Is it time for the narrative to switch to Tom Kim not being able to win any important tournaments?

Cool that he found his way into some of your hearts as a loveable loser in the Presidents Cup, then he hurt his widdle foot in contention at the British, and i'm not even sure they showed a single shot from after Saturday morning this weekend. Oof, Tom.

Damn, he piss on your lawn on or something? Tough crowd when they go after a 21 year old who has 3 tour wins.
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The point with rogue is that he didn't care whether the attention he got was good, bad or humiliating. Just as long as he got attention, it was all the same to him.

And after his dramatic exit, he's still getting attention.

After all this time, I"m surprised some of you obviously still don't get that.

for at least one more post anyway.
No shenanigans from GYERO at Valhalla??

No one slipped the bar 20.00 to put extra shots in their friends drink to make the day outstanding!!

For shame
The whole schtick from the super cool online golf personalities about how big of a disgrace Valhalla was for a major is already tired. I'm trying to separate my bias from automatically thinking its a great venue to host, against the obvious shortcomings of the course and I lean on the side of- if the PGA is honest with itself about growing the game, getting more attention on golf, appealing to casual mass fans- then having Valhalla in the rotation is a good choice.

On the other hand- I get the critiques. Its not a real tough test of golf- especially with how long nearly the entire field of golfers are. The overall score to par for the field spells that out pretty well. There were very few tough spots on the course, and a lot of shots that went offline werent penalized much, if at all. So those thinking that the majors should offer more teeth- I have no problem with that. Also have no problem with some saying #13 looks like a hole a child would create on Tiger Woods Golf '99.

So its a challenge of trying to fit a course with conditions to challenge the field, but also produce excitement and some opportunities for low scores when youre playing flawless golf, having a place to house 200k people, a city with the infrastructure thats capable, a city where the fans show up at incomparable numbers-but they dont act like shithead MASHED POTATOES guys, etc etc... its not just a function of "well (insert this course) would be a much better option". Maybe the roll back changes things in the next few years and more courses become a better test for these guys- who knows.

The writing is on the wall with the PGA bailing out of ownership that this course was a lame duck this weekend- and the odds of it hosting another major are somewhere between slim and none. Their move to other courses in the current rotation doesnt give a lot of optimism for Valhalla. Who knows what will even happen with the course locally- they have their own issues to sort out- but if from a Tour leadership standpoint, I dont think you can look at revenue, TV ratings, hospitality, overall attendance, exciting finish etc etc- and think this was anything but successful. (Aside from the #1 player on the planet being arrested shortly before his tee time).
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* The Terrence Howard interview on Joe Rogan was one of the wackiest things I've ever heard. Among his claims.....

- his first memory was in his mother's womb
- his infant son can easily rattle off the square root of 2, 3, Pi, etc.
- he has over 40 patents
- he's got an engineering degree and a doctorate
- he planned to spend the rest of his life reorganizing the periodic table

Great actor, though. It's hard out here for a pimp, indeed.

* The Reds. Man. What a kick in the balls.

* I'll always stick up for rogue. For starters, this Karen esque gatekeeper nonsense where some of you newbies try to play school crossing guard police and determine who, what, when and where anyone is allowed to post on GYERO is getting super old. Yeah, I said it. This thing has been around for (**gasp**) 22 years, and if the ONLY posters on here were great, legendary, have-a-take-and-dont-suck posters then this place wouldn't be what it is. Dogpiling on idiots like UKO, cincycooper, and chiefpaduke is just as much fun as reading wcc's hot takes or SAE's snarky criticisms.

Secondly, he's a really good dude. A couple years back my buddies went to Key West for a bachelor party, and I put them in touch with rogue. Yes, it was weird explaining to them that I don't even know the guy in real life and we just post on the same message board.......but they went by his bar and introduced themselves, and he ended up rolling out the red carpet. He showed them all around Key West for the weekend, and hooked them up with the local insider track on everything. 2-3 years later, they're still buds and those guys still tell me how much they love the guy.

