FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2004
Let's hear where everyone is with their workouts, diets, supplements, etc.

I'm currently diving into the mind numbing, boring AF, world of mobility training. Bleh.

Try to be encouraging only.... Lol at Wayne maxing out every workout.
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Favorite gym activity is just a simple HIIT-type workout. Yesterday was about a 25 minute deal rotating between burpees, dumbbell clean and press, kettlebell squats, etc. When I add that in after a run I feel amazing.

Running 20 miles in the morning with my Saturday 5:20am crew. Best day of the week.
Putting my back into adding weight/mass. Been between 180-185 for 15 years. Goal is tickle 200#'s by Memorial Weekend.

Whole foods for all three meals plus 3 shakes in between. Pushing 3k calories. May not be enough though?

Cut cardio to an 12.5 incline walk @ 3.5 to warm up for 20 before lifting, to keep the heart healthy but not doing anything intense through the spring.

Lift 5 days, active rest the other 2.
pump you up hans and franz GIF
This morning I put on a belt I haven't worn in a while and I'm on the last loop now. So whatever I'm doing, it is starting Sunday morning.
This is how I measure progress these days. When my current belt loop gets snug I really hammer diet. Only time I really hit the In-Body scanner is when I'm cutting.
*For anyone, especially over 40, you need to be doing legs frequently. Easiest way to prevent injury. Especially back. Just take it, f*cking slow.

*Also, take creatine. All of you. Everyday.

After listening to the Mind Pump guys for long enough I'm finally pulling back on the amount of time I'm grinding each week. They really hammer recovery and rest days. I just f*cking hate not being active each day.

Non Cycling Season:

M: Back Shoulders
T: Rest or light cardio + mobility + sauna
T: Rest or light cardio + mobility + sauna
F: Chest Shoulders
Sa: Bi/Tri
S: cardio + mobility + sauna

-Diet has just been pretty poor the last month with some big travel. Got that back reigned in to maintenance mode. 24-2500 calories with 225g of protein being the focus.
Gotta do legs, Kook. Have her fit in some squats, lunges, Bulgarian splits and deads.
I hear ya, but I consider fast walking 6x/wk good. I really am physically compromised from partial foot amputation trauma from accident as a kid, Fused ankle, lengthened femur.

This boot camp is gonna attempt to transition into some minor leg stuff.

I take :

C4 Pre workout powder
the Big Hurt Total T Boner pills (as wife call them)
Kale Blueberry Kefir Protein smoothie
Magnesium prior to bed
Has anyone taken creatine long term then stopped?

I took it consistently starting in high school for 10+ years then off and on. Don’t at this point.

But I wonder if it had any impact on my body’s ability to maintain proper hydration levels, because I have to drink at least a gallon of water per day, or I can feel it in my back and joints. And I’m at a good weight, though I spend too much time at a desk.

I don’t know how people that don’t drink a ton of water can even move.
Has anyone taken creatine long term then stopped?

I took it consistently starting in high school for 10+ years then off and on. Don’t at this point.

But I wonder if it had any impact on my body’s ability to maintain proper hydration levels, because I have to drink at least a gallon of water per day, or I can feel it in my back and joints. And I’m at a good weight, though I spend too much time at a desk.

I don’t know how people that don’t drink a ton of water can even move.
None. It’s the most studied supplement on the market outside of whey protein. Zero negative and they are now finding it helps keep the brain functioning optimally.

As Anth said, everyone should take, male or female.
How are you eating 225g of protein a day?

Among all the practical uses for the llms, meal planning is a big one. Assuming you don’t mean how are you physically eating 225g.

Go to chatgpt and type “give me a meal plan that has 225g of protein per day with recipes and a grocery list” and you’ll have it in seconds.

Can do the same thing for meal prep planning.

Takes a lot of the thinking out of it.
Bonz nailed it. Creatine is crazy studied. If you're on a solid gym routine it can only help but they're also finding all kinds of cool neurological benefits these days. It's great stuff.

Use whey if you need help hitting your protein goals. 1g per target weight lb unless you're trying to bulk.
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209 now, was 235 in March. Want to hit 205 before turkey day. Back in my 34" waist pants. Last blood work was excellent....sugar, triglycerides, etc.
Various weight machines at the Y, inc. stairs 3 days a week; shoot hoops 2 days. Not doing too bad for 60.

~You can't beat a bad diet w/ exercise.
~It's easy as hell to put on 5 lbs when you aren't paying attention.
~Age catches up faster w/ you as you age...TS.
- The last 90 days have been an absolute disaster for my workout regimen between two moves and work. But now my home gym is now fully set up and I'm ramping back up to where I was before everything went to hell. home gym flex (not me flexing, just the set up)

- if you are in the market for equipment for home, highly recommend the NUOBELL adjustable dumbbells. Same idea as the Bowflex version, but wayyyyy less bulky and much smoother adjustment. They're not cheap, but the 5-80 lb version is cheaper per set than equivalent individual DBs for those weights. the Bells of Steel lat pulldown cable system is also very smooth. My husband had a hell of a time putting it together, but it's been perfect for us so far. (Plus: Bells is based out of Indy, and they will give you a pretty significant discount if you pick up the equipment rather than shipping it.)

