The State of Our Program


Nov 27, 2011

There are a ton of threads on here about half of us going berserk because we are missing out on some of our top prospects. Does it suck? Yes. Does this year define the state of our program? No!

Lets take some things into perspective...

Cal is responsible for changing the culture and atmosphere around UK basketball. He made it HIS version of the university, where the tradition, fan base and winning, and titles where not priority. It wasn't obvious his first half of his tenure, but it was gradually exposed his second half. It was always about what he did for the NBA draft nights and getting freshman to the NBA. Hardly anything regarding our storied program.

Perception is reality....

Here are some things to consider after you take a few deep breaths...

  • Pope is unproven and at a high tier job. ( Dan Hurley was unproven and made his mark at Uconn | I hope this happens for Pope but quicker )

  • Pope has to prove his system works at a high level. ( It will, but players may need to see it first )

  • Pope has to revamp the entire culture at UK that Cal has gradually disdained over time.

  • This year is kind of a throw away year to a certain degree because of how fast Pope has to create a roster

  • The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider is the course over the next 3-4 years under Pope.
    • Does he improve year to year?
    • Do we lock in 1-2 high level freshman and Portal guys?
    • Do we make the NCAA tournament?
    • Do we get out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament?
    • Can we win SECT and SEC Regular Season Titles?

I challenge all of you to look at the bigger picture and comprehend that. Most of the bigger picture is unknown, but it does seem hopeful.

Give Pope time, chill and relax. Pope's true first season is next year. That's when it's fair to start to judge his work.

I hope this helps.

There are a ton of threads on here about half of us going berserk because we are missing out on some of our top prospects. Does it suck? Yes. Does this year define the state of our program? No!

Lets take some things into perspective...

Cal is responsible for changing the culture and atmosphere around UK basketball. He made it HIS version of the university, where the tradition, fan base and winning, and titles where not priority. It wasn't obvious his first half of his tenure, but it was gradually exposed his second half. It was always about what he did for the NBA draft nights and getting freshman to the NBA. Hardly anything regarding our storied program.

Perception is reality....

Here are some things to consider after you take a few deep breaths...

  • Pope is unproven and at a high tier job. ( Dan Hurley was unproven and made his mark at Uconn | I hope this happens for Pope but quicker )

  • Pope has to prove his system works at a high level. ( It will, but players may need to see it first )

  • Pope has to revamp the entire culture at UK that Cal has gradually disdained over time.

  • This year is kind of a throw away year to a certain degree because of how fast Pope has to create a roster

  • The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider is the course over the next 3-4 years under Pope.
    • Does he improve year to year?
    • Do we lock in 1-2 high level freshman and Portal guys?
    • Do we make the NCAA tournament?
    • Do we get out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament?
    • Can we win SECT and SEC Regular Season Titles?

I challenge all of you to look at the bigger picture and comprehend that. Most of the bigger picture is unknown, but it does seem hopeful.

Give Pope time, chill and relax. Pope's true first season is next year. That's when it's fair to start to judge his work.

I hope this helps.
I don't listen to a bunch of keyboard Einsteins. I trust Pope. He has played at the highest level in college and in the Pros. He has coached a top notched program at BYU and succeeded with his hands tied greatly in recruiting. It is absolutely amazing at what he accomplished at BYU having to recruit choir boys. In Pope BBN trusts. I have little doubt he will do amazing things at UK.

There are a ton of threads on here about half of us going berserk because we are missing out on some of our top prospects. Does it suck? Yes. Does this year define the state of our program? No!

Lets take some things into perspective...

Cal is responsible for changing the culture and atmosphere around UK basketball. He made it HIS version of the university, where the tradition, fan base and winning, and titles where not priority. It wasn't obvious his first half of his tenure, but it was gradually exposed his second half. It was always about what he did for the NBA draft nights and getting freshman to the NBA. Hardly anything regarding our storied program.

Perception is reality....

Here are some things to consider after you take a few deep breaths...

  • Pope is unproven and at a high tier job. ( Dan Hurley was unproven and made his mark at Uconn | I hope this happens for Pope but quicker )

  • Pope has to prove his system works at a high level. ( It will, but players may need to see it first )

  • Pope has to revamp the entire culture at UK that Cal has gradually disdained over time.

