It feels like we’re falling into the hands of our enemies...

So do you personally have a number of deaths until we should start caring to stop deaths? I understand COVID is worse, but how many deaths is worthy of stopping the daily lives of 350 million people? There is not solid plan, unless you want govt officials pulling you from your home and locking you in hospitals (as China did). It has to be realized that freedom isnt always going to mean safety. Everyone has the freedom to protect themselves, stay at home, order online, etc. I just dont condone people applauding others lives being halted/ruined for the sake of a virus that is, by far and wide, killing people that dont really need to be out and about anyway (40% of deaths are from nursing homes, the age range of deaths are by far and wide, mostly retirement aged people). But instead we are keeping younger people put up because they are being naughty and for some reason arent scared of a virus that they have a better risk of drowning than dieing from.

Theres really not an answer to solve it besides doing ones best to protect oneself and trying ones best not to spread it. We are a unique country, for better or worse. A vaccine can slow it, but it will be with us for a long time. We must learn to live with it, without destroying every other aspect of life.
The death rate is dropping every day...
Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I swear it feels at times as if we’re lying down to this pandemic. Yes, I know it’s bad but a crippled America is worse. And a crippled America is what our enemies want.

I’m probably too much of a hard liner in this but damn it feels like we’ve become soft as Charmin collectively as a nation. I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is teetering on complete lunacy.

Please America, bring back the toughness, unyielding spirting and resilience that made us great to begin with. This isn’t the time to wilt and this isn’t the America I grew up believing in. We need to put this train in drive and start moving forward.

Just sick and tired of all the bullshit. Drops of continual negativity wear away the hardest of stones.

Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I swear it feels at times as if we’re lying down to this pandemic. Yes, I know it’s bad but a crippled America is worse. And a crippled America is what our enemies want.

I’m probably too much of a hard liner in this but damn it feels like we’ve become soft as Charmin collectively as a nation. I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is teetering on complete lunacy.

Please America, bring back the toughness, unyielding spirting and resilience that made us great to begin with. This isn’t the time to wilt and this isn’t the America I grew up believing in. We need to put this train in drive and start moving forward.

Just sick and tired of all the bullshit. Drops of continual negativity wear away the hardest of stones.

I agree with you completely. I'm so tired of the fear mongering.
Many of the same people who are so upset about the season possibly being canceled are also adamant about not needing to social distance and wear a mask. (not directed at KB in particular, but the general public)

The last 2 months, way too many have not taken the virus seriously. Thus, we are now at a point where it may not be safe to have the season.

Absolutely sucks. Possibly UK's best team in many years.
Go look at Sweden and New Zealand. Never shut anything, didn’t enforce masks and they have basically eradicated it. This is entirely an agenda being pushed
Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I swear it feels at times as if we’re lying down to this pandemic. Yes, I know it’s bad but a crippled America is worse. And a crippled America is what our enemies want.

I’m probably too much of a hard liner in this but damn it feels like we’ve become soft as Charmin collectively as a nation. I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is teetering on complete lunacy.

Please America, bring back the toughness, unyielding spirting and resilience that made us great to begin with. This isn’t the time to wilt and this isn’t the America I grew up believing in. We need to put this train in drive and start moving forward.

Just sick and tired of all the bullshit. Drops of continual negativity wear away the hardest of stones.


Sadly there is a large segment of the population, mostly made up by those on the political left, that simply don't like America or it's history. They want to fundamentally change it and see this pandemic as an opportunity.
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Whatever an actual national science based plan would require.
I don’t know what that would be now. This shit is a wildfire and should have been stamped out from the start, at least now there is global precedence in how to better contain and fight it.
Our close our eyes and says it’s going to go away plan sure ain’t working

False statement. No country can contain the virus. You reach herd immunity through transmission or a vaccine. That's it.
Many of the same people who are so upset about the season possibly being canceled are also adamant about not needing to social distance and wear a mask. (not directed at KB in particular, but the general public)

The last 2 months, way too many have not taken the virus seriously. Thus, we are now at a point where it may not be safe to have the season.

Absolutely sucks. Possibly UK's best team in many years.
If you're afraid... stay home.

The survival rate is greater than 99.6%.

And by all means... don't drive, fly in a plane, or eat fatty foods ever again.
Preach KB! I couldn’t have said it better and agree with every word! College Presidents have no stones! Players will be much safer on campus getting tested regularly and access to medical care if needed than in home environments.

