OT Bronny Junior diagnosed with heart defect


Aug 16, 2018

He’s already had one cardiac arrest; the next one he might not be so fortunate.

He’d be unwise to continue playing sports.

John Stewart, Pistol Pete, Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis to name a few….
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They should shut it down. Basketball is just a game. His family is already worth billions. Basketball is a conduit to make money for athletes anyway. It's merely a means to an end and that end is wealth. Why risk it if you already have more money than any other basketball family in the history of the world?
Lots of ignorance in this thread.
(Not me...I slept at a Holiday Inn)

About 1% of babies are born with a congenital heart defect.
Many do not need treatment and present no restrictions.
Many of those requiring attention can be treated without restrictions.
No more basketball for sure. I am sure that LeBron can set him up with some kind of business to keep him busy.
Something similar happened with Shareef O’Neal. He had a defect repaired surgically and was able to return to the court.

Above my pay grade, but if Cardiologists told me it could be repaired with minimal risk of a repeat occurrence, I would probably keep playing. Every situation is unique.
A friend died from a congenital heart defect. He had known about the possibility for most of his life since the defect ran in his family. He never did anything about it other than walk more than most people.

It has been almost 20 years now and he's still missed. If you suspect it's a possibility, see a doctor, people.

It isn't like a heart attack where you feel it coming on and can get to the ER or where you have 5 years of angina to prepare for it. The defect makes itself known and then you probably die where you sit.
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He comes from a billionair athlete family and made it all the way to freshmen in college and never having a proper physical work up, when it was known his whole life he was going to try and be a professional athlete???? So odd.

I'm a nobody and my parents had me see a cardiologist and I had an echo done in high-school when I complained of some common heart palpitations...luckily my hearts fine. But if I was super rich, there's no doubt about it my kids would have the best checkups if they played high level sports... I assumed all billionairs would have high level workups.... maybe not.

He’s already had one cardiac arrest; the next one he might not be so fortunate.

He’d be unwise to continue playing sports.

John Stewart, Pistol Pete, Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis to name a few….
No way those guys died before the vax! Everyone knows the vax has caused all these problems!!
He comes from a billionair athlete family and made it all the way to freshmen in college and never having a proper physical work up, when it was known his whole life he was going to try and be a professional athlete???? So odd.

I'm a nobody and my parents had me see a cardiologist and I had an echo done in high-school when I complained of some common heart palpitations...luckily my hearts fine. But if I was super rich, there's no doubt about it my kids would have the best checkups if they played high level sports... I assumed all billionairs would have high level workups.... maybe not.

A routine physical will likely not catch a congenital issue many times. He probably had a battery of cardiac tests done, imaging, etc. in order to find the cause. A stress test or EKG is not enough. I assume he probably had no symptoms, or if he did, he didn't let anyone know.
No way those guys died before the vax! Everyone knows the vax has caused all these problems!!
Youre right of course. The cardiologist who studied for 12 years and has 20 years experience and people travel around the world to get his opinion is wrong. It's crazy people take these peoples advice over "guy taking crap while on internet."
A routine physical will likely not catch a congenital issue many times. He probably had a battery of cardiac tests done, imaging, etc. in order to find the cause. A stress test or EKG is not enough. I assume he probably had no symptoms, or if he did, he didn't let anyone know.
This. There are sooooo many things in life and nature that mimic serious issues and sometimes serious issues have no symptoms until it's too late (or they have such minor symptoms you would never think it could be related).
No way those guys died before the vax! Everyone knows the vax has caused all these problems!!

Yep, because no one ever died of heart issues before then. Not like it's the nation's leading cause of death even before Covid.

Sudden Deaths in Young Competitive Athletes Analysis of 1866 Deaths in the United States, 1980–2006

That's from the American Heart Association. An average of 76 deaths per year. This is NOTHING NEW. Athletes of all ages have died playing sports since sports began. And yes, even before Covid and the vaccine.

Has the vaccine and Covid caused deaths and medical issues? You bet. Every vaccine in history has had side effects and complications. That's why in EVERY medical intervention, whether it be a vaccine, a medication, or a surgery, YOU ARE INFOMRED OF THE RISKS. Which always encompasses a chance of death.

Not every death is a vaccine issue. Nor Coivd (even if both sides believe that).

*rant over*
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Yep, because no one ever died of heart issues before then. Not like it's the nation's leading cause of death even before Covid.

Sudden Deaths in Young Competitive Athletes Analysis of 1866 Deaths in the United States, 1980–2006

That's from the American Heart Association. An average of 76 deaths per year. This is NOTHING NEW. Athletes of all ages have died playing sports since sports began. And yes, even before Covid and the vaccine.

Has the vaccine and Covid caused deaths and medical issues? You bet. Every vaccine in history has had side effects and complications. That's why in EVERY medical intervention, whether it be a vaccine, a medication, or a surgery, YOU ARE INFOMRED OF THE RISKS. Which always encompasses a chance of death.

Not every death is a vaccine issue. Nor Coivd (even if both sides believe that).

*rant over*
Lmao nobody was informed of the risks associated with the Covid vaccine. That’s a joke to even imply as such. 🤣 Matter of fact, they did everything they could to hide those risks, for profit.
Lmao nobody was informed of the risks associated with the Covid vaccine. That’s a joke to even imply as such. 🤣 Matter of fact, they did everything they could to hide those risks, for profit.

