UFO retrieval program


Aug 22, 2001
Very compelling report from a highly credible DOD Intel officer that the US has been operating a UFO retrieval program:

I find it also interesting that Lue Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs, has also stated that we have recovered wreckage of vehicles that are of non-earth origin.
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I'll continue to be a UFO skeptic until I see hard evidence. I've seen a few unexplained things in the sky. That vid I saw a few weeks ago of the servicemen who filmed that triangular shaped object? I saw that exact same thing over my neighborhood some years back early one morning while I was taking a "smoke break". I chalked it up to our government and some experimental craft they built. Show me the pilots.
Can any of the aliens play basketball? We need to find players anywhere we can.
Space Jam Basketball GIF by Looney Tunes

Heck yeah they can.
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I think there is a lot to this.

Just the whole Mussolini had a spacecraft or parts of it is crazy.
So "they" are advanced enough to create vehicles that can travel many light years to Earth, but not advanced enough to not crash them once here, or not avoid our primitive-to-them weaponry, or not lock-the-doors if they step out to sight-see.
So "they" are advanced enough to create vehicles that can travel many light years to Earth, but not advanced enough to not crash them once here, or not avoid our primitive-to-them weaponry, or not lock-the-doors if they step out to sight-see.
That's something I've always wondered about too. However I think many, perhaps most of these things are unmanned probes IA controlled, which makes sense when you think how we have reached out to explore other planets in our solar system with unmanned but remotely controlled probes. It therefore stands to reason then that other species "out there" technologically much more advanced would conduct similar research. Also the Roswell crash was reported to have occurred during a sever thunderstorm. Lightening would definitely mess with their propulsion and/or control systems.

Bottom line is this guy isn't just some anonymous bureaucrat, he worked in the most highly secret areas in DOD and was involved in writing the PDBs. Only top officials are involved in that.
So "they" are advanced enough to create vehicles that can travel many light years to Earth, but not advanced enough to not crash them once here, or not avoid our primitive-to-them weaponry, or not lock-the-doors if they step out to sight-see.
Well, in response to that, I'd say no matter how technologically advanced something might be, why would anyone assume it's immune to failure? In fact, we could be talking about physics far beyond our understanding, which would be extraordinarily complex, and thus the technology necessarily to manipulate and exploit such physics would probably need to be extraordinarily fine-tuned. Anything unexpected happening could throw everything awry.
Well, in response to that, I'd say no matter how technologically advanced something might be, why would anyone assume it's immune to failure? In fact, we could be talking about physics far beyond our understanding, which would be extraordinarily complex, and thus the technology necessarily to manipulate and exploit such physics would probably need to be extraordinarily fine-tuned. Anything unexpected happening could throw everything awry.
The much more likely answer is that a government that has been caught in unbelievable lies in the last few years is planting more lies about fake shit to distract people from the real shit.

Again, people really believe that interstellar craft are crashing often enough to warrant a full time retrieval program?
Here's what I don't get about this video. When the police roll up, there are clearly 4-5 ppl who live in that house.

When the guy is originally calling the police and informing them that these 8-10 foot creatures are in their backyard staring at them, one of the other residents who live in the house and saw the creatures as well couldn't record it on their phone? That is literally the first thing anyone would do in today's world. Heck, ppl pull out their phones to record the dumbest things ever. But these guys don't for aliens in their backyard? These guys would have been instant celebrities. Yet no video. Amazes me.
I don't think people realize how vast and empty space is. It can be computed and modeled but traversing it in the modern equivalent of Conestoga wagons is just not going to happen.

This is our rock and if we survive the next 40,000 years when homo sapiens evolves to something else, it will be their rock.
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I don't think people realize how vast and empty space is.
Vast yes but not empty. Actually space is full of dark energy and dark matter. Those two things compose 98% of all the matter in the universe, with stars, planets and asteroids the other 2%. And unfortunately our science does not know what dark matter/energy are, how to observe it or how to measure it, but they know it's there due to the rate of expansion and acceleration:

Vast yes but not empty. Actually space is full of dark energy and dark matter. Those two things compose 98% of all the matter in the universe, with stars, planets and asteroids the other 2%. And unfortunately our science does not know what dark matter/energy are, how to observe it or how to measure it, but they know it's there due to the rate of expansion and acceleration:

The existence of Dark Matter is under attack. There are tweaks to standard gravitational theory that can account for most of the phenomena used to posit Dark Matter. And we talk colloquially about empty things. Like the desert. There are no pit stops in space.

