If the cops tell you to stop and you don't, nothing else really matters. Especially when the safety of the first responders, etc. is at issue.
I don't disagree. But, to be fair, he didn't know he was a police officer.
It may turn out a Barney Fife was rigid of following rules and wanted to show the world his power over scheffler…..

But I’d wait to see how the facts play out. Of scheffler simply drove on a median illegally to get around a wreck snd could have given a ticket ….then maybe the police were fast to escalate../but I’d wait to see a few facts before making any judgement
Just the facts. Per Joe Friday
Youre making a lot of assumptions here. He doesn't need to know that a fatality is being investigated by still needs to the heed the commands of a law enforcement officer. Also, how do you know he was "screaming and yelling like a maniac?" You don't. "Escalating the situation?" Again, you have no idea, you're assuming.
3 cars from the entrance following others cars being told to do that sounds like the cop 100% escalated the situation by jumping on his car. Guarantee this gets dropped
See I don't agree. I bet they were telling him to stop and he didn't. I find it hard that it was confusion. He probably thought Ill just go because I am a player and they wont say anything.
Then you don’t know Scotty Scheffler. He’s a good Christian man that abides with the law. The ESPN reporter SAW what happened. Scotty told the police he didn’t realize he was a cop. He was in a marked car and the reporter said the police were allowing the golfers in. The officer made a mistake and will/should face severe penalties.
He's in the clink as we speak. Hopefully he posts bail and gets out in time to tee off today. Hopefully the rain is a blessing in disguise and will delay the start even more. They better not make him withdraw after this.
They said he's at the course and will tee off on time. NOTHING stops a man that wants to make his tee time, lol.
3 cars from the entrance following others cars being told to do that sounds like the cop 100% escalated the situation by jumping on his car. Guarantee this gets dropped
Also, according to a WDRB article he was told by one cop to go on but the other told him to stop.
Youre making a lot of assumptions here. He doesn't need to know that a fatality is being investigated by still needs to the heed the commands of a law enforcement officer. Also, how do you know he was "screaming and yelling like a maniac?" You don't. "Escalating the situation?" Again, you have no idea, you're assuming.
There is a media member who was right behind the car. He is, and has been on ESPN+ all morning . No reason to guess. The actual witness is saying that the officer was screaming and cursing. The media member had to give them Schefflers name, because he didn't do the ole "do you know who I am". The only thing Scheffler said was " I didn't know you were a police officer".
There is a media member who was right behind the car. He is, and has been on ESPN+ all morning . No reason to guess. The actual witness is saying that the officer was screaming and cursing. The media member had to give them Schefflers name, because he didn't do the ole "do you know who I am". The only thing Scheffler said was " I didn't know you were a police officer".
Fair enough, Im at work and not privy to all of the minute-by-minute updates. As I stated in my other post, that's why there is due process and the court system to figure these things out. Kudos to him for not playing that card.
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They pulled a fast one and delayed the event to allow him to tee off "on time". Not because of weather, but I guess "traffic?

This is where mu ESPN+ subscription pays for itself. That and UK baseball, etc. Can't wait to see him tee off at 10EST.
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Suspended? What a joke. Doesn't matter what kind of car he is in he is not above the law and if he disobeys the traffic pattern, then law enforcement officers investigating a FATALITY then he gets what he deserves just like everyone else should. His chipping and putting skills don't preclude him from needing to follow the laws. It was dark, there were officers in and out of the road again, investigating a fatality (which is a very lengthy process), he could've injured or killed someone else.

Youre making a lot of assumptions here. He doesn't need to know that a fatality is being investigated by still needs to the heed the commands of a law enforcement officer. Also, how do you know he was "screaming and yelling like a maniac?" You don't. "Escalating the situation?" Again, you have no idea, you're assuming.

Fair enough, Im at work and not privy to all of the minute-by-minute updates. As I stated in my other post, that's why there is due process and the court system to figure these things out. Kudos to him for not playing that card.
What was that about making assumptions?
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Fair enough, Im at work and not privy to all of the minute-by-minute updates. As I stated in my other post, that's why there is due process and the court system to figure these things out. Kudos to him for not playing that card.
He is one of if not the most grounded athletes on the planet. This is why it's kind of funny to me because this is easily the worst thing he's ever done.
They pulled a fast one and delayed the event to allow him to tee off "on time". Not because of weather, but I guess "traffic?

This is where mu ESPN+ subscriptiong pays for itself. That and UK baseball, etc. Can't wait to see him tee off at 10EST.
They didn't delay the event just moved his tee time. There are guys who have already completed 4 holes.
What was that about making assumptions?
I was going off of the very early information given this morning before I got to work. Obviously, new information has come to light. We'll see how it is handled from here on out through the appropriate legal channels and due process.
I was going off of the very early information given this morning before I got to work. Obviously, new information has come to light. We'll see how it is handled from here on out through the appropriate legal channels and due process.
Not trying to bust your chops but more so that it is a lesson for us all to not jump to conclusions or assumptions about a person or situation without knowing all the facts.
My bad I thought they had just moved his time to allow him to get back.
It was delayed because of the fatal accident. All traffic was stopped around the course. They just said that players were leaving their cars on the side of the road and walking in. No special privilege was given.
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I listened to the ESPN guy in the car behind Scottie and it sounds like the cop was totally the aggressor and escalated the situation and did it quickly.
I’ve said it before on this forum and I’ll say it again: the city of Louisville is an absolute joke. It has all the problems of a city 2-3 times it’s size, and yet there’s nothing you can get there that you can’t get in Lexington. I’m not a huge golf fan, so I’m LOL this morning at their ineptitude which is, pun very much intended, par for the course.
I’ve said it before, people trash Louisville because they’re too stupid to separate UL from the city. What problems does Louisville have that Lexington and every other city doesn’t have? The ineptitude is dumb people making judgements before they have all the info, all you needed to hear was “Louisville”.