Bradshaw sucks
Edwards sucks

We have no rhythm. We are just stale.

SERIOUSLY - DID WELCH JUST QUIT, OR DID CAL FINALLY DECIDE TO STOP LISTENING TO HIM? This is the same shitty offense Cals been running for 5 years.

Disgusting for real.
Bradshaw is almost as disappointing as Edwards.

Never seen a 7 footer be so invisible on the interior on defense. Constantly lets smaller guys shoot right over him.
5/14 shooting. This offense sucks ass right now
Given enough time, Cal has managed to destroy our shooting every year. We start off looking good and by February, we can't throw a beach ball in the ocean with one foot in the water.
Bradshaw sucks
Edwards sucks

We have no rhythm. We are just stale.

SERIOUSLY - DID WELCH JUST QUIT, OR DID CAL FINALLY DECIDE TO STOP LISTENING TO HIM? This is the same shitty offense Cals been running for 5 years.

Disgusting for real.
He let Welch do his thing because we didn't have our bigs. Cal had no choice. As soon as he got overrated bigs back, he basically returned to what he does every year with his stale offense.