Saying goodbye to a dog


Mar 16, 2004
I'm not expecting any reactions or replies. I just want to vent a little.

Today we took our 7 year old great dane to the emergency vet. For the last few days he's had a stuffy nose and obviously felt a little down. The last couple of days he stopped eating and developed a fever. Nothing major, or so we thought.

Turns out he has fluid in his lungs. A test determined it's very possibly due to cancer but they're not sure. They plan to do more blood work and an ultrasound tomorrow. So, they want to keep him overnight to give him an IV and to keep an eye on him in case the fluid in the lungs becomes an issue.

About an hour ago I got a call that his bp is dropping and his pulse rate is up. They did a quick ultrasound and determined his lungs are filling with fluid. It's possible it's from the earlier test and he's just not able to clot. They want to drain the fluid and give him something to help with clotting.

I've been through this before and I'm afraid we're at the end. I told them to give me a call at whatever time in case we need to rush in to say goodbye. Just writing this hurts. It's not supposed to happen this fast. Our other danes lived to be 12.5 and 14. This guy is a baby compared to them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess hug your pets because you never know.
I feel your pain. Our beagle started having seizures a few months ago and cognitive issues soon followed. The seizures are controlled by medication but the cognitive issues have gotten worse. The vet said dogs don’t come back from where he is so we will likely make a difficult decision this week. Dogs are wonderful but the end of their lives are always tough.
Hug my 12 year old girl every day like it’s her last. Will be devastating the day I have to say goodbye. Sorry man, hope things end up better than you’re expecting.

As far as not getting a dog for fear of losing it, get one. Won’t be a single regret having that dog in my life no matter how hard it will be when she goes.
Lost one of my german sheps this year, she was 11. My heart still hurts. My younger is now 7 and is treated like a queen. Dogs are the very best, and in a lot of cases better than most humans. Sorry you are dealing with your dog, but you will get through it. Do what's best for your dog.
Quick update, he's gone. We got a call from the vet saying they got an enormous amount of fluid off his lungs and that he was still having issues. His breathing was labored and they suggested we come in so we did. We were there to say goodbye as he took his last breath.

This is the fifth dog of my adult life and third Dane. It never gets easier.
Thanks everyone. This guy came to us as a rescue at 3 years old. We're sure he was severely abused by a female. He was scared of everything. He would freak out at my wife's fuzzy boots. I took him around the side of our house where I had a flag flying and he was terrified of that.

But, over time he came to trust mostly me. He was my coworker. During covid I'd say, "alright, let's go to work" and he'd diligently and excitedly head downstairs, most times in front of me, go to the office we set up and take his place on the couch. He would stay by my side the entire day until it was quitting time and time for his walk.

He was a special guy and will be severely missed.
That is terrible @wildcatcorner. I had a lab / dane mix that was in great shape and then at age 9 got sick like yours did - cancer. Gave him some meds for a while but he was pretty miserable. Had to put him down like you did. Tough day.

My old man had a method for getting over the loss of a dog. He would literally go get a new puppy a couple days after the two times our family dog passed away. It pissed my mom off, but I think it was his way of avoiding the pain of thinking about our old dog... and frankly it worked.
I feel your pain. Our beagle started having seizures a few months ago and cognitive issues soon followed. The seizures are controlled by medication but the cognitive issues have gotten worse. The vet said dogs don’t come back from where he is so we will likely make a difficult decision this week. Dogs are wonderful but the end of their lives are always tough.
Sorry to hear. Just know you're not alone. Feel free to message me if you need to talk.
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Also, if you're up for a laugh, I've got a 13 year old, blind, 90% deaf, diabetic poodle puttering around over here. His new move is to wake up at 6 AM, bark at my wife and me in bed until we get up to feed him and open the door to go out. But the thing is, he 1) won't go out and 2) won't eat. He just wants that done. Once the door has been opened and food put in his bowl, he'll go back to bed for a couple hours and get up and eat/go out then.

So if you're still feeling sad in the next few days I'll loan him out to you for the next year.
That is terrible @wildcatcorner. I had a lab / dane mix that was in great shape and then at age 9 got sick like yours did - cancer. Gave him some meds for a while but he was pretty miserable. Had to put him down like you did. Tough day.

My old man had a method for getting over the loss of a dog. He would literally go get a new puppy a couple days after the two times our family dog passed away. It pissed my mom off, but I think it was his way of avoiding the pain of thinking about our old dog... and frankly it worked.

I completely understand that. I don't know if I can do it again though. We lost our other dogs and I said never again. My wife was on the humane society board and we ended up with more against my better judgement. But they grew on me. So much so that I'm saying I can't go through this again.