  • This year is kind of a throw away year to a certain degree because of how fast Pope has to create a roster

  • The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider is the course over the next 3-4 years under Pope.
    • Does he improve year to year?
    • Do we lock in 1-2 high level freshman and Portal guys?
    • Do we make the NCAA tournament?
    • Do we get out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament?
    • Can we win SECT and SEC Regular Season Titles?

I challenge all of you to look at the bigger picture and comprehend that. Most of the bigger picture is unknown, but it does seem hopeful.

Give Pope time, chill and relax. Pope's true first season is next year. That's when it's fair to start to judge his work.

I hope this helps.
Very well said.
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Likely to be a tough couple years. Maybe 3 or 4.
It is what it is. Pope inherits a WORSE situation than Pelphrey, Feldhaus etc al.

Man has to get the building blocks before he can get going.

Us over 60s are in for the long haul
It is what it is.
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I don't listen to a bunch of keyboard Einsteins. I trust Pope. He has played at the highest level in college and in the Pros. He has coached a top notched program at BYU and succeeded with his hands tied greatly in recruiting. It is absolutely amazing at what he accomplished at BYU having to recruit choir boys. In Pope BBN trusts. I have little doubt he will do amazing things at UK.
I think we need to give him time. In 3-4 years from know we will see and we will know if he's the right guy for the hire.

I think EVERY fan in the BBN wants Pope to succeed on two fronts.

1. The obvious - We like to WIN

2. Because it's Pope. He is apart of the TRUE Kentucky basketball and one of our own. Plus he's a super easy guy to like.
There was a lot of talk about how you can turn a roster around completely in a single year. It is possible, but there are very few coaches that can pull it off. I think Pope can still pull this off, but year one expectations need to be tempered.

There are a ton of threads on here about half of us going berserk because we are missing out on some of our top prospects. Does it suck? Yes. Does this year define the state of our program? No!

Lets take some things into perspective...

Cal is responsible for changing the culture and atmosphere around UK basketball. He made it HIS version of the university, where the tradition, fan base and winning, and titles where not priority. It wasn't obvious his first half of his tenure, but it was gradually exposed his second half. It was always about what he did for the NBA draft nights and getting freshman to the NBA. Hardly anything regarding our storied program.

Perception is reality....

Here are some things to consider after you take a few deep breaths...

  • Pope is unproven and at a high tier job. ( Dan Hurley was unproven and made his mark at Uconn | I hope this happens for Pope but quicker )

  • Pope has to prove his system works at a high level. ( It will, but players may need to see it first )

  • Pope has to revamp the entire culture at UK that Cal has gradually disdained over time.

  • This year is kind of a throw away year to a certain degree because of how fast Pope has to create a roster

  • The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider is the course over the next 3-4 years under Pope.
    • Does he improve year to year?
    • Do we lock in 1-2 high level freshman and Portal guys?
    • Do we make the NCAA tournament?
    • Do we get out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament?
    • Can we win SECT and SEC Regular Season Titles?

I challenge all of you to look at the bigger picture and comprehend that. Most of the bigger picture is unknown, but it does seem hopeful.

Give Pope time, chill and relax. Pope's true first season is next year. That's when it's fair to start to judge his work.

I hope this helps.
Cal's way using mostly freshmen only worked on time and that was because he had a very special freshmen but he also had several vets on that team. Word is there are plenty of top players who haven't even declared to enter the portal that are going to once they get paid etc. Plus Pope doesn't need a bunch of 5 stars trying to play pick up ball, he needs players who will fit the offense and his schemes.
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There was a lot of talk about how you can turn a roster around completely in a single year. It is possible, but there are very few coaches that can pull it off. I think Pope can still pull this off, but year one expectations need to be tempered.
The fact is that Pope has never had to swim in the deep end when it comes to recruiting. He is unknown for the most part with the current crop of recruits. His new assistants fortunately are familiar with top level players and recruiting.

He has to build his name. The UK brand alone is not going to do the recruiting in 2024.
Not speaking for anyone else, but figure I’m not alone in this either. All I really care about right now is how much I am going to enjoy watching a team of grown ass men throttle some teams.

This Fall we will have one of the most experienced teams in UK history. That excites me and that in itself is something to look forward to. GBB!!
Not speaking for anyone else, but figure I’m not alone in this either. All I really care about right now is how much I am going to enjoy watching a team of grown ass men throttle some teams.

