We are reaping what we have sown.

Literally. And you got dolt people on social media acting like Drew turned us down. Lol, he said yes, his family said no.
That's what happened with Donovan the last time. People keep saying he "spurned us twice". That isn't exactly true.
You don't know crazy until you look at a major SEC football fan base.

LSU has fired TWO COACHES that won national championships. They fired a guy two years after winning a title. Somehow that's okay but Kentucky fans being upset about a guy sucking for five years and not having any success in a decade is at fault cause a guy voluntarily left?
You don't know crazy until you look at a major SEC football fan base.

LSU has fired TWO COACHES that won national championships. They fired a guy two years after winning a title. Somehow that's okay but Kentucky fans being upset about a guy sucking for five years and not having any success in a decade is at fault cause a guy voluntarily left?
These people tell me how stupid they are it when it comes to sports. Alabama fans called for Saban's firing and retirment last year and the year before. And the dude has 6 titles and is the GOAT. But UK fans are a different breed? GTFO and go learn sports.
That's a bit of an exaggeration and melodramatic as well, in my opinion. And now folks are probably afraid to push back on your statement for fear of being used as proof for the claim. But I'm not gonna fall for that. Yes, UK is passionate, but our frustration with Calipari is not being too demanding. All of the talking heads on all the major networks were making the case for us, and many of them care nothing for UK. The performance of the last 4 years is unacceptable. Calipari himself would say it's unacceptable. He walked away from $33million because he knew he hasn't been getting the job done. And he's not gonna change- Arkansas fans liked his comment that they are a blue-blood but did they hear "players first?" I did. I understand, and even believed for a while, that you could be a players first coach and also win games, get to Final Fours, and win titles. But what we found out is that it means he usually pushes guys out the door to the NBA. And the ones who weren't projected in the draft felt they had failed and that they must transfer to make room for next year's "players first" group. In other words, this push for Calipari to move on was completely justified. You don't hear the talking heads saying UK fans are being unreasonable for wanting better. So, that's my 2 cents.

We will be fine. This program will be fine. We will find a good coach, we just need to be a bit more patient. A great coach isn't afraid of the support UK has.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Most of it started with social media with no consequences for rude, filthy, derogatory. or just lies being posted.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Not sorry your girl left.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
I love these low-post posters coming out with their messages of doom and gloom…. “I’ve been a 50 year fan” etc etc
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
You can't help being old and ugly.
But WHAT are YOU bitter about???
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
That’s BS! We are not tarnished at all. We were used by CCC who IS tarnished. Our fans are trying to protect our legacy.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
this is not the fans fault
It all falls on the shoulders of ccc. He destroyed the UK image because he is a selfish 2 faced double talking used car salesman. He disrespected the fans from the day he arrived. When he found out that the fans knew the game and good coaching, he hated them even more. This past year is a perfect example. EVERY fan knew that Edwars & Wagner did not deserve to be starting due to their play, yet they continued to start over more deserving players. This type of treatment has happened almost yearly. He always had his 5* favorites, caring only that they reached the NBA, not what could help UK. He allowed players to use UK for their personal agendas and continually tried to play the innocent card. Sharpe and his entourage played ccc like a fiddle, but I would bet that he knew what was going to happen. The same with Wheeler. Every fan questioned WHY he was brought to Lexington. Everyone knew that he was a liability because he could not shoot. Again, the fans were proven correct. Then ccc allowed Wheeler to remain on the team after he quit on the team.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
You are embarrassing yourself, just stop.

Mods can you actually do something? This thread needs deleted.
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That's a bit of an exaggeration and melodramatic as well, in my opinion. And now folks are probably afraid to push back on your statement for fear of being used as proof for the claim. But I'm not gonna fall for that. Yes, UK is passionate, but our frustration with Calipari is not being too demanding. All of the talking heads on all the major networks were making the case for us, and many of them care nothing for UK. The performance of the last 4 years is unacceptable. Calipari himself would say it's unacceptable. He walked away from $33million because he knew he hasn't been getting the job done. And he's not gonna change- Arkansas fans liked his comment that they are a blue-blood but did they hear "players first?" I did. I understand, and even believed for a while, that you could be a players first coach and also win games, get to Final Fours, and win titles. But what we found out is that it means he usually pushes guys out the door to the NBA. And the ones who weren't projected in the draft felt they had failed and that they must transfer to make room for next year's "players first" group. In other words, this push for Calipari to move on was completely justified. You don't hear the talking heads saying UK fans are being unreasonable for wanting better. So, that's my 2 cents.

