What will it take?


Aug 29, 2005
Louisville, KY.
What will it take for UK to get to the next level. By the next level, I'm talking about being competitive with Alabama, Georgia, and other Top teams in football. We're not that far from it, especially as far as recruiting Lineman, OL and DL. QB's, TE's, DB's and WR's are a different thing. However, I think it's harder to recruit DL's and OL's then the other positions. There are only so many players coming out of High School who are 6'4' and heavy, who can move. We seem to be doing a good job recruiting RB's. In order to recruit an SEC QB and WR's, the coach will have to prove he will throw the ball. and I'm not talking about a 5 yard pass to the flat. Same for the TE's. The TE's like to catch a few passes, not just block. The DB's are different. The coaches have to be able to evaluate talent there, probably more so then at any other position.
The SEC type QB, and Receivers are not going to come to UK, unless the coaches change their offensive plays. Can Coach Stoops do that, and he is the one who has to, not the OC. The OC will call the plays the HC wants. After all he wants to keep his job. Remember what happened to our first to OC's under Coach Stoops. I know, Neal Brown went to be a HC. The HC can tell recruits what he is going to do, just as he tells fans on his radio shows, but he will have to do it before he is going to get an SEC QB and Wide Receivers. Can Coach Stoops change his offensive philosophy from the 50 and 60's? I don't know, and probably no one else does, except Coach Stoops. If he doesn't, we will continue to win 6 or 7 games, and maybe some years when other teams are down, such as LSU is this year, a couple more, and go to a BOWL. If this is what we want out of a coach we have the right person. I think the future will be up to the fans of UK, and the donors. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong. Different fans have different wants as to what makes them happy. Most of you cannot remember when UK could compete with anyone, but a few of us can. Some of us still long for that again. WE STILL BELIEVE IN UK! IF OTHER TEAMS CAN, WHY NOT UK?


Heck even Nick Saban figured this out, while hauling in the top recruiting classes in the country. Look at the WR's he has placed in the NFL the last few seasons.

Our best teams have ALWAYS had playmakers at the WR position. Craig Yeast, Stevey Johnson, Randall Cobb, Jeff Badet, Lynn Bowden just to name a few.

Coach Gran was extremely successful at Cincinnati spreading the field and using a BALANCED offensive attack. There is NO reason why we can't do that here.

This staff has some Freshmen that could fill those roles and even some commitments that look like game changers at the WR position. The time is NOW to prepare for the future with those young players, including Beau Allen if Joey Gatewood can't make all of the throws.
We need a massive shift in our offense philosophy. Stoops has to change the way he looks at and approaches the offensive side of the ball. To me, it’s the only thing that matters with our program right now. We do need offensive playmakers, but those recruits don’t want to play in this offense. We need to join the modern day football and leave the 1980 offense behind.
Unfortunately Stoops isn't gojng to make any changes voluntarily. If he was, he would have done it by now.

Either A. Barnhart FORCES HIM to allow someome to call plays with little interference (which is what happaned to Brooks after his first couple years here, was forced to let go of Ron Hudson.)

Or B. We are stuck with what we have till he leaves.
Recruit, recruit, recruit. What we've seen in recent years of the GA series is UK's 3*s vs GA's 4*-5*s...with predictable results. Take WR...if Lewis/Crowdus/Drennan/Cummings aren't good enough to contribute immediately this staff needs to hit the JUCOs hard next spring when JUCO ball kicks off. Can't have another year of this dead weight pulling down the program.
Recruiting classes that are annually ranked in the top 5 of the conference. THAT is what it takes. It is that simple.
In addition to some of the good points above, we realistically need another period like about a decade ago when Georgia, Florida and Tennessee were all underperforming at the same time.

South Carolina and Missouri (2x) stepped up to win the East when that happened. Vandy also made a run at the East under James Franklin.

In other words, we need to get a lot better -- and also get extremely lucky.