What is everyone currently reading?

Sagan's Pale Blue Dot for the fifth or sixth time.

And comics. I'm never, ever not reading comics and/or books on comic history.
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"Heaven and Hell- My Life in The Eagles" by Don Felder. Awesome!

Spoiler alert: Don Henley and Glenn Frey are 2 of the biggest azzholes to ever walk this Earth.
In the market for a new mower, so I've been reading a lot of John Deere sites and forums.
Honor Thy Father- Jason Holland
A local author/attorney from Hopkinsville. The book is very well done.
"The Broken Girls" and "Sundown Motel" both sort of psychological thrillers by Simone St. James
The Gray Man series by Mark Greaney (I think I've now read all of them but may have missed one - sort of a cross between Mitch Rapp and Jack Reacher)