anyone that doesn’t understand just read this guys political post in the paddock.

You sound like a liar. You come here, the one place where people don’t think like you in all of social media, and begin to start a problem here.

You’re not fooling me, even if you fool a few others. Your type are the exact reason politics has infected every aspect of our lives. They stand behind social justice and that’s a cute way of trying to force your will on a population.

I’ve seen you in several threads just today bringing peoples disdain for China ( a real threat to our nation, not some bs y’all try to pass off) as a reason to attack their view. If you want to stick to sports then stick to it and do your part, quit looking for a reason to pull your nonsense here.
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I still get excited about sports.Im a lifelong Bengals fan and am loving my team.I don't watch the NBA at all and have no interest in it.Once players leave UK I just don't follow them.I still love MLB,the Reds,Yankees and White Sox but I enjoy my baby granddaughter and life in general these days
The NBA AS Game thread got me thinking. I've seen a lot of posts from folks talking about losing their interest in sports lately. So, my question is, what's the 'why'? Is it the quality of completion? The athletes themselves? Politics? Social media? What is driving people to lose interest in these sports that used to be a main form of entertainment and joy?

For me, I think it's a combination. I'm older and have less time to waste on sports. Add that to social media has exposed the worst of a lot of these stars. Their character and whatever uneducated, outspoken and out of touch politics is hard to stomach. I also think the lack of investment in the pros to a city and fanbase that makes people not willing to invest in them either. As a Kentucky fan, we all know it's pointless to get an emotional investment of these guys anymore.

I find myself getting more interested in non-NASCSR racing these days. Living in Indy, I keep an eye on Indy Car, but becoming more interested in it, and F1, these days.
its exactly what you said a combination of all. Money has ruined pro sports and is in the process of destroying college sports. That said, the world is literally on fire everywhere you look. Government is in your face and your wallet 24/7 so time with family and deciphering what really is important is now front and center for me and bluntly I spent most of my Saturdays and Sunday’s in my cave, no more not nearly important.
I’m older with different priorities. I still watch but I believe there is so much saturation that sports have lost a lot of their appeal. Unless it’s the playoffs or a tournament, there are a hundred other things I’d rather do.
The NBA AS Game thread got me thinking. I've seen a lot of posts from folks talking about losing their interest in sports lately. So, my question is, what's the 'why'? Is it the quality of completion? The athletes themselves? Politics? Social media? What is driving people to lose interest in these sports that used to be a main form of entertainment and joy?

For me, I think it's a combination. I'm older and have less time to waste on sports. Add that to social media has exposed the worst of a lot of these stars. Their character and whatever uneducated, outspoken and out of touch politics is hard to stomach. I also think the lack of investment in the pros to a city and fanbase that makes people not willing to invest in them either. As a Kentucky fan, we all know it's pointless to get an emotional investment of these guys anymore.

I find myself getting more interested in non-NASCSR racing these days. Living in Indy, I keep an eye on Indy Car, but becoming more interested in it, and F1, these days.
I didn't leave the left me with wokedom.
I think my UK football fandom has only gone up. Love the football cats.

Even before COVID my UK basketball interest was dropping. No good home games, expense, so many new players each year. For me the 90’s were such a great decade and as a kid/teenager never missed a game. Now I check scores some but never really watch until tourney time. Live 10 minutes from Rupp and will be at my first game this Saturday in 3 years. My 14 yo son is a huge Auburn fan so we got him tickets.

Not a pro sports fan at all. Never have been.
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Outside of football, I don't watch or care about much sports. College football is my favorite. I don't watch any college basketball except UK.
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I haven't lost interest in college basketball, which has always been my biggest passion. If I didn't watch any other sports, I'd still be anticipating UK basketball and college basketball.

Having said this, I used to watch more NBA. Free agency was probably was started the loss of interest. Trades have always been a part of the game but in the early 2000s guys just seemed to be going for the big bucks where ever they found them. There was no loyalty to any team. The days of great teams with the same consistent players seemed to be gone. The Lakers of the 80s, the Celtics of the 80s, the Pistons of the late 80s, the Bulls of the 90s, and even the Knicks of the 90s and the Spurs of the 90s and the Suns of the 90s. These teams all had guys who were loyal and stayed around and became good. That's a big thing. It's one reason we all hate one and done in college ball.

The other issue I have with the NBA is that it's just become a 3pt shooting contest every time. Big men don't have the same impact. The strategy is just shoot threes on nearly every possession. I just don't care for it. It was once a center's game and a power forward's game. Now it's all about guards. Even the big men are jacking up threes. It's not my style, I guess.
Mine started when I began to get burnt out on working in sports. Didn't have anything to do with the sports themselves. Aside from the teams my friends coach and my favorite teams, the only league I can really get into is the NBA and I don't even watch that as much as I used to.
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You’re so disingenuous. You know full well if athletes were hard right wingers you and your type would see to it to fight against it. Y’all cannot for one second talk about salt and pepper shakers without bringing social justice (as you see it) into it. The left brings politics into every aspect of our lives ( forcing it in our schools, in sports, Hollywood - movies). I can’t even watch a TV show without the bullshit social engineering that takes place because of guys that think like

Anyone that doesn’t understand just read this guys political post in the paddock.

