Which SEC Team will we be greatest Rival with in the next decade?

Anyone who says any team besides Arkansas as long as cow is there is crazy.
This is an interesting post, Basscat, "Greatest" rival ? What does that mean ? If it means "the rival the we will have the toughest time winning against" ... I'd say that has to be Alabama. But if "greatest rival" can be equated with "most intense rivalry", then ... I think you've hit the nail on the head !
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Alabama: 117 - 41
Arkansas: 36 - 14
Auburn: 98 - 23
Florida: 110 - 42
Georgia: 132 - 28
LSU: 93 - 29
Mississippi: 111 - 14
Mississippi State: 96 - 19 (7 - 2 as Mississippi A&M)
Missouri: 15 - 3
South Carolina: 54 - 15
Tennessee: 161 - 78
Texas A&M: 13 - 6
Vandy: 157 - 49

Texas A&M and Missouri, simply because they're the only SEC programs that have a snowball's chance in hell of evening their series in our lifetimes. ;)

But seriously, this:

Anyone who says any team besides Arkansas as long as cow is there is crazy.
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No way to predict, Every few years anyone one of them may have a good class and challenge our authority. They are there for a year or two then gone. UK Basketball and Alabama Football are the only consistent things in the SEC
Arkansas the next 2-3 years.. but Florida & Alabama for the majority of the decade
. . . .
Deep down we all know it's Tennessee, and will be forever. No matter who's coaching where.
I live in AZ now, but I spent 55 years living in KY ... only 6 miles from the TN state line. You can't understand the Kentucky-Tennessee rivalry unless you've lived it up close and personal ! :cool: Just like SFCat said, "Deep down we all know it's Tennessee, and will be forever."
The defining word about U.T. sports teams was spoken in 1957 by U.K. football All-American tackle Lou Michaels, when he spoke to the sportswriters gathered in the 'Cats locker room at Stoll Field in Lexington after the 'Cats had beaten the Vols 20-6. Michaels told 'em: "Nothin' sucks like a Big Orange" ! ! !
Go 'Cats ! ! !
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The correct answer has to be Tennessee… not just in the next decade, but in any decade. The only way I see it ever changing is if a team went on an unreal run of dominance for an extended period of time. Then maybe they take UTs place as our #1 rival in the conference.
I’d say UT. But, we’ve never had a consistent rival. At different times, it’s been Arkansas or Florida. UK has been hurt by the lack of a great conference rivalry.
Ole Miss? Once Barnes leaves it’s gonna take a hell of a hire to keep the standards up. Tennessee is a program I see slumping back down to mid table or worse. They’ve been very good in basketball hires and it’ll run out.

Feel like oats won’t be there 5 years from know due to some unforeseen happening. Carolina, Florida, aTm all mid. Pearl won’t be there forever and chalk au up with ut.
Tennessee, Alabama, Auburn, Florida. Arkansas is irrelevant to me as of now. The last 5 years under cal wasn’t a fluke. It was a pattern. Until he proves otherwise.
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Tennessee and the 2nd team changes often.
Florida was the team longer than anyone besides Tennessee.
Before that it was Arkansas for a few years.
Bama had some good teams in the 80s.
LSU as well.
Arkansas will be in the top 3 now.
Auburn with Pearl top 4.
It changes often but Tennessee will always be the rival even if they go back to being irrelevant in the regular season as we already know they are irrelevant in March.
Barnes is like Marvin Lewis. He took a Tennessee team that had been mostly down and gave them life. Same thing Lewis did in Cincinnati. But neither win in postseason.
Look at this league right now with all of the coaches we have. It's a really difficult league.
Nate Oates found something defensively around the time we beat them by 40. They appeared to not try on defense and then came March. If they continue to get better on defense I suspect they win a title at some point. I think UK has their great mind at the helm now as well
It will be Arkansas as long as Calipari is coaching there.

Tennessee will remain our top rival followed closely by Florida, Alabama, Auburn, and Ole Miss.
The most intense rivalry will be with Arkansas for as long as Cal is there. Traditionally Tennessee is our biggest in conference rival, and will generally be a top 2 or 3 rival unless / until they hire another crappy coach and go on a skid.
Don't sleep on Florida and Todd Golden. Has them trending in the right direction there and will be around for quite a while. Only 38 and got Florida back to the tournament in his 2nd season with an NIT in year 1. Everything a year faster than Billy Donovan in Gainesville.
Don't sleep on Florida and Todd Golden. Has them trending in the right direction there and will be around for quite a while. Only 38 and got Florida back to the tournament in his 2nd season with an NIT in year 1. Everything a year faster than Billy Donovan in Gainesville.
Wouldn’t mind seeing Florida strong again and seeing that rivalry heat up again,
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Alabama has to be the answer. I realize next year it will be the swine. I think Oats can be an EE/ FF threat for a while. Florida also has potential. Texas maybe
Since you're talking and beating on the long term crystal ball...I'll go with UT. Cal will fizzle out and retire. There may be a couple of good seasons but rivalry...nah. Bama is and always has been a football school. Because of ESPN money, maybe we have say..3-4 years. After that Nada. IOW, our rivals will be the same they have always been in ten years.
In terms of Rival, it will always be Tennessee. Cal being at Arkansas will add some fuel to an old rivalry that has died down since the late 90's. I would still say Tennessee will always be our biggest rival, regardless of rhe sport.
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