So anyways. I hope he keeps posting here. And if he posts dumb s***, then that's just one more guy we can enjoy making fun of.

* It's hard for me to live with me.

* Louisville, Kentucky was just put on a world stage for a week. And only a couple weeks past the same treatment during the Kentucky Derby. Easy to pick on our dirty river city friends, but I sure as hell hope the Commonwealth gets that tournament back again.
* The Terrence Howard interview on Joe Rogan was one of the wackiest things I've ever heard. Among his claims.....
I forgot who he was, so I went to his Wiki page. One of the better entries:

"In 2017, Howard published his "proof" of the claim that "1 × 1 = 2" on his Twitter account. Some concerns were raised on the logical consistency of Howard's thinking."

You don't say.
Its not a real tough test of golf- especially with how long nearly the entire field of golfers are. The overall score to par for the field spells that out pretty well. There were very few tough spots on the course, and a lot of shots that went offline werent penalized much, if at all. So those thinking that the majors should offer more teeth- I have no problem with that. Also have no problem with some saying #13 looks like a hole a child would create on Tiger Woods Golf '99.

Many golfers have had issues with the US Open over the years where they said it was made so tough that you sometimes would get punished for a good shot, and they didn't really view that as fair. It felt like the reverse of it was true for this golf course. You didn't really ever get punished for a bad shot.
Each major has its niche. The Masters is the same course. The Open is links golf with possibly crazy weather conditions. The US Open is high rough and punishment. The PGA doesn’t have a real identity.

Add more risk/reward holes: drivable par 4’s. Par 5’s with multiple options/paths aka a lot of stuff Valhalla has. It’s fun when a player can gain 2 strokes all on a single hole. There is nothing wrong with fun golf.
I like the NBA having more parity. For too long there was no reason to actually watch the playoffs.

In a best of 7 series, the randomness of sports is all but eliminated so the NBA Playoffs is essentially just determining who the better team actually is (as opposed to the NCAA tournament where we decide who the best team is that day, which is totally different) -- and that has traditionally been so obvious it isn't that exciting, imo.

Now, it isn't even totally clear who the best player in the world is. Jokic? Giannis? Tatum? Hell -- SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER?!?! Or GD KYRIE!!?!?!

Good times. And, as a diehard fan of Kentucky football and a GYEROMAN, I'm glad for Randall to get to enjoy his Minnesota Timberwolves. Dude has earned it.
Add more risk/reward holes: drivable par 4’s. Par 5’s with multiple options/paths aka a lot of stuff Valhalla has. It’s fun when a player can gain 2 strokes all on a single hole. There is nothing wrong with fun golf.
I wasn't complaining. I like the way it was laid out and that you can gain 2 strokes. My only nit was that I would like there to be some punishment if you royally eff up your tee shot or approach shot. If you look at the stats of that hole over the week (29 Eagles, 247 birdies, 167 pars, 29 bogeys and 3 double bogeys), there pretty much wasn't any punishment at all.
CBS had a little segment yesterday at the end of the telecast about Valhalla. ALL 4 of the PGA's held there, everyone of them was dramatic, down to the wire finishes. Maybe it is "too easy", but results do not lie. All 4 had a very exciting finish. To me, that is the number UNO factor I look for.
Matt Jones, and we all know you read this board, you should let BBdk guest host a segment this summer.

You’ve clearly never tried to have a phone conversation with this dude before.

BBdK could be a great writer or producer but you need a real front man to lead a radio show. A true master of ceremonies. SAE is the logical pick. I could step in and do a yeomans job, but I clear my throat too much.
What would be fantastic is having him (Wodie) host after he's polished off a fifth of Seagrams Gin (that's his favorite, because it's snappy) and a pack of heaters.

OMG, did the guest host have a stroke?