This Fall we will have one of the most experienced teams in UK history. That excites me and that in itself is something to look forward to. GBB!!
This and this.

It will be refreshing to see a coach who can actually teach kids, a basketball team that actually executes plays, and people who give a damn about our program and fans.

I don’t care what our record is or who we recruit, I just want basketball to be fun and exciting, and passionate again.
I mean, next yrs team is gonna be 1 true frosh & 12 guys who played for 12 diff non-UK teams in 23-24!

Any UK fan who sets personal expectations of a top 10 team that challenges for a Final 4 intentionally set themselves up for disappointment. No matter what transfers we end up with, even if a few of the very best available.
The problem with the patience approach is Pope has to have a good year this year or he will never get good players in here and it’s for the reasons you mentioned. Hes unproven and the majority of the players in the country don’t even know him. You get one first impression and next year is his for most players. If we go 21-17 having missed the tournament then he’s cooked. Hes already having a hard enough time getting quality players as it is. Hes not getting 4-5 years to struggle like Hurley did. That won’t fly here. Especially considering we are already 4 years into a horrible stretch and 9/12 years removed from a final four/title.
This and this.

It will be refreshing to see a coach who can actually teach kids, a basketball team that actually executes plays, and people who give a damn about our program and fans.

I don’t care what our record is or who we recruit, I just want basketball to be fun and exciting, and passionate again.
This is me 100%, and I've said as much for years.
The problem with the patience approach is Pope has to have a good year this year or he will never get good players in here and it’s for the reasons you mentioned. Hes unproven and the majority of the players in the country don’t even know him. You get one first impression and next year is his for most players. If we go 21-17 having missed the tournament then he’s cooked. Hes already having a hard enough time getting quality players as it is. Hes not getting 4-5 years to struggle like Hurley did. That won’t fly here. Especially considering we are already 4 years into a horrible stretch and 9/12 years removed from a final four/title.
Nope. You're wrong.

How did Hurley do his first few years at Uconn?

Why do clueless people speak so definitively?
I mean, next yrs team is gonna be 1 true frosh & 12 guys who played for 12 diff non-UK teams in 23-24!

Any UK fan who sets personal expectations of a top 10 team that challenges for a Final 4 intentionally set themselves up for disappointment. No matter what transfers we end up with, even if a few of the very best available.
Fair enough. Of course I will wait until the roster is set before I have any expectations. Reasonable fans will do this.

I just know that next season will the first in several seasons that I won’t turn the game off early, or find something else to do or, even worse, couldn’t tell you what time the game was on TV.

It’s a brand new start and I totally look forward to it.
The problem with the patience approach is Pope has to have a good year this year or he will never get good players in here and it’s for the reasons you mentioned. Hes unproven and the majority of the players in the country don’t even know him. You get one first impression and next year is his for most players. If we go 21-17 having missed the tournament then he’s cooked. Hes already having a hard enough time getting quality players as it is. Hes not getting 4-5 years to struggle like Hurley did. That won’t fly here. Especially considering we are already 4 years into a horrible stretch and 9/12 years removed from a final four/title.
When you put the numbers to it and really see how many years have passed by under Cal that we becomes crystal clear how much Cal chipped away at the foundation of the program. Kids growing up no longer associate UK with greatness. The handlers only associate UK as an NBA farm team.
He made it the University of Calipari. With his exit, UK quickly looks like a rudderless has been program that is no longer an NBA pit stop. The program itself is not a thing like it once was.
It can be....but we are in uncharted territory.
Sadly, Calipari was fool's gold all along.
I dont think throw away years exist anymore with the portal and NIL
People keep saying this but that doesn't make it so . Name one coach that has built a championship team IN ONE YEAR, using ALL portal players. You can't because it hasn't been done. There was NOBODY on our roster when he got here. It is unprecedented in UK history, to expect Pope to build a contender from 5he portal in one year is just foolishness
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People keep saying this but that doesn't make it so . Name one coach that has built a championship team IN ONE YEAR, using ALL portal players. You can't because it hasn't been done. There was NOBODY on our roster when he got here. It is unprecedented in UK history, to expect Pope to build a contender from 5he portal in one year is just foolishness
It hasn't happened yet because the unlimited transfer rules literally just started. Again, this is a new era you cant look to past examples anymore. At any rate, just my opinion.
I think we need to give him time. In 3-4 years from know we will see and we will know if he's the right guy for the hire.

