If I’m Mitch


Nov 19, 2005
Realistically speaking I would meet with Cal and negotiate a buyout with an annuity.

I would like to see a soft landing. If needed let him announce next year is his last and he’s going to retire. Cal’s has some great moments for us.. in the past.

We should be good next year. We can survive Wagner Bradshaw Dillingham Ugo or Z leaving. Use the portal to add. I think last night will bring Reed back.

Gives UK time to ID the right replacement with an easier transition without a major exodus and rebuilding process. Don’t want to rush into the next hire and have to compete with other schools on a hire.

If I had to hire I would look hard at Todd Golden but would like to take some time to focus in and get input. Don’t rush into the hire.
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Not me. Cal has alienated everyone and everything with his comments, attitude and the way he has conducted himself. Arrogant and smarmy when he wins. Deflecting in a loss. He gets what he deserves in my eyes and that's immediate showing of the door. In today's age a rebuild is quick with the right coach. That right coach is there.
UK has been to 60 NCAATs, 4 first round losses ever, 2 in the last 3 years. Why is this tolerated by the Admins. it cannot just be about the money. UK can raise the money it is a yearly hit lessened if he takes another job. Get it done.
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For sure don’t rush into a hire but the guy you hire has to have if not won a title at least been to a final four. Lateral coaching moves will push a school into further irrelevance than we’re already in.
Nah. Fire his ass and move on. Cal doesn’t deserve any special treatment. Why keep kicking the can down the road expecting anything different? Next years team will be awful, don’t kid yourself. I’m okay with a rebuild for a few years to get this stench off of us. Sorry, but anyone wanting Cal to stick around is crazy.
Realistically speaking I would meet with Cal and negotiate a buyout with an annuity.

I would like to see a soft landing. If needed let him announce next year is his last and he’s going to retire. Cal’s has some great moments for us.. in the past.

We should be good next year. We can survive Wagner Bradshaw Dillingham Ugo or Z leaving. Use the portal to add. I think last night will bring Reed back.

Gives UK time to ID the right replacement with an easier transition without a major exodus and rebuilding process. Don’t want to rush into the next hire and have to compete with other schools on a hire.

If I had to hire I would look hard at Todd Golden but would like to take some time to focus in and get input. Don’t rush into the hire.
I can agree with your entire argument here. You make good points. This coaching transition need to be thought out and, as you say, a soft landing. Whatever that takes, Cal's time a UK is ending sooner than later.
I’m glad you aren’t Mitch because there is no way Cal needs another year to retire. If he is going to be let go of it needs to happen now.
It may happen the way you say but if a quick transition gets us a Pearl or Drew, we still lose. Emotions are high and fans are pissed but a dumb decision now, baked into raw emotion, is ill-advised. All that said, once Cal realizes he's being asked to leave, it could get ugly and all reason will be out the door.
Let’s not forget what he did for UK in a dark period and how happy we were that he came to us. Unanimously we celebrated. I don’t see that type of hire out there.
It’s time for him to go but we had some great moments.
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Let’s not forget what he did for UK in a dark period and how happy we were that he came to us. Unanimously we celebrated. I don’t see that type of hire out there.
It’s time for him to go but we had some great moments.
Those great moments have been tainted.
Pitino gave us great moments. Should we bring him back to do a victory lap?
I would be more accepting to that than keeping Cal another year.

And we’re in a dark period now because of Cal!!
It may happen the way you say but if a quick transition gets us a Pearl or Drew, we still lose. Emotions are high and fans are pissed but a dumb decision now, baked into raw emotion, is ill-advised. All that said, once Cal realizes he's being asked to leave, it could get ugly and all reason will be out the door.
What’s the worst that can happen? Go 9-16? 2nd round tournament loss? 1st round loss? It’s time this program moves on
I do think there’s a possibility that they agree to rip up the current deal and agree to a new 2 year deal(that he can’t be fired from) at the same salary. Then they go to work on NIL for Reed to return another year, one more real recruiting class in 25(24 is blah) and he can just retire afterwards. Financial cost to the university would be less, the time commitment less, and everyone saves face avoiding a firing.

