FIFA and Clinton Connection???


Nov 1, 2002
just Google . Seem odd that Bill was head of committee for the USA bid for 2018 and 2022 selection which went to Russia and Qatar. Now the Attorney General of USA is finding all the problems with FIFA. Anyone with a brain knows that FIFA is the most corrupt institution and that many were paid millions for FIFA to select Qatar for the World Cup.

Just wondering since follow the money usually applies to these cases.
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What are you implying? I honestly don't understand.

Clinton's country did not get a bid. Which means he lost.

Are you confused and think Clinton was somehow involved in helping FIFA select the sites, so he must've taken money?

Have you googled this or are you just asking us to do it and then explain it back to you?
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I just assume everyone involved in these types of things (World Cup, Olympics, etc.) either gets their pockets lined or lines the pockets of someone else. "C.R.E.A.M. get the money. Dolla dolla bill, y'all," so to speak.
I thought the Clinton's received big dollars from some Russian donors, and that's the connection people are making.
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I thought the Clinton's received big dollars from some Russian donors, and that's the connection people are making.
No, I just find it interesting that the New AG, a Democrat, is the one leading the whole deal. FIMA with its one country one vote agenda makes sure everyone is a crook. yes, I think everyone knew for Qatar to get it many were getting payoffs since all Qatar had to do was buy votes. USA was only looking at 2022, Russia in 2018. Once USA lost, the wrath of the Bill has come down on them