I think EVERY fan in the BBN wants Pope to succeed on two fronts.

1. The obvious - We like to WIN

2. Because it's Pope. He is apart of the TRUE Kentucky basketball and one of our own. Plus he's a super easy guy to like.

What 3-4 years naw man this isn't a mediocre simp program. He could get fired within that span. I will give him one year. But after that it would be expected of him to have great recruiting classes, successful tournament runs and championships.
Pope is killing it so far and will have a lot more talent than he had last year at BYU and he had that team
rated in the Kenpom top 20 and some big wins, including in the Phog. UK is going to be fine.
It's nothing to do with our program, we are in a era of paid collegiate athletes. Money is all that matters now.
It is and it isn't.

1. Kentucky, Duke, UNC, Kansas are going to all have deep pockets. We can all pay the same level for players. You're not going to get a guy by paying more than another elite program. You're going to have to recruit beyond that.

2. Kids still care about playing time and geography. The Stojokavic kid stayed close to home. Multiple people have cited playing time/role as a big factor for his decision.

So while NIL matters, I don't think it's going to be everything. It's a nice fantasy to say we're Kentucky, we have plenty of NIL, we can have our pick of the litter.

There are a ton of threads on here about half of us going berserk because we are missing out on some of our top prospects. Does it suck? Yes. Does this year define the state of our program? No!

Lets take some things into perspective...

Cal is responsible for changing the culture and atmosphere around UK basketball. He made it HIS version of the university, where the tradition, fan base and winning, and titles where not priority. It wasn't obvious his first half of his tenure, but it was gradually exposed his second half. It was always about what he did for the NBA draft nights and getting freshman to the NBA. Hardly anything regarding our storied program.

Perception is reality....

Here are some things to consider after you take a few deep breaths...

  • Pope is unproven and at a high tier job. ( Dan Hurley was unproven and made his mark at Uconn | I hope this happens for Pope but quicker )

  • Pope has to prove his system works at a high level. ( It will, but players may need to see it first )

  • Pope has to revamp the entire culture at UK that Cal has gradually disdained over time.

  • This year is kind of a throw away year to a certain degree because of how fast Pope has to create a roster

  • The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider is the course over the next 3-4 years under Pope.
    • Does he improve year to year?
    • Do we lock in 1-2 high level freshman and Portal guys?
    • Do we make the NCAA tournament?
    • Do we get out of the first weekend of the NCAA tournament?
    • Can we win SECT and SEC Regular Season Titles?

I challenge all of you to look at the bigger picture and comprehend that. Most of the bigger picture is unknown, but it does seem hopeful.

Give Pope time, chill and relax. Pope's true first season is next year. That's when it's fair to start to judge his work.

I hope this helps.
One of the top things that is needed is the rebranding of Kentucky. We need a full exorcism of Cal and players-first crap from our program. I am not suggesting that we don't recruit any OADs. I am saying that we never again allow them or some crazy coach to take over the program.
It's nothing to do with our program, we are in a era of paid collegiate athletes. Money is all that matters now.
Frustratingly not true.

A buyers market is not overly problematic for us, we might get out bid here and there but would out resource the opposition way, way more often than most.

All the other factors that always mattered are still there in addition to needing the money right.
Considering where UK was these last few years with CCC and the continued downward spiral...Pope has my full support and I understand it will be a process for him to build the Kentucky roster going forward. The transfer portal is a blessing now knowing how Cal was always going to leave the cupboard bare and a mass exodus of players every year with new freshmen anyways. We were hitting too many all-time low points and embarrassment in these last 5 seasons. It will only go up from here. I don't expect a National Championship next season but not going to predict or set expectations of this team's floor either until the roster is finalized.
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I dont think throw away years exist anymore with the portal and NIL
With the NIL it's the haves and have nots. With the portal, everyone has equal access. The game is going to need governance on NIL, and the portal needs to be a one-time thing, or maybe once every two years.
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We were a 2 and 3 seed dumb redneck. LOL at acting like we were 3-29 and are now on probation with scholarship restrictions. You’re a complete fraud and will be trashing Mark Pope when he loses his first game.

Pope doesn’t have your full support, there are conditions tied to your support and he doesn’t meet them you will be calling some lame redneck inspired nickname like CC too.

Wanna know how big of a joke you are? You’re such and embarrassment you ended up here.


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