Maybe I watch too man cop shows but why is a "detective" out at the crack of dawn directing traffic in the rain?
I'm as libertarian as they come, but unless some other facts come out, it sounds like Scheffler disobeyed a lawful order. Micro-penis, and stupid car grabbing aside, he initiated the situation. I don't know how anyone could see it, based on the facts we know currently, any other way. LOL

(that felony will be dropped before the cut)
I'm as libertarian as they come, but unless some other facts come out, it sounds like Scheffler disobeyed a lawful order. Micro-penis, and stupid car grabbing aside, he initiated the situation. I don't know how anyone could see it, based on the facts we know currently, any other way. LOL

(that felony will be dropped before the cut)
I agree the felony will be dropped. That's because it never should have been charged in the first place. I belive civic duty means we need to obey our police, but I also believe the police have a duty to be reasonable.

Gillis = keystone cop
Assault 2nd is pure horseshit.

Lexis+AI states at follows:

Assessment of Serious Physical Injury under Kentucky Law Introduction: This memo addresses whether pain, swelling, and abrasions to the left wrist and knee meet the serious physical injury standard of assault in the second degree under Kentucky law Lowe v. Commonwealth, 2011 Ky. App. Unpub. LEXIS 1010. Statement of Facts: The query presents a scenario where an individual has experienced pain, swelling, and abrasions to their left wrist and knee. Legal Standards/Rules: Under Kentucky law, a serious physical injury is defined as a physical injury which creates substantial risk of death or causes serious and prolonged disfigurement, prolonged impairment of health, or prolonged loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ Morris v. Commonwealth, 2021 Ky. Unpub. LEXIS 24. The seriousness of a physical injury depends upon the nature of the injury as well as the victim's characteristics. Buchanan v. Commonwealth, 2012 Ky. Unpub. LEXIS 21.Analysis: The Kentucky Supreme Court has previously held that pain is an 'impairment of health,' and if that pain is prolonged, then it is a 'serious physical injury' Hunter v. Commonwealth, 587 S.W.3d 298. However, the injury's potential to become serious is not enough, the harm must be realized. Morris v. Commonwealth, 2021 Ky. Unpub. LEXIS 24. Therefore, the determination of whether the pain, swelling, and abrasions to the left wrist and knee constitute a "serious physical injury" would depend on the extent and duration of the pain, the degree of swelling and abrasions, and any prolonged impairment of health or bodily function. Conclusion: Based on the legal standards provided, whether the injuries in question meet the "serious physical injury" standard for assault in the second degree under Kentucky law would depend on the specific facts of the case, including the severity and duration of the pain, the extent of the swelling and abrasions, and any resulting prolonged impairment of health or bodily function.
With virtually any other athlete in the world, I'd immediately assume they were acting like a jackass. But Scottie Scheffler, of all people, did not assault an effing cop. That cop was flexing to cover up his ridiculous overreaction and charged every bit of horseshit he could dream up just to cover his own ass.

Not ACAB, but Det. Gillis is. 💯
Exceeded only by ignoring a law enforcement officer that has instructed you to hold up (for reasons you may not even be aware of), and then, when the officer stupidly hangs on to the car, not stopping your car immediately.

That is exponentially "more stupid". LOL

If you're scoring at home:

Cop - 1

Golfer - 3 (with respect to stupdidty)

And, this might be insensitive, but the guy trying to cross that road, in traffic gets a half point.
How is it ignoring a police officer? Darlington admitted that they were dressed in yellow jackets, just like the Valhalla traffic staff and had nothing identifying them as LMPD, all while Scheffler was in a licensed PGA Tour Valhalla labeled vehicle that he has used for a week now.

Darlington reported that the cop made him roll his window down, so how could he possibly know that it’s a cop until the dude went full on James Bond and leaps onto his car? It was dark, raining and a traffic nightmare.

I agree with you on some things, but here, it looks a lot more like an overzealous cop, than it is uncooperative asshole.
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I don't know what you want me to say.

I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that Scheffler wasn't the very first person to show up and use that alternate route (due to the unfortunate fatality), but, as far as I can tell, Scheffler was the only one that had an incident.

I've admitted that the officer handled it poorly, but common sense tells me that SOMETHING went down, that caused the officer to go full on stupid. So, I suspect Scheffler played a part in it as well. You all seem hell bent on putting the entire blame on the officer (and it sure looks like he deserves the majority of it), and none on Scheffler. Fine, whatever. LOL

The dead horse is down to the bare bones.
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Although unattended, this is great PR for Scottie who is a rather boring/clean cut star. A lot of folks outside of golf are going to know who he is now even though he is the best golfer on the planet right now.
I was a bit late to the White Lotus… just wrapped it up. Although too much dude nudity, I did find it well-acted and written.

Good to see Lazlo from Real Genius getting some well-deserved run.
I agree that it's a good show but I don't want or need to see Steve Zahn's junk. I wonder when Season 3 is being released.
Been like 20 years on here. It’s been a good run, preciate and honestly care about a lot of you and enjoyed meeting you.

I’ve been called everything in the book and taken it, enjoyed all the banter in the meantime. All good, fun stuff.

But one thing I won’t be associated with is someone saying I treat people, especially women or children poorly (f*ck the guys, man the f**k up pussies).

That’s just not cool at all to say, especially when it’s so far from the truth. If there’s any group I look out for it’s women and children, I literally train to protect those people if something were to happen.

So you all can thank @wodiesloot (still like you gal) for finally getting the job done. I’ll be called a ******-ass-cocksucking-douchebag all day, but to say on a public forum (so many view this thread it might as well be FB) that I treat those not as strong or able as myself like shit is a bridge too far for me to take lying down, that some principle-violating shit right there.

I hope to see some of you all on my return trips to Lex.

Enjoy your day and I hope all have a lovely future.

Wildcats to the End. 💙
Turn your key to the city back in before you go.
GYERO really has taken a beating the last day or two, and we need to get this thing back on track. Something to hype up the regulars and get some butts back in seats.

Here’s my idea:


That is the kind of stuff that will put you out of business.

Red Lobster
How is it ignoring a police officer? Darlington admitted that they were dressed in yellow jackets, just like the Valhalla traffic staff and had nothing identifying them as LMPD, all while Scheffler was in a licensed PGA Tour Valhalla labeled vehicle that he has used for a week now.

Ignoring due to the fact Scottie was given instructions and failed to respect them....cop or traffic officer >>>> you still follow the rules. You disregard school bus signs, crossing guards, construction workers, etc, because they aren't "police officers". Hell, what about a railroad crossing sign....that is just an inanimate object.
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