And he’s not just taking about Football possibly being canceled. I believe he is taking about everything. And he would be 100% Accurate
Go look at Sweden and New Zealand. Never shut anything, didn’t enforce masks and they have basically eradicated it. This is entirely an agenda being pushed
This is where we're at. Hospitals are holding up. We could burn through this by end of Sept at this point. We're never getting to zero and thats what some seem to want.
Heroin is killing people by the hundreds of thousands that’s the biggest problem in America not Corona that barely causes deaths are even hospitalizations. I have 3 family members and a close friend all dead in the last 4 months from Heroin. Let’s all freak out and ruin the economy over the corona because FB told us it’s bad and we need to be woke lmao
I’d like to make a comment about “Enemies.”

I always believed our biggest enemies were China and Russia. I saw them as outside threats to our way of life. I now wonder if our biggest enemies lie within our own country.

Even feeling this way is a sad damn shame and a pitiful commentary on the state of America.

I’d like to make a comment about “Enemies.”

I always believed our biggest enemies were China and Russia. I saw them as outside threats to our way of life. I now wonder if our biggest enemies lie within our own country.

Even feeling this way is a sad damn shame and a pitiful commentary on the state of America.

If only someone would have told us to mask up, social distance and wash our hands.

If only someone hadn't funded the lab that produced this virus...

If only a certain governor hadn't forced China virus patients into nursing homes with innocent, healthy people...

Good thing the virus doesn't spread during "protests", and thankfully we closed churches, where it clearly does spread, because its smart...
Pointing fingers lol how fun
Both of you can be right and wrong at the same time btw
South Korea didn't lockdown anyway, which is something that coronabros like to conveniently overlook.

South Korea moved quickly once the virus was moving into their country. They instituted an organized testing program and found those that were infected and isolated them, quickly. Test, contact tracing and isolate. That was always the formula. Shutting down completely was unnecessary. They also wear face coverings. We could have done that here too but it's much easier in So. Korea because of their size and government structure. They also used cell phone surveillance to track down people they knew had been in contact with someone with COVID and ordered them to self isolate. They did shut down bars that were identified as Virus hotspots. Again, it's much easier to do in a country like S. Korea.

If anyone cares to read it, here's an article that explains their response. From Business Insider.
Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I swear it feels at times as if we’re lying down to this pandemic. Yes, I know it’s bad but a crippled America is worse. And a crippled America is what our enemies want.

I’m probably too much of a hard liner in this but damn it feels like we’ve become soft as Charmin collectively as a nation. I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is teetering on complete lunacy.

Please America, bring back the toughness, unyielding spirting and resilience that made us great to begin with. This isn’t the time to wilt and this isn’t the America I grew up believing in. We need to put this train in drive and start moving forward.

Just sick and tired of all the bullshit. Drops of continual negativity wear away the hardest of stones.


This x 1000!
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South Korea moved quickly once the virus was moving into their country. They instituted an organized testing program and found those that were infected and isolated them, quickly. Test, contact tracing and isolate. That was always the formula. Shutting down completely was unnecessary. They also wear face coverings. We could have done that here too but it's much easier in So. Korea because of their size and government structure. They also used cell phone surveillance to track down people they knew had been in contact with someone with COVID and ordered them to self isolate. They did shut down bars that were identified as Virus hotspots. Again, it's much easier to do in a country like S. Korea.

If anyone cares to read it, here's an article that explains their response. From Business Insider.
And they had just dealt with another pandemic a few years earlier and they had already set up coordination between their public and private healthcare and biomedical institutions.
Such as thousands gathering in the streets to loot and raise hell?

now now it’s been confirmed you don’t get the China Virus er I mean Corona virus if you protest in big crowds or loots stores or try and burn police stations and or federal court houses. It only happens if you sit in churches where you would be socially spaced out, shop at small businesses, only at large owned corporations are you safe to shop. Because in big crowds you are safe. I mean really, you are not allowed to think or have common sense. So stop already.
I’d like to make a comment about “Enemies.”

I always believed our biggest enemies were China and Russia. I saw them as outside threats to our way of life. I now wonder if our biggest enemies lie within our own country.

Even feeling this way is a sad damn shame and a pitiful commentary on the state of America.


