As someone who has to speak up for the women, especially the mothers, I’m wondering how Scottie‘s wife feels right now? She’s at home trying to take care of the new baby while he’s off playing golf and running over police officers.
Oh, he will definitely be hearing about this for the rest of his natural-born life. Rest assured.
The “attaching yourself to a car to stop it” move is certainly a new one to me.

Hey- some towns can handle the spotlight, some can’t.
First off, Louisville hosts the world's largest horse race and racing weekend every single year without incident.

Secondly, this is the FOURTH PGA Championship held at Valhalla and they also hosted the Rider Cup without issue.

This notion that Louisville can't handle "the spotlight" is absurd.

This was a clusterfu&k, but spare me the notion that Louisville can't handle a big event. Jesus Christ.
  • Haha
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I’m all for respecting authoritah or whatever, but trying to attach yourself to a car in that situation - hell, any situation - is one of the dumbest ****ing things I’ve ever heard of.

Exceeded only by ignoring a law enforcement officer that has instructed you to hold up (for reasons you may not even be aware of), and then, when the officer stupidly hangs on to the car, not stopping your car immediately.

That is exponentially "more stupid". LOL

If you're scoring at home:

Cop - 1

Golfer - 3 (with respect to stupdidty)

And, this might be insensitive, but the guy trying to cross that road, in traffic gets a half point.
I mean last year at Derby they were LITERALLY killing horses and now they’re arresting the #1 golfer in the world. If you look at things objectively like I am, you’ll see that I’m right and anyone who ever disagrees with me is wrong a diaper head idiot. Respectfully submitted, MaxP
This guy in a yellow jacket stopping the world's #1 golfer pulling in to a PGA major causes him to lose his job.


This guy in a yellow jacket stopping the world's #1 golfer pulling in to a PGA major causes the golfer to get a felony.


Just like the cop didn't realize who Scheffler was despite being in a PGA marked car Scheffler very well could have thought it was a regular security guard trying to do too much.
Just like the cop didn't realize who Scheffler was despite being in a PGA marked car Scheffler very well could have thought it was a regular security guard trying to do too much.

So just drive around on the median and make your own lane. And what's the point of having "regular security guards" if they aren't to be respected? There's a reason for them and that is to keep order, so people like Scottie don't make their own rules. Every major event w/ highway interaction has traffic enforcement officers.
@roguemocha, what is going on here? I’m just catching up since Wednesday because I was busy and not on TCP yesterday. I think we can discuss this offline. I wasn’t trying to run you off. Just giving you hell like we all do everyday.

*** sorry to interrupt a fatality and PGA nonsense.
Pardon me, but could you please give catfaginbg some of that hell you're talking about. Thanks a bunch.
Speaking of Louisville traffic fiascoes -- what ever happened with the school bussing? Did they eventually get that sorted out (I'm assuming since it is no longer news).