School Re-Opening

What method do you support?

  • Full re-open

    Votes: 78 37.9%
  • Parents choice with in-class or virtual learning

    Votes: 103 50.0%
  • Hybrid learning for all

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Full Virtual

    Votes: 18 8.7%

  • Total voters
Went to in person class as a kid, so I'm capable of reading. Also, capable of calling out your dumb nonsense.

"I saw some pictures of crowded classrooms." K. That's super relevant. Thanks for the contribution. Any other anecdotes you'd like to throw against the wall in an effort to keep kids out of school? I mean, we're only at a full year now. 1.5 school years lost for 50% of our kiddos.

I watch an entire school, everyday, take tons of precautions, most are probably in vain and for show, but they bend over backwards anyway to make sure students are getting as normal of a life as we can provide.
I think Middle and High school JCPS doesn’t go back until after spring break based on the two week wait time plus the work needed to get into the schools and the roll out.

Middle and high school kids that DO go back will want to go back to NTI because they won’t like the restrictions of:
-staying almost the whole school day in a single classroom.
-wearing a mask all day
-sitting six feet away from anyone.

While their friends who stayed virtual are rolling out of bed five minutes before class starts, wearing their pajamas to class and are finished by noon.
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Jefferson and Fayette prolly should ask how everyone else is getting it done.

According to a tally from the state’s school boards association, 162 of Kentucky’s 171 school districts have reopened to in-person classes in some capacity.
That would be a nightmare for everyone involved. I can’t even fathom logistically how it could be done.

Yeah, I am hearing goofy stuff like no books in the classrooms, no papers can get passed out and reused with other students.

I don't know how they would even teach under some of the guidelines. Now, maybe some of the new guidelines from the CDC will change these things. This is just what I was getting from listening to my wife's high school messages.
Ask the 53% of the country that's had schools open. Our 5 year old has no trouble masking, they'll be fine.
Not the masks. Specifically the one about keeping high schoolers in the same room all day. (the one I quoted) You might have Algebra 2 with one groups of students and English with pretty much the the same kids, but not everyone in that first room has the same classes as each other all day long.
Not the masks. Specifically the one about keeping high schoolers in the same room all day. (the one I quoted) You might have Algebra 2 with one groups of students and English with pretty much the the same kids, but not everyone in that first room has the same classes as each other all day long.
Don't know. I just think their WAY over complicating this. When you consider basically the rest of the civilized world has been back since Summer, and finally more kids than not are back in the US.

Whatever all these other places are doing, that ONLY our districts in very blue districts can't figure out, should probably be the model.

IMO, those rules were to keep kids out of school, not return safely. I mean, the CDC basically did a 180 in less than a week.
I can't speak to Fayette but JCPS isn't going to be in school this spring. I'll be shocked if JCPS is fully back in session by the fall.

Fifty-eight percent of more than 3,800 respondents said JCPS should continue distance learning even after teachers and staff are inoculated compared to 31% who said the district should operate on a hybrid schedule and 11% who said JCPS should offer in-person classes every school day, according to results shared by JCTA.

What classrooms in what city’s have you been inside of?
I’ve been in a couple classrooms at one of my city schools. I helped a couple friends out by installing a plexiglass shield around 3/4s of their desk because all the school system provided them for the year was one single-use medical mask and a thin cloth sheet to hang around the desk.
I’ve been in a couple classrooms at one of my city schools. I helped a couple friends out by installing a plexiglass shield around 3/4s of their desk because all the school system provided them for the year was one single-use medical mask and a thin cloth sheet to hang around the desk.
What city?
I can't speak to Fayette but JCPS isn't going to be in school this spring. I'll be shocked if JCPS is fully back in session by the fall.

Fifty-eight percent of more than 3,800 respondents said JCPS should continue distance learning even after teachers and staff are inoculated compared to 31% who said the district should operate on a hybrid schedule and 11% who said JCPS should offer in-person classes every school day, according to results shared by JCTA.

Sorry but I have cornered the market on this take for months, you’re going to have to get a different hot take Anth’s Brother.

In all seriousness, they are operating on a different planet....a planet on which they can take our tax money, get paid, and not go back to work in person until the End of Days. I mean, no one is going to make them so, whatever I guess.

That poll showing after vaccine no return still cracks me up. Why tf are we getting this vaccine again (go get the vaccine, that was rhetorical)?

Why tf did they get moved up in line is the better question.....should have literally been dropped to the back/general population category. How many people died bc of their stay at home asses?
Moving the goal posts again

Just saying...

The fact that teachers get vaccine priority over people 60-69 and yet they still have this sort of sentiment is shameful.
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So now FCPS is saying 6-12 grades can’t go back to in person right now because they don’t have enough bus drivers. These people are an absolute joke. They have had a year to figure it out and two weeks before 6th, 9th, and 12th graders are due to go back they say they aren’t ready due to being 30 bus drivers short. At this point why don’t they quit making up excuses and just say we don’t want to go back because...we don’t want to. Meanwhile still collecting their over $100,000 checks down at FCPS administration.