KB. I believe it is too. And the ones that lie within are more dangerous. Other world leaders have said the only way to knock America down is within. It won’t be all at once either. Slowly done piece by piece. It’s scary as hell.
now now it’s been confirmed you don’t get the China Virus er I mean Corona virus if you protest in big crowds or loots stores or try and burn police stations and or federal court houses. It only happens if you sit in churches where you would be socially spaced out, shop at small businesses, only at large owned corporations are you safe to shop. Because in big crowds you are safe. I mean really, you are not allowed to think or have common sense. So stop already.
It’s all Billy Bob’s fault because he went in the wal marts without his mask all that other stuff is irrelevant
i look at state, local and national numbers at least 4x times a week...I wish everyone would
Yea. People still keep saying 96% survival rate when its actually up to 99%. Regular flu is deadlier for people 0 to 25 than covid. Teenagers have a .006% chance of dying from covid.

Many of the same people who are so upset about the season possibly being canceled are also adamant about not needing to social distance and wear a mask. (not directed at KB in particular, but the general public)

The last 2 months, way too many have not taken the virus seriously. Thus, we are now at a point where it may not be safe to have the season.

Absolutely sucks. Possibly UK's best team in many years.

Its not entirely true that we are where we're at because of people "not taking it seriously". Its pretty obvious that actions & no actions have done very little to stop covid-19. Its just a very strange & easily transmitted virus that has taken the globe by storm. It's to be respected & we need to be as smart as we can but we MUST learn to live with it. We cannot shut everything down.
KB. I believe it is too. And the ones that lie within are more dangerous. Other world leaders have said the only way to knock America down is within. It won’t be all at once either. Slowly done piece by piece. It’s scary as hell.

When Russia was still the Soviet Union, one of its Premier made a remark, we will pull ur country down from within, we’ll never go to war with u. You’ll do it to ur selves. Damn if he didn’t know what he was talking about. You look at the leaders from the Obama presidency that had ties to Iran. Biden with ties to China. There is a reason he’s called China Joe. You’ve got members of Congress that are Muslim that state publicly they wish to tear down the American govt and replace it with Sharia law. I mean it’s out there. Although they are now trying to scrub as much as they can on social media.

They’ve turned places like Portland into a hellhole and their democratic leaders refuse to do anything about it because quite simply they want that vote in November. Doesn’t matter your business gets burnt out, your wife, ur daughter gets raped. Your son, u get bludgeoned half to death or dead, there is no law an order for you.

Same in Chicago. South side might as well be in the ME. She don’t care the mayor. They don’t donate to her, so they ain’t getting the police protection needed. If BLM actually mattered then protests would be in Chicago and actually protesting the mayor and her handling of the nightly murders. Yet nothing is done. The media stirs up racism to make you believe its rampant and out of control. Believe me, if it was, black armed men marching in daylight in Louisville would have never made it out alive. Let alone in Stone Mtn Georgia.
Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I

I see your point and agree with you. Historically in times of crisis the country has come together to work harmoniously for a solution. Instead now we have people getting into arguments and fights over things like wearing a mask, finger pointing towards certain professional people and organizations, accusation of them being disingenuous, or seeking an agenda, politicians blaming each other instead of working together.

I blame social media for much of this where any yahoo can claim to be an expert on anything and tweet, post on Facebook, or in one instance I know of, put on a white lab robe, masquerade as a doctor and make a YouTube video telling people masks are dangerous.

It's troubling.
I see your point and agree with you. Historically in times of crisis the country has come together to work harmoniously for a solution. Instead now we have people getting into arguments and fights over things like wearing a mask, finger pointing towards certain professional people and organizations, accusation of them being disingenuous, or seeking an agenda, politicians blaming each other instead of working together.

I blame social media for much of this where any yahoo can claim to be an expert on anything and tweet, post on Facebook, or in one instance I know of, put on a white lab robe, masquerade as a doctor and make a YouTube video telling people masks are dangerous.

