The Mandalorian

That's what you call bad?

Mando, a dope republic soldier chick, and some peasants take on Saruman's orcs and their Imperial AT Walker. Awesome.

Agree. If this was a down episode then this series is in pretty good shape.

This episode was a classic Western theme. Two gunslingers helping a village ward off bandits. Straight out of Magnificent Seven.
Very specific thing: The Child lets the kids treat him like an infant and feed him, etc., but he also can walk around on his own holding a cup of whatever-they-were-drinking while Mando and Gina Carono’s character fight. He’s about to do something beyond a Force lift.
If baby Yoda doesn't show up in episode 9 does that mean he gets killed off in The Mandalorian?
Original version is better...

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SW fans. Being clowned since Ewoks defeated a technologically advanced race with vines, and log rolls.

SW directors: These guys will eat up anything with SW on it!
George Lucas: Yeah! I know! Look at this guy in the next one! I call him Jar Jar!
Sw directors: Ummm... isn't that a little... offensive? To black people?
George Lucas: Yes. Yes it is. Isn't it great?!?!
Ep 5 was back on track. The sniper 10x better than stupid arm band face tat, bad hair cut, no acting hack that was run out last ep. Sniper is a bad ass that would have been better hero than butch cut.
Sniper must not be dead. Not sure how, but I doubt her story is over. This episode showed that Mando is a bad ass, but not very careful at times. (I know it’s fiction but) you could see the betrayal coming from a mile away. Cool to see Mos Eisley again.

damn that thing is cute. The lack of toys is concerning. Either it dies or it turns out to be a reallllly bad guy.
I chuckled that the canteena droids were not allowed in is being run by droids. No sweet band tho.....disappointing.
If baby Yoda doesn't show up in episode 9 does that mean he gets killed off in The Mandalorian?

Why are you calling Baby Yoda a he? Pretty sure Baby Yoda has the right to demand it's own gsnder.

I remember when Billy Dee was Black
Why are you calling Baby Yoda a he? Pretty sure Baby Yoda has the right to demand it's own gsnder.

I remember when Billy Dee was Black
Because when I was taking English in like 5th or 6th grade they taught me that if gender was unknown to use the masculine form.
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I am enjoying each episode but is there some kind of through story that I am missing? It doesn't seem like one has anything to do with the other.
I am enjoying each episode but is there some kind of through story that I am missing? It doesn't seem like one has anything to do with the other.
The thread is The Mandalorian having a conscience (Not common in his trade), pissing off the bounty hunter guild, and taking care of this seemingly very important being. He doesn’t seem to have a destination in mind, so he’s just kind of on the run and needs some money to keep going. Everything seems to point to some kind of tie in to the movies. We’ll see if that pays off. Next episode is on Wednesday and some screenings of the movie starts on Thursday, sooooooo...

They did an amazing job of playing this show close to the vest. NO one knew about the Child character. We’ll see if all of the movie trailers have been a smokescreen for the tie in too.
Or they don't want to compete with the movie.

Good to see just how badass X Wings are considered when they aren't going up against other warships.
I must be getting old. Watched 3 episodes and was thoroughly bored with all three. Slow, derivative of spaghetti westerns and not very well acted. I may try the 4th episode but I'm finding it hard to get motivated. Disappointed
How many eps are they doing this season? Can you get the free pass and watch them all once they are all out?
How dare you tarnish the name of spaghetti westerns.

I must be getting old. Watched 3 episodes and was thoroughly bored with all three. Slow, derivative of spaghetti westerns and not very well acted. I may try the 4th episode but I'm finding it hard to get motivated. Disappointed
Good episode again. I am not sure that they are going to tie it into the movie but I guess I will find out Friday.
And you can never have too many Breaking Bad actors in something.
Ok I’ll say it. The Mandalorian is pretty good at best. Keeps my attention but doesn’t have me waiting on the edge of my seat for the next episode.
How is that? It kind of bothers me to be honest. I mean wasn’t Cara essentially part of the Rebellion?
I guess not every really knew about Luke. The only folks that really saw him work as a Jedi were at Jabba’s palace (all dead), the emperor (dead), Vader (dead), Yoda (dead). No one knew about Leia being a Jedi or force sensitive or whatever it’s called now. I suppose Vader having the force or something was known amongst the Empire, but most of the people thought it was some old religion. All in all, there was at least a generation of people throughout the galaxy that hadn’t necessarily seen the Jedi or the force in action since Order 66 was given. It was just Yoda, Obi Wan and baby Skywalkers. I’m sure there were pockets of folks who knew about it, but it seems that life in the galaxy was pretty shitty, Empire or not, so they just went along their own way and must not have known everything else that was going on.
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The Jedi and the force are all but folklore by the beginning of A New Hope.

Cara is from Alderaan which explains why she hates the Empire so much.

The war mentioned between the Jedi and the Mandalorians seemingly threw the Knights of the Old Republic with Revan and Malak back into canon. That would be dope as hell.

The Stormtrooper bit at the beginning was hilarious.
Good stuff. Really enjoyed this season. Mainly the simplicity of it all. There wasn't added shit just to add shit (Looking at you Rose and Finn side mission in TLJ which added nothing)
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