We will be fine. This program will be fine. We will find a good coach, we just need to be a bit more patient. A great coach isn't afraid of the support UK has.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Agree. Segments of BBN are their own worst enemy. Hopefully for our beloved UK, that they won’t be very sorry for what they have wished for.
Our problem is we went after coaches who are very satisfied with with their life situation thinking money and prestige will buy you anyone. There still some people who cannot be bribed.
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The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Ridiculous. I’m over 60. People like you said that 30 years ago. Same thing.
Our problem is we went after coaches who are very satisfied with how their life situation thinking money and prestige will buy you anyone. There still some people who cannot be bribed.
The timing sucked, too. Hurley is coming off back to back titles, and Oats took Bama to their first ever FF.
  • Like
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The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
After the way our fans responded to the possibility of getting Scott Drew, right there with you. I honestly don't like about a third of our fans.
The op is also assuming that all of the vitriol spewed on this board is by Kentucky fans. This is one of the most popular sites for college basketball on the web and it attracts trolls like flies.
For some there is no sweeter fruit than a random person online getting bent out of shape about something that you fabricated. Who knows maybe the op is one of those types.
Unfortunately some of our real fans are easy to inflame which makes it worse.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
The only thing that has tarnished the Kentucky program is John Calipari. Thankfully he's gone now and Kentucky can start putting an actual team on the floor. I'm 60 myself and have been a Kentucky fan all of my life. The fans are fine. Kentucky has the best and largest fanbase in the country and if you, or your coach, can't handle that, they should get away from the program like your coach did. The Kentucky brand is again alive and well now that he's gone and when we get an actual coach, things will be great!
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The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Youre not completely wrong.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Excellent post. 100% true. Pretty much the way society seems to be going in almost everything. I hope I’m wrong but I believe those good old days of UK basketball are over.
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Please go back to rarely posting.
Allowing the disaster of Billy G to lead to the “get-rich-quick” OAD mindset put us on this path. Hindsight is 20/20 but looking back, mistakes were made.
If anything got tarnished it was hanging on to John Calipari far too long and allowing us to turn into a NBA G league team . Our fans are ok .. yeah we are worked up , but its not BBN causing any of the coaching decisions on coming and going as it stands today .. Oats problem was the buyout . Drew was just a bad fit . Now we roll on . Was it bad time for JC to be shown the door ? Maybe , but he had to go before more damage was done
You don't know crazy until you look at a major SEC football fan base.

LSU has fired TWO COACHES that won national championships. They fired a guy two years after winning a title. Somehow that's okay but Kentucky fans being upset about a guy sucking for five years and not having any success in a decade is at fault cause a guy voluntarily left?
Please become our AD
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Raylan Givens

"You have a self Awareness problem

If You run into an A$$hole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into a$$holes all day, your the asshole."
  • Love
Reactions: BlueSince92
The Kentucky brand has become tarnished.
And it wasn’t because of wins, losses or tournament results…
Our program has become too hostile, too indignant and too entitled for any top tier coach to tackle.

I’ve been a Kentucky fan for over 50 years, and I don’t recognize our fans and program anymore.
We had class, we appreciated basketball history and we knew the game better than any fans in the nation… we respected the game and the coaches and players that sacrificed…
Now we are bitter, ugly…and old.
Okay. What do you think the Alabama fanbase would look like if Saban had won say 2 titles early on and then went 8-5 for 5 straight seasons? You think they'd be happy about it? UK isn't the only fanbase that expects greatness yet we're the only ones that are complete a$$h0l@s about it? I don't think so.
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50 year fan my ass. GTFO.

You can't be a fan for fifty years and not remember the end of the Joe B era and how continuous that was. Tubby's was just as bad. Even Rupp's end here wasn't without some bitter root. That is just how it is when people demand greatness and have different opinions on how to achieve it.

In the end, however, a true fan wants what is best. Cal leaving was for the best. Get over it.
If the new coach just tries to put his best team on the floor I'll give him a chance. Cal ruined things
for himself here; he admitted after the season he knew Edwards and Wagner didn't deserve to
start but was afraid they'd quit if he put a more deserving player in their place. He simply wasn't trying
to do as well as he could with the roster he had. Even us ahole fans deserve that much.
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