It's troubling.
It is troubling. I think I know partly how we got here but I would have to move this post to the paddock ;) but I agree with 100% of your post.
Yea. People still keep saying 96% survival rate when its actually up to 99%. Regular flu is deadlier for people 0 to 25 than covid. Teenagers have a .006% chance of dying from covid.

anything can happen at anytime...
In HS I played very sick once (did not tell my coach), I ended up in the hospital for a few days...severe flu. They almost took our may appendix, just to try and get my white cell count under control
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Where’s the American spirit? Where’s the spunk? I swear it feels at times as if we’re lying down to this pandemic. Yes, I know it’s bad but a crippled America is worse. And a crippled America is what our enemies want.

I’m probably too much of a hard liner in this but damn it feels like we’ve become soft as Charmin collectively as a nation. I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is teetering on complete lunacy.

Please America, bring back the toughness, unyielding spirting and resilience that made us great to begin with. This isn’t the time to wilt and this isn’t the America I grew up believing in. We need to put this train in drive and start moving forward.

Just sick and tired of all the bullshit. Drops of continual negativity wear away the hardest of stones.


Very true, the FIGHT that made us great seems to be missing King, being careful is the new normal but we don't have to be this passive.
I’d like to make a comment about “Enemies.”

I always believed our biggest enemies were China and Russia. I saw them as outside threats to our way of life. I now wonder if our biggest enemies lie within our own country.

Even feeling this way is a sad damn shame and a pitiful commentary on the state of America.

I agree KB, and still believe it.
Russia and China do not want a strong US. It hurts their ability to operate as a oligarchy.

Russia’s goal has been very prominent, cultivate racial and political divides within the US to weaken it and we’ve all fallen hook line and sinker for it.

the fact the the strength of disdain for someone has of opposite political views has grown to what it is exactly what they want.

democrats and republicans are Americans first, and we all agree on a lot more then what people want to let on.
I’m tired of turning on cable news and being told I should be outraged. All every night cable show does is cultivate anger or fear.
And you can tell by people’s responses in here that we’re all just drinking the hell out of it.
Many of the same people who are so upset about the season possibly being canceled are also adamant about not needing to social distance and wear a mask. (not directed at KB in particular, but the general public)

The last 2 months, way too many have not taken the virus seriously. Thus, we are now at a point where it may not be safe to have the season.

Absolutely sucks. Possibly UK's best team in many years.
For the record I am one who is disappointed that the season is potentially going to be canceled with a lot of pressure from folks who could care less about college football! I am also one who is taking this virus seriously and wearing a mask anytime I go inside any business so it’s possible not to choose between one scenario or the other as you seem to suggest!
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On social media... China is spending roughly $3million per month to sow hatred. They were all over the rebel flag controversy. They would tweet/post on both sides just to keep people pissed instead of just talking.
If this turns out to be the worst thing any of us live through we have all lived a blessed life.
I hear this a lot, but the thing is imo, that there is why more going on here than a virus. The country is weak and ripe to be re-directed to a place I want no part of....and it’s happening while many keep their heads in the sand.
Not saying I know what to do, but I do have a pretty good idea of how it plays out. There is a good reason that guns and ammo are sold out
I’d like to make a comment about “Enemies.”

I always believed our biggest enemies were China and Russia. I saw them as outside threats to our way of life. I now wonder if our biggest enemies lie within our own country.

Even feeling this way is a sad damn shame and a pitiful commentary on the state of America.

We are our own worst enemy. America has become a powder keg that's all too easy to ignite. We will implode long before we fall to an external enemy. They really need to take a long hard look at the people they allow into the U.S. We can't have people immigrating here that hate us & our way of life.
On social media... China is spending roughly $3million per month to sow hatred. They were all over the rebel flag controversy. They would tweet/post on both sides just to keep people pissed instead of just talking.
I read a Clancy novel back in the 2000's presenting this type scenario. Apparently the playbook has been out for a while on America. Exploit our nations diversity & make her fight against herself. The ole divide & conquer. It's working.
Well 2 weeks and flatten the curve was what nih and CDC said. Now we can't have any cases. Not one hospital is overrun...anywhere. If we do this til we hit zero you might as well stock up on food and gas because now the effects of shutdown are going to be worse than covid.

50% of a country can't just sit in house while the other 50% work to produce food and power.

And global precedent for quarantine is for sick people to isolate. Quaranting an entire population is suicide.

this ^
Quarantine is when you isolate the sick top stop the spread. What is it called when you lock Healthy people up with rules and restrict freedoms. Ok to loot and protest but not church. Ok to go to Walmart but not a baseball or basketball game.