At the end of the day though, I'm the obvious answer. but keep a steady finger on the dump button.
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How about the smashing of a 5th of gin, all while chain smoking heater after heater DURING the show. Kind of get the full on progression of said drunkfest. The advance stages of word slurring would be magical. I would actually pay for a production of that magnitude.
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I like rogue more than most on here. Regularly meet up with him when he's in town and talk with him off the board. He's an annoying poster sometimes, but I like the dude overall.

The only person that actually sucks so bad in here that I can't find anything nice to say about them is that chubby used car salesman in bowling green. I'm sure I'd find some common ground if we met in real life, but then again I might also want to drink bleach afterward.
How about the smashing of a 5th of gin, all while chain smoking heater after heater DURING the show. Kind of get the full on progression of said drunkfest. The advance stages of word slurring would be magical. I would actually pay for a production of that magnitude.
Frankly, there should be a GYERO podcast every couple or three weeks. I've got studio quality equipment in my house. I could produce and publish it remotely. Whoever wanted to participate could call in.

My gift to you. (and the world at large)

(If it makes you feel more at ease, I promise not to contribute, other than producing it. LOL)
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I thought that I had announced this already. I've decided to drop out of law school for family reasons. Please respect my decision.

Max - I'm sure that it is.

With some of the abject crap out there that is monetized, you all could probably see some return.
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No shenanigans from GYERO at Valhalla??

No one slipped the bar 20.00 to put extra shots in their friends drink to make the day outstanding!!

For shame
It was too damn hot. Anybody that went hard on the booze wasn't going to last the day, let alone make it up the hill and steps to the bus.

I can't believe people paid $60 to park in a yard a half mile down the road to have to walk down the hill then back up another hill to that yard. Quite a trudge. Air conditioned buses back to the fairgrounds were just fine, thank you.
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I can't believe people paid $60 to park in a yard a half mile down the road to have to walk down the hill then back up another hill to that yard. Quite a trudge. Air conditioned buses back to the fairgrounds were just fine, thank you.

I still can't believe that Uber hasn't figured out how to do pickups at sporting events properly. It should truly work more like a taxi line (first come, first serve). The difference being you enter in where you want to go in the app, the app "approves" your destination location and cost, and then you just get in the next Uber that roles up when you are first in line.

The Uber line at Valhalla was stupid. It was trying to match driver to end user, but people weren't showing up on time so a huge queue developed and the drivers had nowhere to go. After seeing how it was going down, I just walked up to the first guy, offered him $80 cash, and was on my way.
Friday's KSR Pre Show and actual show was full of misinformation about the accident at Valhalla and the arrest of Scheffler. They were making incorrect statements about stuff that even at the time had been proven to be wrong such as Matt saying that the Darlington guy came up after the incident happened when he was in the vehicle behind Scottie and watched it all go down. Then today they started the show with Ryan Lemond talking about what a great job they all done in reporting the situation. Maybe they should just stick to food brackets as facts and truths just doesn't seem to be something they are interested in. 🤣
Friday's KSR Pre Show and actual show was full of misinformation about the accident at Valhalla and the arrest of Scheffler. They were making incorrect statements about stuff that even at the time had been proven to be wrong such as Matt saying that the Darlington guy came up after the incident happened when he was in the vehicle behind Scottie and watched it all go down. Then today they started the show with Ryan Lemond talking about what a great job they all done in reporting the situation. Maybe they should just stick to food brackets as facts and truths just doesn't seem to be something they are interested in. 🤣
Maybe you should go on the show and call them out on the air.
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Maybe you should go on the show and call them out on the air.
Matt would appreciate the call before you could get anything out if you tried.

What was funny was on the same show they talked about how the national media ran with false rumors when he got sued by rooferee and never retracted their statements but they literally do the same thing.
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No shenanigans from GYERO at Valhalla??

No one slipped the bar 20.00 to put extra shots in their friends drink to make the day outstanding!!

For shame
Only thing I saw is guy next to me ask his buddy if he wanted some bourbon..obviously a quick yes. Other dude proceeded to pull out a bottle of sunscreen, take lid off, and give a nice pour of bourbon.