I guess we'll see how that goes.
Also, if you're up for a laugh, I've got a 13 year old, blind, 90% deaf, diabetic poodle puttering around over here. His new move is to wake up at 6 AM, bark at my wife and me in bed until we get up to feed him and open the door to go out. But the thing is, he 1) won't go out and 2) won't eat. He just wants that done. Once the door has been opened and food put in his bowl, he'll go back to bed for a couple hours and get up and eat/go out then.

So if you're still feeling sad in the next few days I'll loan him out to you for the next year.

So, I'll pass. But, that's great. You have to respect a dog that knows what he wants.
Ugh, I'm so sorry. I lost my girl over Labor Day weekend and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I thought I was prepared for it but it just broke me. I was so connected to her and just felt so empty inside.

The thing that helped the most was going online and reading others reflecting back on their passed pups. Just sharing in that grief and reading some wonderful words and perspective from people smarter and a more eloquent than me was a huge positive. That, and just thinking of all the great memories that were shared. I'm sure he had a wonderful life better than 99% of dogs out there. They're the absolute best.
Sorry to hear that my man. We all love our pups so damn much. I’m looking at my boy sleeping in the couch right now and can’t imagine life without him.

I’ll probably have to get another dog his last years as I won’t be able to pull the trigger after Buster passes on a new one but I know it will help.
Sorry for your loss OP. We have lost two dogs in the past 3 years. Came home and found one dead in the hallway....the absolute worst especially since my daughter was the first to find her and said she was sleeping. We had to put the other one down in early 2022 and so sad being there but wouldnt have it any other way. She ate steak the night before and got chocolate at the vet.

We have rescued two dogs and already dreading that day when something happens to them.
I remember pulling the trigger to the back of the head of a 15 year old lab I had. She got hit in the road but didn’t die and was a mess.

Tough as hell and I cried like a little girl. Dug her a perfect rectangle hole and planted a dogwood tree at the head.

Dogs are the best.
Just like everyone else has said, saying goodbye is the hardest thing in the world. We’ve lost our two rescue goldens and our oldest cat (our first animal) in the last four years. Dogs truly are the most pure, loyal beings around (we love our rescue cats as well, but it’s not the same). Thoughts are with you, OP.
My family are involved in animal rescue and my house is kind of the old dog hospice. So I have a ton of experience with it and it still stinks every time.

Currently, I have a super old doodle mix and he’s on daily pain meds due to awful hip arthritis. He doesn’t have long. I’ve also got an 11-12 year old (estimated) St. Bernard. She’s ancient for that breed, so I’d suspect both of them may be gone by the summer.

It stinks, but I’d rather have some sadness than think of these awesome dogs getting the pink juice at the shelter because of crappy humans. They love my house, and soft beds, and plenty of food for as long as they are around.

And when they go, there will be tons more that will need my help. That’s kind of how I look at things.
It stinks, but I’d rather have some sadness than think of these awesome dogs getting the pink juice at the shelter because of crappy humans. They love my house, and soft beds, and plenty of food for as long as they are around.

And when they go, there will be tons more that will need my help. That’s kind of how I look at things.

This is great perspective.
Most dogs are better than people. Sucks man. Expecting to have to do the same thing anytime in the next year or two tops probably. Just always try to keep my mind ready for it.
My family are involved in animal rescue and my house is kind of the old dog hospice. So I have a ton of experience with it and it still stinks every time.

Currently, I have a super old doodle mix and he’s on daily pain meds due to awful hip arthritis. He doesn’t have long. I’ve also got an 11-12 year old (estimated) St. Bernard. She’s ancient for that breed, so I’d suspect both of them may be gone by the summer.

It stinks, but I’d rather have some sadness than think of these awesome dogs getting the pink juice at the shelter because of crappy humans. They love my house, and soft beds, and plenty of food for as long as they are around.

And when they go, there will be tons more that will need my help. That’s kind of how I look at things.
Good for you. I wish we were in a position to take in more dogs right now. My wife and I have talked about it down the road once the girls are out of the house. I am hoping its something we end up being able to do.
I'm not expecting any reactions or replies. I just want to vent a little.

Today we took our 7 year old great dane to the emergency vet. For the last few days he's had a stuffy nose and obviously felt a little down. The last couple of days he stopped eating and developed a fever. Nothing major, or so we thought.

Turns out he has fluid in his lungs. A test determined it's very possibly due to cancer but they're not sure. They plan to do more blood work and an ultrasound tomorrow. So, they want to keep him overnight to give him an IV and to keep an eye on him in case the fluid in the lungs becomes an issue.

About an hour ago I got a call that his bp is dropping and his pulse rate is up. They did a quick ultrasound and determined his lungs are filling with fluid. It's possible it's from the earlier test and he's just not able to clot. They want to drain the fluid and give him something to help with clotting.