Not saying it should or will happen but it has crossed my mind as something Mitch might pursue.
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What’s the worst that can happen? Go 9-16? 2nd round tournament loss? 1st round loss? It’s time this program moves on
In agreement. All I'm saying is that there are different scenarios it could all play out and one that will be far better than the others ... all having Cal gone but the way it happens is just as important. Cool heads need to be in charge to mitigate potential unforeseen ugliness. It will be interesting to see "how" Cal responds. Fact remains ... he has to go.
Not me. Cal has alienated everyone and everything with his comments, attitude and the way he has conducted himself. Arrogant and smarmy when he wins. Deflecting in a loss. He gets what he deserves in my eyes and that's immediate showing of the door. In today's age a rebuild is quick with the right coach. That right coach is there.
Did Cal even show up to the press conference last night? I honestly don’t know as I turned the game off early. I knew we were toast when the accountant hit 8 3’s in the first half.
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I bet there isn't a person here today that wouldn't donate to a gofundme to contribute to the buyout

Imagine the message that would send that someone trustworthy starts a gofundme and it raises $8m to help buy him out.
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Just rip the band-aid off and get it over with...

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Not me. Cal has alienated everyone and everything with his comments, attitude and the way he has conducted himself. Arrogant and smarmy when he wins. Deflecting in a loss. He gets what he deserves in my eyes and that's immediate showing of the door. In today's age a rebuild is quick with the right coach. That right coach is there.
This is where Cal has brought himself and everyone else with him. He doubled down on “His way” and you “Basketball Benny’s” are NOT as smart as me or in the basketball Hall of Fame, so shut up and let me show you all how great I am.

Well, he got fat and lazy and stopped doing ALL of the things that brought him success. So, the coach that came to UK proclaiming, “UK isn’t for everyone” , “It’s hard here” and “We are the Gold Standard of college basketball” has been reduced to making EXCUSES and blaming everything on everyone else for his abject FAILURES!!!

Time for him to look in the mirror and do some soul searching, because he hasn’t experienced anything like what’s coming these next few months!!
UK has been to 60 NCAATs, 4 first round losses ever, 2 in the last 3 years. Why is this tolerated by the Admins. it cannot just be about the money. UK can raise the money it is a yearly hit lessened if he takes another job. Get it done.
This. Cal would be paid whether he stays or is fired. What it really comes down to is admins don't think he's done a poor enough job to get fired, and they don't want to pay someone else to coach while they're also paying him. Wouldn't surprise me if they're afraid of how things would look for UK if Cal wasn't to "finish his career with UK". Would it shock anyone if someone in the brass looked at Cal as Rupp 2.0?
Did Cal even show up to the press conference last night? I honestly don’t know as I turned the game off early. I knew we were toast when the accountant hit 8 3’s in the first half.
Yep he did. It's mandetory in the NCAAs. He had the bus ready to roll over the players.
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Realistically speaking I would meet with Cal and negotiate a buyout with an annuity.

I would like to see a soft landing. If needed let him announce next year is his last and he’s going to retire. Cal’s has some great moments for us.. in the past.

We should be good next year. We can survive Wagner Bradshaw Dillingham Ugo or Z leaving. Use the portal to add. I think last night will bring Reed back.

Gives UK time to ID the right replacement with an easier transition without a major exodus and rebuilding process. Don’t want to rush into the next hire and have to compete with other schools on a hire.

If I had to hire I would look hard at Todd Golden but would like to take some time to focus in and get input. Don’t rush into the hire.

I agree that he's brought us some great moments. That's why I won't say ugly things about him. He hasn't costed me anything but time that I voluntarily spent following the program, so that's on me. There's alot of things in this current world to rage about, Calipari is just not one of them. If it is, I'd bet some of the people raging about him are ten times worse the human than he is and are trying to pass the buck, lol. I just don't see him being bought out or leaving so we're stuck as fans.
I agree that he's brought us some great moments. That's why I won't say ugly things about him. He hasn't costed me anything but time that I voluntarily spent following the program, so that's on me. There's alot of things in this current world to rage about, Calipari is just not one of them. If it is, I'd bet some of the people raging about him are ten times worse the human than he is and are trying to pass the buck, lol. I just don't see him being bought out or leaving so we're stuck as fans.
He did alot in the early going. First year had us in the top 10 and off and running. Exciting winning teams.

Don’t need to forget the great times.

He’s lost the edge he came in with back then with success and age. He was play you anytime anywhere attitude. Had tougher kids. Whole program has gotten softer.

Try to keep the recruits and give him next year so UK can hire at its own pace and have time to get the right fit.

Let Cal announce it’s his last season and move ahead without a major rebuilding project.

As the threads on here show there isn’t a definite home run hire available.
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I bet there isn't a person here today that wouldn't donate to a gofundme to contribute to the buyout

Imagine the message that would send that someone trustworthy starts a gofundme and it raises $8m to help buy him out.
If I knew it would work I would donate a decent amount. You’re right, it wouldn’t take long. You would see the amount growing and it would have a snowball rolling downhill effect. I would donate more and more and so would lots of others.
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