So, those that got the vaccine never got ANY information on it? Funny, when I got mine I got several pieces of paper with potential side effects.

I'm not arguing this as it's been debated ad nauseum (emphasis on nausea) for three years. The Covid vaccine rollout was not remotely perfect and of course Big Pharma got their cut. I'm neither D or R. But if we act like we have any leadership anymore, we're kidding ourselves. The mega rich own this country and that's never ever going to change.
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I would just put Bronny in a bubble and a padded room to protect him. I’m not even sure why they sent him to a cardiologist? They could have just logged on to Rafters for medical advice.
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I kinda knew the Vax would bring on the arguing. It may have caused some problems but young guys have died way before the Vax. I should throw in Matt Jones name also!! TRIGGERED!! Lol
Hope the kid is healthy and has a long and healthy life. He is already wealthy. So the thing he might not have is the wise part. I would think with my dad worth more than some countries that I would back out of physical competition and stay as healthy as possible. Then just do that thing (other than sports) that I love.
When I saw the title I just naturally assumed this meant he was in love with a Kardashian.

Hopefully, with treatment, he can play again.
When I saw the title I just naturally assumed this meant he was in love with a Kardashian.

Hopefully, with treatment, he can play again.
He would probably need A LOT of treatment to run with the kardashians!!
Hope the kid is healthy and has a long and healthy life. He is already wealthy. So the thing he might not have is the wise part. I would think with my dad worth more than some countries that I would back out of physical competition and stay as healthy as possible. Then just do that thing (other than sports) that I love.
This. Enjoy a very privileged life. Mentor other young players.
Start looking at coaching opportunities. He can still stay very engaged with the sport, just not in the way he wanted.
Hope the kid is healthy and has a long and healthy life. He is already wealthy. So the thing he might not have is the wise part. I would think with my dad worth more than some countries that I would back out of physical competition and stay as healthy as possible. Then just do that thing (other than sports) that I love.

This. Enjoy a very privileged life. Mentor other young players.
Start looking at coaching opportunities. He can still stay very engaged with the sport, just not in the way he wanted.
Where did you all get your doctorates; Stanford or Brown? You know since you know better than his cardiologist.
Where did you all get your doctorates; Stanford or Brown? You know since you know better than his cardiologist.
Did I provide any medical prognosis? Did I diagnose his condition with medical coding in a chart? Hmmm.. Let me go back and look.....OH! I didn't.

But from the reports earlier this month, Kid almost died. He was in intensive care. As someone who has seen three people got to ICU, you don't just bounce back out of their and return to normal life, not for a little while.

Just saying what I think he should do. Maybe I should throw around some vax conspiracies since it seems to be popular.

If his condition can be treated, great! He should follow his doctor's advice.
But he's literally set for life. Take it easy. enjoy it. Why risk it when you can literally do anything with his resources? He can stay connected to the sport, do some shoot arounds with younger players, mentor etc. And stay healthy and not risk potentially dying.
Did I provide any medical prognosis? Did I diagnose his condition with medical coding in a chart? Hmmm.. Let me go back and look.....OH! I didn't.

But from the reports earlier this month, Kid almost died. He was in intensive care. As someone who has seen three people got to ICU, you don't just bounce back out of their and return to normal life, not for a little while.

Just saying what I think he should do. Maybe I should throw around some vax conspiracies since it seems to be popular.

If his condition can be treated, great! He should follow his doctor's advice.
But he's literally set for life. Take it easy. enjoy it. Why risk it when you can literally do anything with his resources? He can stay connected to the sport, do some shoot arounds with younger players, mentor etc. And stay healthy and not risk potentially dying.
So he should listen to his doctor or you? His doctor obviously says he's fine to play but you say it's not worth it. I'm confused, who's opinion should he listen to?
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So he should listen to his doctor or you? His doctor obviously says he's fine to play but you say it's not worth it. I'm confused, who's opinion should he listen to?
Ultimately he should listen to himself as its his life. Personally, had I just escaped what was essentially a windowmaker, and my dad was one of the richest people in the world, I'd be taking it very easy for awhile.

Now, get off it.
Ultimately he should listen to himself as its his life. Personally, had I just escaped what was essentially a windowmaker, and my dad was one of the richest people in the world, I'd be taking it very easy for awhile.

Now, get off it.
So he should listen to you then not the best cardiologist in the world?
A lot of athletes have had heart issues that have been surgically repaired that you wouldn't know about that have gone on to have long athletic careers. The advancement in managing heart issues have advanced drastically over the last 20 years. In the past, an athlete was done if they had a leaky heart valve. Today, it can be replaced by a pig valve with little to no repercussions.
He comes from a billionair athlete family and made it all the way to freshmen in college and never having a proper physical work up, when it was known his whole life he was going to try and be a professional athlete???? So odd.

I'm a nobody and my parents had me see a cardiologist and I had an echo done in high-school when I complained of some common heart palpitations...luckily my hearts fine. But if I was super rich, there's no doubt about it my kids would have the best checkups if they played high level sports... I assumed all billionairs would have high level workups.... maybe not.

It’s not weird. You would have never had a cardiac work up if you hadn’t complained about palpitations which are not a common occurrence for kids. You’re basing what’s normal off of your own experiences which are not normal. Normal is to have a cardiac work up when you are 45-60 not 15-20.