I think those videos that use peas and pebbles to illustrate the distances involved in just our local celestial neighborhood help put the kibosh on space travel. That and the debilitating effect of cosmic radiation. A space vehicle capable of carrying tens of thousands of travelers for hundreds and thousands of generations and withstanding constant bombardment of cosmic radiation? And carrying its own fuel and repair materiel? We can't even cooperate on something as straightforward as COVID or AGW. There are no happy endings to mutiny in space.
The existence of Dark Matter is under attack. There are tweaks to standard gravitational theory that can account for most of the phenomena used to posit Dark Matter. And we talk colloquially about empty things. Like the desert. There are no pit stops in space.

I think those videos that use peas and pebbles to illustrate the distances involved in just our local celestial neighborhood help put the kibosh on space travel. That and the debilitating effect of cosmic radiation. A space vehicle capable of carrying tens of thousands of travelers for hundreds and thousands of generations and withstanding constant bombardment of cosmic radiation? And carrying its own fuel and repair materiel? We can't even cooperate on something as straightforward as COVID or AGW. There are no happy endings to mutiny in space.
The notion of "hyperspace" from Star Wars isn't totally fiction - it's conceptually possible as explained here:

Also "warp drive" from Star Trek is mathematically possible as explained here:

Now imagine what a civilization that was a thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand years or more advanced that us, what they might be able to come up with? We went from Kitty Hawk to the Sea of Tranquility in 60 years.
The notion of "hyperspace" from Star Wars isn't totally fiction - it's conceptually possible as explained here:

Also "warp drive" from Star Trek is mathematically possible as explained here:

Now imagine what a civilization that was a thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand years or more advanced that us, what they might be able to come up with? We went from Kitty Hawk to the Sea of Tranquility in 60 years.

I think societies reach a technological peak and then slaughter themselves, having used up the easy resources -- particularly energy -- to get there. I think that's the legacy of self-awareness: self-interest, hoarding, injustice. On Earth, we're just apes. And not even easy-going bonobos. On some other rock, they'll be the same kind of beast just with a different morphology. I'm old so I'm pessimistic.
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I think societies reach a technological peak and then slaughter themselves, having used up the easy resources -- particularly energy -- to get there. I think that's the legacy of self-awareness: self-interest, hoarding, injustice. On Earth, we're just apes. And not even easy-going bonobos. On some other rock, they'll be the same kind of beast just with a different morphology. I'm old so I'm pessimistic.
Yea that's something like the Elon Musk theory, that eventually we either blow ourselves up through a nuclear exchange, destroy the atmosphere with carbon and turn us into Venus, get hit with a catastrophic asteroid, or something, which is why he believes colonizing Mars is necessary to ensure the continuation of the human specie. I can't say if he's right or wrong, but it does make sense.

So to fit that into our discussion, it's probably likely that advanced civilizations found ways to colonize other planets so they could continue on. In fact there are some that think we are a colony.
I mean if some civilized technology from thousands of years in the developmental future keeps crashing on earth, i think we have to take a hard look at what we should expect from tesla.
That's the part that never made sense. They're smart enough to travel fast and far enough to get here, and then they just run into us? Even if they went half the speed of light, the trip would take millions of years. No telling what would come out of that inbreeding nightmare.

There are no aliens.
Yea that's something like the Elon Musk theory, that eventually we either blow ourselves up through a nuclear exchange, destroy the atmosphere with carbon and turn us into Venus, get hit with a catastrophic asteroid, or something, which is why he believes colonizing Mars is necessary to ensure the continuation of the human specie. I can't say if he's right or wrong, but it does make sense.

So to fit that into our discussion, it's probably likely that advanced civilizations found ways to colonize other planets so they could continue on. In fact there are some that think we are a colony.
As in panspermia? It's possible, I suppose. Some planet millions of LY away blows up and early Earth gets hit with some of the debris which includes all the relevant organic compounds and such. Possible, of course, but how did that Life begin on that distant planet?

