How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
now we know the Russians actually did have full access to voter rolls in 2016 and 2018. Rubio says he "doesn't think" they actually acted on the access and changed any of the data. And because the only thing Trump is worried about is screaming no collusion we have done nothing to fix our terrible voting systems. When Nielson was running DHS she wasn't even allowed to bring the subject up around TRump because it set him off on his twitter tirades.
** KA -- BOOM **

WTF???? All the "smart" Dems in this thread swore non-citizen voters is a GOP-engineered myth.

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio says 1 in 3 chance of civil war
The young in this country are too busy staring at their phones and playing video games......The angry old men are too busy waging war online and fighting low T.
0 percent chance of a Civil War. 🤣🤣🤣
Good grief Brandon... 5 clip edits in a total of 14 seconds of video for you to issue your teleprompter guided, middle schoolish debate challenge to Trump?!? Just pathetic. Who in the White House staff thought it was a good idea to make this video, much less release it after it got all spliced together?

This reeks of some desperation setting in at the White House as they watch the swing state polls continue to slide in the wrong direction for the D team. I can't imagine they really WANT to put Biden in these debates. But they probably figure they have no choice at this point, so their plan is to dictate all of the ground rules to try to be as favorable as possible for Biden.

Democrats are looking for ANY REASON to vote for Biden, and any reason not to vote for anything else. Doesn't matter what it is. Could be mandating cheaper soft drink prices and discounts on Disney streaming fees.


Biden's Commerce Secretary Confirms That More Illegal Immigrants Means More Power for Democrats​

Like I've been saying for years, illegals give Dims more seats without even voting. It's why it takes less votes to win Dim congressional seats. Take a look at vote totals for each seat across the country some time.

"... illegal aliens — generally drawn to sanctuary cities and sanctuary states (read: Democrat locales) — mean there is a surge of individuals running up the "population" numbers in blue areas which, due to the census, results in more congressional seats for blue states and in turn more votes in the electoral college."

Of course MAGA here thinks I like that, LOL. Bunch of goofuses.

I am sorry you are so unhappy and apparently angry. Truly. But, this was your response to what you now apparently admit is lawful use of an LLC which you now characterize as a “loophole” (I am not going down a rabbit hole with you about that characterization):

You now admit that it is not “cheating” or unlawful.

If this message site makes so upset that you feel the need to say such things, get away. Do yourself that favor.
It should be. That's the point. He's a criminal, and he and his criminal cronies have rigged our laws for themselves and against everyday Americans. If something looks bad on the sheets you shouldn't be able to hide it in another LLC. That's wrong, immoral behavior, whether currently legal or not. It's cheating, and just like the example I gave, if a poor person did the same everyone here would see that immorality. But if a rich person does it then it's clever and virtuous. Bullshit. MAGA are fake populist bootlickers.
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He just trolls, but this one seemed like all of this was new info to him. He has all of the knowledge of someone who can’t itemize past the standard deduction.

Why have taxes at all? Aoc says the government can just print more money. She says fedgov just borrows money on paper from itself.

Why do they need mine?

He’s true to his commie roots. The only crime he views as punishable by law is over money.
I know what it is. Apparently conceptually better than you do. It's intentionally taking activity that should be taxed a certain way and obfuscating the information surrounding it so it's taxed less. It is wrong. And as I said from my very first post on the topic, illustrates just what a sad state our country is in that such a thing is legal to those who can afford it. The inmates run the asylum(the bourgeois write the tax code).
True story. Helped my brother clean out a rental property he owns after a nasty renter. Got my son to help out. At one point my son came up to us and said, "Dad, where do you want me to put this dog chew toy? Keep it or throw it away? I said, son....depends on whether or not you wanna be the proud owner of a used pocket pu**y."
He had no idea wth it was. 🤣
We still laugh about that day even though he's a grown ass man now.
** KA -- BOOM **

WTF???? All the "smart" Dems in this thread swore non-citizen voters is a GOP-engineered myth.
137 people after an entire investigation into it! The horror!!!! Consider my pearls clutched with you, Austin my friend. This is definitely evidence that "millions of illegals voted" like Trump has repeatedly said. I mean if we multiply 137(just registered, not voted, but don't worry about that) by 50 you get many millions right? Definitely not a miniscule, irrelevant few thousand across an entire country of hundreds of millions...

