Trying out the new poll features


Apr 10, 2008
Free Mash
Let's see how this works. Looks like you can have up 9 different responses, and can set it up to allow people to make more than one choice and/or change their vote.

(I know your favorite fruit may not be on there, but shut up, I'm just trying it out.
Any one else have in mind pies? lol. Love fruit pies. I don't eat much fruit by itself.
Not much beats a really good apple pie
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Worst part about working in an office. Always sweets around. We dont even keep sugar in the house, but the older I get, the fatter I get.
Here, at school they are always bringing in stuff. Finally got strong enough to just not do it. I lost a bunch of weight, I mean a bunch in 2008. Ashamed to even say how much. Gained some back. Need to lose some more. I extreme low carbed in '08 and the weight just melted off. It was startling how it just fell off. I'm low carbing now with a weekend cheat day. Not a binge day, just a cheat day. I've lost about 11 lbs so far with this.
I lost about 25 with low carb, gained 15 lbs back. Been doing my fitness pal and martial arts, but my cheat/weekends kill me. Off it since the Final Four, planning on going back this week.
I've been doing an all carb, no exercise diet going on a year now. Still weight 190 but my body fat has dropped down to 10% from the previous 12%. Do better, losers.
Oh, one of those who eat and don't gain. Hate you.
I was extremely active until '95 when I tore my ACL. I played basketball, tennis every day. Since then, I golf, mow yards and fish. Need to walk.

I was just messin' with you Jason. Sounds like you have a good routine. BTW, love Monroe County. I'm going to try out some of the BBQ recs you gave.

I do a lot of reading on old movies and old movie stars. Supposedly, Gary Cooper had a prodigious appetite. He could eat a whole pie and drink a quart of milk for lunch.
Sorry Jason. I'll do better.

Aren't the selections of emoticons awful. You'd think at least they'd have one for the middle finger.
Worst part about working in an office. Always sweets around. We dont even keep sugar in the house, but the older I get, the fatter I get.
PIG! I would have put a smiley emoticon with this but, I have not figured out how yet. DUNCE! (ME)
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I lost about 25 with low carb, gained 15 lbs back. Been doing my fitness pal and martial arts, but my cheat/weekends kill me. Off it since the Final Four, planning on going back this week.
What kind of Martial Art?