I've been through this before and I'm afraid we're at the end. I told them to give me a call at whatever time in case we need to rush in to say goodbye. Just writing this hurts. It's not supposed to happen this fast. Our other danes lived to be 12.5 and 14. This guy is a baby compared to them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess hug your pets because you never know.
We had a similar situation with a 10 year old dachshund a few months ago. I hate losing dogs. It feels like I lose part of myself with each one. Peace be with you brother.
We are 73 & 74 and we have always had mixed breeds. Everyone of them was unique and happily part of the family. Now have a shepherd/lab mix and displays the best of each breed. He has a polite way of letting us know what he wants and needs. Rosco is exactly the friend we need and I am sure that he thinks that we are the owners he needs. No doubt in my mind that when one of the three of us dies, the other two will be heartbroken and appreciative for the time we got to spend together
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know exactly what you’re going through and send you my deepest empathy and sympathy.

I had a similar experience three years ago with an 8-year-old beagle. I felt a large lump under her throat on a Friday in late May. Had her examined and biopsied the next morning.

She had rapid spreading lymphoma and she only lived another 5 weeks. Went from a normal happy dog to too weak to jump from the floor to the couch in those 5 weeks. Her last night a timor in her stomach ruptured and she threw up blood every hour for the next 8. Worst night of my life. I stayed up with her until the vet opened the next morning so she wouldn’t suffer alone. I held her in my lap the whole night.

We also felt cheated just like you did. My other beagles lives to 16 and 14. This girl was just getting started.

Wishing you peace and comfort in these upcoming days.
I'm not expecting any reactions or replies. I just want to vent a little.

Today we took our 7 year old great dane to the emergency vet. For the last few days he's had a stuffy nose and obviously felt a little down. The last couple of days he stopped eating and developed a fever. Nothing major, or so we thought.

Turns out he has fluid in his lungs. A test determined it's very possibly due to cancer but they're not sure. They plan to do more blood work and an ultrasound tomorrow. So, they want to keep him overnight to give him an IV and to keep an eye on him in case the fluid in the lungs becomes an issue.

About an hour ago I got a call that his bp is dropping and his pulse rate is up. They did a quick ultrasound and determined his lungs are filling with fluid. It's possible it's from the earlier test and he's just not able to clot. They want to drain the fluid and give him something to help with clotting.

I've been through this before and I'm afraid we're at the end. I told them to give me a call at whatever time in case we need to rush in to say goodbye. Just writing this hurts. It's not supposed to happen this fast. Our other danes lived to be 12.5 and 14. This guy is a baby compared to them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess hug your pets because you never know.
Lost a shepherd collie mix to cancer a little over 21/2 years ago. She was 6 years old. Had to put her down. Not an easy thing to do. Have a Pyrenees mix that will be 13 years old in January who has begun lately to struggle getting up although she moves well for her age once she gets going. Eyes are starting to gloss over and we know she is close to her end. Had her since she was a pup and it will be hard when she goes.

I understand your feelings right now.
I'm not expecting any reactions or replies. I just want to vent a little.

Today we took our 7 year old great dane to the emergency vet. For the last few days he's had a stuffy nose and obviously felt a little down. The last couple of days he stopped eating and developed a fever. Nothing major, or so we thought.

Turns out he has fluid in his lungs. A test determined it's very possibly due to cancer but they're not sure. They plan to do more blood work and an ultrasound tomorrow. So, they want to keep him overnight to give him an IV and to keep an eye on him in case the fluid in the lungs becomes an issue.

About an hour ago I got a call that his bp is dropping and his pulse rate is up. They did a quick ultrasound and determined his lungs are filling with fluid. It's possible it's from the earlier test and he's just not able to clot. They want to drain the fluid and give him something to help with clotting.

I've been through this before and I'm afraid we're at the end. I told them to give me a call at whatever time in case we need to rush in to say goodbye. Just writing this hurts. It's not supposed to happen this fast. Our other danes lived to be 12.5 and 14. This guy is a baby compared to them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess hug your pets because you never know.
Best of luck to you. It’s very hard and sad to let them go. Hope he pulls through
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I put my reply in before reading the thread. So sorry for your loss. Very hard to deal with. Hope things get better quickly for you.
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That is terrible @wildcatcorner. I had a lab / dane mix that was in great shape and then at age 9 got sick like yours did - cancer. Gave him some meds for a while but he was pretty miserable. Had to put him down like you did. Tough day.

My old man had a method for getting over the loss of a dog. He would literally go get a new puppy a couple days after the two times our family dog passed away. It pissed my mom off, but I think it was his way of avoiding the pain of thinking about our old dog... and frankly it worked.
I did that with my shepherd collie mix mentioned in my earlier post. A week after we lost her, we found an Anatolian Sheperd/ Pyrenees mix puppy (4 months old) being sold online in a town about an hour away from us. The day we got her is (pictured below). Now she is full grown and 141lbs as of last month. I call her the monster.
