What one major decision in your life would you change and what do you believe would have been the consequences?

I could post it here. But then I would have to hunt down every one of you and "silence you". Let's just say, it involves a woman (so of course lies and deception), lots of $, and would "floor" every one of you (been told it would make one hell of a book).

Wish I bought my first duplex back in 2010, when the economy had bottomed out, instead of waiting until 2018. Outside of a better degree (I also wish I continued with a double major in CIS/Finance instead of just 1 major in CIS), I don't think there is any single better financial decision I've made. Buying one in 2010 would have been when houses had bottomed out and interest rates were in the 3's. The home today would have been double in price, maybe more.. but more importantly, it would have started me on a path to financial freedom that much sooner. Maybe would have owned 3-4 homes by now instead of just 1.

Definitely wish I was a little smarter with money in my early 20's, overall. That's something I would tell anyone at that age: make the right decision in your 20's and you could be set for life.
Rates were definitely not in the 3's in 2010. Yes, values were eye opening compared to the current market though.
Mine would be investing in RE earlier as well. I got my first investment property in 2014. I had $150k cash in my MM in 2008 and didnt buy anything. You could throw a rock down the street in St Matthews and get a 3bed/2bath brick house at $200k-$225k. They just sat there. Now, they are $400k+. Makes me sick I could have bought 3-4 and still kept money in the bank.

My dad is an attorney and had a weekly lunch in a bar and there was a young kid behind the counter slinging pizzas. He was always asking everyone if they would help him invest so he could get his own kitchen. Everyone just wished him well. Obviously this is Papa John but if my dad would have given him a few thousand dollars, I would be a trust fund kid and so would my kids, grandkids, etc.
Rates were definitely not in the 3's in 2010. Yes, values were eye opening compared to the current market though.

It was sometime in the 2010 to 2011 range. So rates in the low 4's. But they did drop into the 3's in 2012, which was also kind of when I was maybe going to buy a duplex.

More than the rates, it just would have been the perfect time to buy, especially with the equity growth/home price increase over the next 8-9 years until COVID.. and then the boom once again.
ive been an attorney for more than two decades. i still dream of never going to law school and doing something interesting. like anything. else. at all.
I just retired after 37 years and honestly enjoyed practicing law pretty well. Sure practicing law sucks at times but I represented all kinds of business people and every single profession has its own problems. Plenty of builders, developers, and bankers had financial trouble filed bankruptcy, et cetera. I was able to retire fairly young to boot. I thought it was really interesting representing various businesses and understanding how they made a living.

Regrets - not screwing enough women when I was single, lots of hotties that I would have loved to enjoy that unfortunately did not share the same interest in me. What a shame, for both of us
Finding this board back in 2004.

It’s one of those missteps in life that takes a part of your soul that you can never get back.
I just retired after 37 years and honestly enjoyed practicing law pretty well. Sure practicing law sucks at times but I represented all kinds of business people and every single profession has its own problems. Plenty of builders, developers, and bankers had financial trouble filed bankruptcy, et cetera. I was able to retire fairly young to boot. I thought it was really interesting representing various businesses and understanding how they made a living.

Regrets - not screwing enough women when I was single, lots of hotties that I would have loved to enjoy that unfortunately did not share the same interest in me. What a shame, for both of us
I've maintained all these years that all women who rejected me in my younger years were closet lesbians. Only reasonable explanation I could come up with.

Prove me wrong.
It was not my decision, but one my parents made. They both had to work and had no one to babysit, so mom managed to enroll me in school early. That made me by far the smallest kid in my class. I loved baseball and hated school because being smaller than everyone made it hard to compete and school was causing it. It hurt me confidence wise. Eventually I caught up in size, but the confidence thing was an ongoing problem.
Wish I had joined the military after college if just for four years. My dad was a retired colonel in the Army, DENTAC. He never pushed me to join but I think I disappointed him by not doing so. He never mentioned being disappointed with me. I am sure he was though. At least a little. My only regret.
Damn, I have a lot of them...

I wish I would have gone off to college instead of staying close to home.

I wish I would have taken calculus in high school and gone from there in college so I would have had a different attitude about going into a PhD program after finishing my master's.

I wish I would have never started smoking when I was in high school (stopped 15 years ago). Or drinking (do so in moderation now).

I regret leaving one bank for another in 2011 - it was a disaster- but it worked out as I went to my current bank in 2012 and am much happier.