You sound like a liar. You come here, the one place where people don’t think like you in all of social media, and begin to start a problem here.

You’re not fooling me, even if you fool a few others. Your type are the exact reason politics has infected every aspect of our lives. They stand behind social justice and that’s a cute way of trying to force your will on a population.

I’ve seen you in several threads just today bringing peoples disdain for China ( a real threat to our nation, not some bs y’all try to pass off) as a reason to attack their view. If you want to stick to sports then stick to it and do your part, quit looking for a reason to pull your nonsense here.

Hear hear...
There was a time I couldn't get enough sports whether it was playing, coaching or watching. Not so much any longer. A number of you above have listed some great reasons that I can apply to my loss of interest. Quality of play, politics, over abundance of teams and players to keep up with in most all sports, cost of going to games, and just having a busier outside life than before that is more important to my time. I can definitely relate to many of the posters above in how they explain their loss of as much interest as before. I still follow the Cats in many sports but in football and basketball in particular. But, even there, it doesn't mean as much as it used to and if we lose, I get over it much quicker and move on to other things. The passion is still inside me somewhere but not to the same level as it used to be.
I’m a complete hypocrite about sports, quite honestly. Listening to coworkers talk about the NFL on company calls makes me absolutely cringe.

I don’t talk to strangers about Kentucky basketball and I’m probably 1000x more committed to being a Kentucky fan than the average thirty year old pot bellied NFL fan is, respectively.

Again, total hypocrite, but I look down on adults eaten up by sportsball. It’s not even different than Marvel, Harry Potter and Star Wars in terms of dorkdom.
With me college football and cycling are 1A and 1B as favorites. My schedule stops to watch these. I will watch NFL occasionally if an ex UK player is involved. I also enjoy watching some winter sports like skiing. I hate the NBA due to the attitudes (see LeWhine James).
If I have a daughter she will grow up to be the Caucasian Serena. And by God even though she’s a woman she will hold her GD serve. Damn this shit’s annoying. Pathetic. Hard earned money on a bum hoe and broken 7 times. At least she broke the other bum hoe 8 times.
After UK sports, I love boxing. But that is a sport that has completely void of great American boxers these days.
I love boxing as well. I think the thing that hurts boxing the most with today's potential fans is having a dozen belts and governing bodies for a dozen different weight classes. If they streamlined and simplified that I think the would have a lot more casual fans at least. I'll personally always prefer the sweet science to MMA.
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I used to be a die hard:

UK sports fan
Reds fan
Red wings

Now, I’d say I’m only a die hard UK fan. And even that is less than it was a few years ago.

I have a job, wife, 5 kids. I coach and officiate basketball and football. I even doordash and deliver groceries sometimes. Making extra cash has recently become more important to me.

Life in general is just busy.
I applaud you for making your family your #1 priority.
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I love PGA golf, tennis and college football. Only watch uk basketball if we win. Record all games so I don’t waste time. Sports just isn’t what it used to be. Don’t care much anymore.
For me it's just age and responsibilities. I don't have the time to invest in watching several games a week. And I also think the mere fact that teams do nothing but let you down in the end (aside from a few championship years) makes me not want to follow any other teams. The toll that teams like Kentucky and the Jets take on me is more than enough.. I'd hate to add a hockey team that does the same.
I also think my generation (mid 80s to early 90s) is spending less time watching sports and more time playing video games (strictly speaking from a TV entertainment standpoint). I think our generation is the first that isn't "putting the controller down come adulthood", so to speak, like people born in the 60s 70s and into the 80s. For instance, most of my friends would rather play some video games online during the week, than spend that same time watching 3 or 4 nba games.
Unless we want to count professional wrestling as a sport. That's the only thing I watch more than I did like 5 years ago.
My kid is a high level AAU player… his activities (practice, training, and games) take up the majority of my time. College football is about the only sport we have a lot of time to watch. Before him, we watched everything.
I also think my generation (mid 80s to early 90s) is spending less time watching sports and more time playing video games (strictly speaking from a TV entertainment standpoint). I think our generation is the first that isn't "putting the controller down come adulthood", so to speak, like people born in the 60s 70s and into the 80s. For instance, most of my friends would rather play some video games online during the week, than spend that same time watching 3 or 4 nba games.
I'm not much of a gamer myself, but I actually do like watching the E Sports pros on tv. Pretty entertaining. That a drone and rc racing. Now, that's some impressive ish.
My interest in sports has waned over time. It's just not the same and I can't really explain it. outside of getting older.
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