Apples and oranges Dion. The “loopholes” are there and it’s not immoral or “criminal” to use them in order to keep from sending any more of your hard earned money to the wasteful Government than you should. People who do that are harming or affecting no one. It IS immoral though to purposely exploit the wasteful Government that we all pay our taxes to in order to bilk us taxpayers out of more money than they deserve because they choose not to be productive members of society. That’s theft by definition, but it’s a loophole so not illegal, but it is immoral. I have a legal obligation to pay my taxes not a moral obligation. I’m not “stealing” anything by using loopholes. But it all doesn’t matter. You want everyone equally poor and beholden to the government.

What’s your proposed tax plan? What would be a fair tax plan with no loopholes to exploit for everyone? Lay it out for us.
I tell ya what would be a more useful use of people’s time than fretting over what your neighbor is paying in taxes. Getting an accounting of what their government is doing with all that tax money.

It is truly amazing how little people seem to care about crimes against children. Let a school shooting happen and they'll yap about banning guns but let a couple hundred thousand kids go missing to sex trafficking and it's crickets.
If given the choice, I'd rather my daughter die in a shooting than to be sold into sex slavery. The only reason dems scream and yell about these school shootings is because it eliminates some of their targets for sex slaves.
137 people after an entire investigation into it! The horror!!!! Consider my pearls clutched with you, Austin my friend. This is definitely evidence that "millions of illegals voted" like Trump has repeatedly said. I mean if we multiply 137(just registered, not voted, but don't worry about that) by 50 you get many millions right? Definitely not a miniscule, irrelevant few thousand across an entire country of hundreds of millions...

One is too many.
I know what it is. Apparently conceptually better than you do. It's intentionally taking activity that should be taxed a certain way and obfuscating the information surrounding it so it's taxed less. It is wrong. And as I said from my very first post on the topic, illustrates just what a sad state our country is in that such a thing is legal to those who can afford it. The inmates run the asylum(the bourgeois write the tax code).

What did anyone say to make you think they’re obfuscating information so as to be taxed less?
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One is too many.

Yep. But democrats are blown whichever way the wind takes their rainbow skirts. One day they ignore one person's claims with proof of fraud, assault, or destroying evidence because "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" and the next day they're holding the country hostage because one person said they were "assaulted" without proof or complaint at the time 20+ years ago with chants of "me, too" everywhere. They wouldn't be anything if they weren't hypocrites and frauds.
If given the choice, I'd rather my daughter die in a shooting than to be sold into sex slavery. The only reason dems scream and yell about these school shootings is because it eliminates some of their targets for sex slaves.

I know what it is. Apparently conceptually better than you do. It's intentionally taking activity that should be taxed a certain way and obfuscating the information surrounding it so it's taxed less. It is wrong. And as I said from my very first post on the topic, illustrates just what a sad state our country is in that such a thing is legal to those who can afford it. The inmates run the asylum(the bourgeois write the tax code).
If you made sound financial decisions in your life, like obtaining a marketable degree and setting yourself up with a solid career path that doesn't involve pulverizing coal for the rest of your life, or until it's banned, then You too could have benefitted from these tax loopholes. I'm sure you would have done the Right moral thing though and shelled far more of your income over to the Government if you had the chance though right?

You still haven't told us what YOUR ideal tax plan looks like, one that's fair and equitable to everyone. Please let us in on what that would be.
I know what it is. Apparently conceptually better than you do. It's intentionally taking activity that should be taxed a certain way and obfuscating the information surrounding it so it's taxed less. It is wrong. And as I said from my very first post on the topic, illustrates just what a sad state our country is in that such a thing is legal to those who can afford it. The inmates run the asylum(the bourgeois write the tax code).
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Good "kid" and interivew. Nice to see people of integrity with a platform standing up to the radical left's nonsense. His total demolition of Pelosi at Oxford Union was a real joy to witness. If you find yourself still oblivious as to what is actually going on after watching that then there's likely no hope for you.