
Need someone that is good manager or will be a weak link at the top. Would be a very serious job and not just a "he wants the job" or buddy like Cal did. I know nothing about his managerial skills. Would he be suited?
Need someone that is good manager or will be a weak link at the top. Would be a very serious job and not just a "he wants the job" or buddy like Cal did. I know nothing about his managerial skills. Would he be suited?

These articles indicate that he should have a very good skillset for the type of position that he could fill at UK. If he can perform as the director of basketball operations for an NBA franchise, I would think that could correlate well to doing so in short, this doesn't appear to be a "buddy" hire
Need someone that is good manager or will be a weak link at the top. Would be a very serious job and not just a "he wants the job" or buddy like Cal did. I know nothing about his managerial skills. Would he be suited?
He's extremely qualified. As I understand it, he's the GM of OKC's G-League team. He's already done this stuff at the highest level.
If Fueger is the one responsible for BYU's offensive success and is Pope's right hand man, then he's immensely important.
I'm not saying he isn't important but just that Matt Jones said we were going after a big name that would make a splash if he came. So while he is important he doesn't seem like the high profile name Jones insinuates is a possibility.
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These articles indicate that he should have a very good skillset for the type of position that he could fill at UK. If he can perform as the director of basketball operations for an NBA franchise, I would think that could correlate well to doing so in short, this doesn't appear to be a "buddy" hire
Good, looks like he might be right one.
They made it sound like it would be a big name hire and since I had to Google this guy to see who he is I wouldn't think that is the home run guy they keep referring to.
Oh, he is a homerun hire. The guy absolutely knows modern offense. Wouldn't be seeing any more of this "stand around gimme gimme gimme run out the shot clock bullsheet" we've watched under Calipari.
Thats fueger
They suggested that Pope said the assistant would be bringing some guys with him….that doesn’t seem like he is talking about his BYU right hand man.

Sounds like an assistant from another program that we aren’t already expected to get a few to follow Pope from
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Oh, he is a homerun hire. The guy absolutely knows modern offense. Wouldn't be seeing any more of this "stand around gimme gimme gimme run out the shot clock bullsheet" we've watched under Calipari.
That is clearly not who they are talking about though. There is someone else that they said IF it happens would likely be announced today or tomorrow and could bring some guys with him. This is a name most would know already if it were to happen. I’m assuming it’s either a former player or a high profile assistant either in the NBA or college.
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Oh, he is a homerun hire. The guy absolutely knows modern offense. Wouldn't be seeing any more of this "stand around gimme gimme gimme run out the shot clock bullsheet" we've watched under Calipari.
I agree it would be a great hire, but Jones said it’s a big name that everyone knows. So these are probably two different hires.
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