Imagine a colony on Mars. No real carbon energy. The faintest trickle of photoelectric energy. Scant water. So that a "fortunate" couple of thousand people can put off the obvious for a couple of hundred years. Mmm. You'd think it would be easier to have a humane existence here on Earth.
Imagine a colony on Mars. No real carbon energy. The faintest trickle of photoelectric energy. Scant water.
The terra-forming theory would allow, over time, Mars to develop a more dense atmosphere, warm up and allow surface moisture. who knows if it would actually work but if it did it could become hospitable without the domes some day.
Possible, of course, but how did that Life begin on that distant planet?
One of the big questions that likely will remain unanswered for who knows how long.
You'd think it would be easier to have a humane existence here on Earth.
🤣 so true.
The terra-forming theory would allow, over time, Mars to develop a more dense atmosphere, warm up and allow surface moisture. who knows if it would actually work but if it did it could become hospitable without the domes some day.

The miracle of terraforming is like one of those bits in a TV show where the cop has to be someplace in 5 minutes. The magic edit:

Cops get into the car at the station.
Magic edit.
They get out at the rural farmhouse.

So, we spend trillions of dollars on terraforming equipment and at least as many trillions of dollars on transporting it to Mars. Then [magic edit] twenty five families go to Mars to escape the Hell Hole on Earth. And they're going to have enough genetic diversity to keep things going for 10.000 years while the Never Needing Repair terraforming equipment does its job.

I never got into space operas as a kid.
I watched a pretty good documentary about terraforming that was narrated by Charlie Sheen. It was neat when he wired all of the neighborhoods direcTV dishes and could listen to Voyager with them.
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Now we have the hardcore smoking gun evidence that is undeniable that aliens are responsible for causing global warming and climate change by crashing into earth 👽🍺
Or maybe they are here to fix global warming?

It’s a good thing that the subject of aliens is not political or this thread would be closed like the vaccination thread by the everything but aliens is political nuts.
Or maybe they are here to fix global warming?

It’s a good thing that the subject of aliens is not political or this thread would be closed like the vaccination thread by the everything but aliens is political nuts.
One good thing about the recent surge in interest in UAPs is that the effort in Congress is very much bipartisan, and across a wide array of viewpoints in both parties.
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I think societies reach a technological peak and then slaughter themselves, having used up the easy resources -- particularly energy -- to get there. I think that's the legacy of self-awareness: self-interest, hoarding, injustice. On Earth, we're just apes. And not even easy-going bonobos. On some other rock, they'll be the same kind of beast just with a different morphology. I'm old so I'm pessimistic.

If they had nukes in 1914, I don't think any of us would be here right now. Maybe the cool down period (world war-wise) to now will help us move forward in the long run. AI could be another new eventual concern.

Yea that's something like the Elon Musk theory, that eventually we either blow ourselves up through a nuclear exchange, destroy the atmosphere with carbon and turn us into Venus, get hit with a catastrophic asteroid, or something, which is why he believes colonizing Mars is necessary to ensure the continuation of the human specie. I can't say if he's right or wrong, but it does make sense.

So to fit that into our discussion, it's probably likely that advanced civilizations found ways to colonize other planets so they could continue on. In fact there are some that think we are a colony.

Attributing the great filter thought to......Elon Musk LOL.
Also the Roswell crash was reported to have occurred during a sever thunderstorm. Lightening would definitely mess with their propulsion and/or control systems.
What, no shields? Technology 1000+ years ahead of us and able to overcome the perils of interstellar space travel, but lightening would definitely be a problem?

If they had even close to our rate of uninterrupted technological advancement, after 1000 years they would be indistinguishable from gods.
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When you have a former government employee alleging a retrieval program, that’s pretty big news!

But how ‘bout when a current government employee casually confirms the story?

“Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and SpaceIntelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of “exotic materials” to the Debrief, adding: “We are not alone.”

Cat’s out the bag, kids!!

I hope they relate something useful on fusion!

Hell, I’d be happy if they could teach me how to refold a road map . . . . for those of you 55 years old and older!

As to the possibility of crashes, those criticizing the possibility, above, sound as certain as did early twentieth century projections for the Titanic!

If it can be built, it can f@&k up!!
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