Wagner to Piggys

If you had told DJ one year ago today that Dillingham and Sheppard would be NBA lottery picks and he’d be heading to Arkansas to back up Boogie Fland he’d have believed you were describing a terrible nightmare.

Things sure turned out funny. He must be glad he put his career in Cal’s hands.
I hope Boogie doesn’t mind coming off the bench, down 10 points.
Surely Cal has learned his lesson and will play his best players. He will not sabotage this team just so ensures we gave up too early on him. In the end I know this ends badly for him. Maybe not in the regular season , as I have no idea what their out of conference schedule looks like, but in the end he is what he is
There goes somebody’s playing time, Arkansas backcourt won’t be better than ours was last year and Oakland tore us a new one. I like Wagner but can’t figure out why he would go there after one year with Cal sitting so much, family friends or not.
Cal got him some of that chicken money.
Other than that, where else was he going to go that would pay him anything??
Hopefully he can come up with a right hand drive this year.

He was a freshman last year who wasn't ready for a starting position.All these guys think there better then they are. It's not on them, but on the coach.
It would surprise me if he doesn't make significant improvement this coming year
I expect him to be able to go right or left, and develop a 35-37% 3 ball! I would rather have a soph DJ then the points we have has the past 5 years!
He was a freshman last year who wasn't ready for a starting position.All these guys think there better then they are. It's not on them, but on the coach.
It would surprise me if he doesn't make significant improvement this coming year
I expect him to be able to go right or left, and develop a 35-37% 3 ball! I would rather have a soph DJ then the points we have has the past 5 years!
If you are trying to say “rather have him than the point guards we have had in the last five years “ ………you realize he is not really a point guard, right? He primarily played off the ball . He’s pretty much a shooting guard that isn’t a very good shooter.
The most anticlimactic (non)announcement of the “off” season. If true, DJ is a good Cal soldier and played the waiting game he was asked to play. He will no doubt be rewarded with some chicken fingers and 27+ guaranteed minutes per game

I think DJ will actually be a better player under a more traditional Cal offense. Best of luck to him, except when he plays against us.
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