- Did day one of my second run of this "powerbuilding" 10-wk program last night. I ran it this spring/early summer and it was manageable in terms of volume/recovery. As much as I love maxing out and how sad I am I'm not actively training to compete in powerlifting anytime soon, this gave me a nice balance of muscle building/strength and improvement in cardio/work capacity. I modified certain movements and used specialty bars (cambered bar, SSB, duffalo bar, etc.) and deadlift variations (blocks, pins, bands, etc.) the first time I ran it to satisfy my conjugate training itch and was pleasantly surprised at the results. You can also skip the 4th day (shoulders) or sub it for something else without missing much if you want more cardio or your shoulders are trash.
Among all the practical uses for the llms, meal planning is a big one. Assuming you don’t mean how are you physically eating 225g.

Go to chatgpt and type “give me a meal plan that has 225g of protein per day with recipes and a grocery list” and you’ll have it in seconds.

Can do the same thing for meal prep planning.

Takes a lot of the thinking out of it.
Tried it. It just kept saying "UKO IS A DORK" over and over.
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- if you are in the market for equipment for home, highly recommend the NUOBELL adjustable dumbbells. Same idea as the Bowflex version, but wayyyyy less bulky and much smoother adjustment. They're not cheap, but the 5-80 lb version is cheaper per set than equivalent individual DBs for those weights.

+1 for the Nuobells. And mentally they seem like dumbbells rather than the square powerblocks.
I am 76 and have some physical limitations due to a wreck. I own a small business that involves some physical work, so that and walking the dog is my exercise program.

When I was younger, I realized that I would never be the most talented athlete on the field, but if other people got tired and I did not, then I became better. I started running a lot with moderate weight lifting. I really had no plan, just liked beer and running a lot kept me in shape and could drink beer without gaining weight. I did some weird stuff. One year I ran a minimum of an hour a day without missing a day. Another year I decided to do a minimum of 1000 ab reps every day and usually more. Another year I bought a Floyd Patterson book and decided to do his routine for preparing for a fight for a year, minus the sparring. Stuff like that.
I run a pretty simple Push, Pull, Legs body building style regimen, and lately I've only been hitting each muscle group once a week but am doing some serious volume (30 or so working sets is a lot for me anyways). One tweak I've made this year is just simplifying things, i.e. focusing on doing more sets of the exercises that stimulate the most growth -- so more sets of fewer lifts.

I really need to shift my mindset on nutrition now that I'm 40. I mostly just count calories and try to hit some minimum protein numbers. Just eat total garbage some days but never over my TDEE. Need to start putting more thought into my actual health and not just how I'm looking.
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This lady killed me today. starting boxing and mixing it up… boot camp class.

Biggest best gym in NJ at 40,000sf

6 days/wk: 45 minutes treadmill - 7.0 incline / 3.8mph

M. Th- Shoulder
Seated shoulder press
Crunch machine
Shoulder raise machine
Lat pull downs

T. F- Arms
Preacher curls
Tri extension smith machine
Dumbbell curls
Skull crushers machine

W. Sat - Chest
Bench press
Chest cross cable flys
Seated chest press or incline
Chest machines
Preacher curls can be dangerous. There are better/safer options. Warning: pretty graphic video.

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- The last 90 days have been an absolute disaster for my workout regimen between two moves and work. But now my home gym is now fully set up and I'm ramping back up to where I was before everything went to hell. home gym flex (not me flexing, just the set up)

- if you are in the market for equipment for home, highly recommend the NUOBELL adjustable dumbbells. Same idea as the Bowflex version, but wayyyyy less bulky and much smoother adjustment. They're not cheap, but the 5-80 lb version is cheaper per set than equivalent individual DBs for those weights. the Bells of Steel lat pulldown cable system is also very smooth. My husband had a hell of a time putting it together, but it's been perfect for us so far. (Plus: Bells is based out of Indy, and they will give you a pretty significant discount if you pick up the equipment rather than shipping it.)

- Did day one of my second run of this "powerbuilding" 10-wk program last night. I ran it this spring/early summer and it was manageable in terms of volume/recovery. As much as I love maxing out and how sad I am I'm not actively training to compete in powerlifting anytime soon, this gave me a nice balance of muscle building/strength and improvement in cardio/work capacity. I modified certain movements and used specialty bars (cambered bar, SSB, duffalo bar, etc.) and deadlift variations (blocks, pins, bands, etc.) the first time I ran it to satisfy my conjugate training itch and was pleasantly surprised at the results. You can also skip the 4th day (shoulders) or sub it for something else without missing much if you want more cardio or your shoulders are trash.
I went with Ironmaster adjustable dumbbells. Less plastic parts than the nuobells was the determining factor. Can drop the IM’s, but not the nuobells. But the Nuobells look so much nicer.
For Wayne.


20 x 135
15 x 225
9 x 255
6 x 275
13 x 225 (to failure)
helluva bench workout but I'd like to see you skip the 255 and 275 and in no time you will be repping 315 for 6, those 15 reps are wearing you tf out. Just by seeing this the strength is there to do it unless that is just something you're not interested in.
helluva bench workout but I'd like to see you skip the 255 and 275 and in no time you will be repping 315 for 6, those 15 reps are wearing you tf out. Just by seeing this the strength is there to do it unless that is just something you're not interested in.
Nah. I'm not interested in maxing. I typically stay between 12-20 reps on almost everything.
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