
If your friend gets a lawyer, I would suggest he get a female lawyer. Women are the more viscious of our species, and she will know how low his Ex can & will go.
Have seen the nicest ladies/wives become absolute terrors during a divorce. You may get lucky and have a wife who will agree to be civil and handle the divorce the easy way but never assume your incredible current wife is that woman.
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Have seen the nicest ladies/wives become absolute terrors during a divorce. You may get lucky and have a wife who will agree to be civil and handle the divorce the easy way but never assume your incredible current wife is that woman.
Kinda like bridezilla but divorcezilla?
If your friend gets a lawyer, I would suggest he get a female lawyer. Women are the more viscious of our species, and she will know how low his Ex can & will go.

Sometimes. A good friend's brother got a female atty to represent him in his divorce and she wouldn't do sht for him. Just told him to "take the deal" all the time. No negotiation. Get a GOOD atty.
Per my understanding, this is the worst advice ever on the Cats Pause. You STAY in YOUR house until the divorce is finalized.
Maybe not.

Had a buddy going thru a divorce in their house sitting in his living room watching TV, wife gets home couple hours late from work and a little drunk. She goes straight upstairs.

Comes down about 30 minutes later and says, I'm taking over the living room, get the **** out of here. He replies are you out of your mind to talk to me like that? I am not leaving this room.

She says, I will call the cops if you don't leave. He says call whoever you want.

20 minutes later there are 3 lex police cars with lights on in front of his house and 5-6 cops. They said they got a report of domestic abuse and have to check on things. They told him everything looks good, and he could stay in his house as long as he wanted.

He got some stuff and came to my house. Realized she could have punched herself in the face and he would have gone to jail that night.

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Just be careful what you say or text forit can be held against you. If you have kids it is a battle that never ends until they are 18. This much I know.
Maybe not.

Had a buddy going thru a divorce in their house sitting in his living room watching TV, wife gets home couple hours late from work and a little drunk. She goes straight upstairs.

Comes down about 30 minutes later and says, I'm taking over the living room, get the **** out of here. He replies are you out of your mind to talk to me like that? I am not leaving this room.

She says, I will call the cops if you don't leave. He says call whoever you want.

20 minutes later there are 3 lex police cars with lights on in front of his house and 5-6 cops. They said they got a report of domestic abuse and have to check on things. They told him everything looks good, and he could stay in his house as long as he wanted.

He got some stuff and came to my house. Realized she could have punched herself in the face and he would have gone to jail that night.

This is different than moving out. Leaving when the wife is drunk and crazy for a bit is what this is. What you don't want to do is go establish residence somewhere out because you'll lose a ton of leverage.
Kinda off topic and a very unpopular opinion:

Divorce problems all arise from one thing - marriage. Marriage isn’t the institution it once was, at least partly worsened by no fault divorce. There is NO intellectual reason for contractual marriage these days, esp for men. Approximately 75% of all marriages end in divorce (according to the stats the last time I checked … which has been awhile).

So at best u have a 25% shot at a relationship that does not end in divorce. And that does not mean 25% chance of a happy marriage. Huge difference in not divorcing & happily married. I’ll be conservative and give it 20%. 20% chance your relationship survives happily. Imo, that’s a suckers wager.

Sorry to those that disagree
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Kinda off topic and a very unpopular opinion:

Divorce problems all arise from one thing - marriage. Marriage isn’t the institution it once was, at least partly worsened by no fault divorce. There is NO intellectual reason for contractual marriage these days, esp for men. Approximately 75% of all marriages end in divorce (according to the stats the last time I checked … which has been awhile).

So at best u have a 25% shot at a relationship that does not end in divorce. And that does not mean 25% chance of a happy marriage. Huge difference in not divorcing & happily married. I’ll be conservative and give it 20%. 20% chance your relationship survives happily. Imo, that’s a suckers wager.

Sorry to those that disagree

Just looked it up. The current US divorce rate is between 40-50%, and once the combined household income grows to 200k or more it goes down to 30% as financial difficulty is one of the main causes of divorce. Married people also live longer than single people. Just some interesting stats I just read.
Kinda off topic and a very unpopular opinion:

Divorce problems all arise from one thing - marriage. Marriage isn’t the institution it once was, at least partly worsened by no fault divorce. There is NO intellectual reason for contractual marriage these days, esp for men. Approximately 75% of all marriages end in divorce (according to the stats the last time I checked … which has been awhile).

So at best u have a 25% shot at a relationship that does not end in divorce. And that does not mean 25% chance of a happy marriage. Huge difference in not divorcing & happily married. I’ll be conservative and give it 20%. 20% chance your relationship survives happily. Imo, that’s a suckers wager.

Sorry to those that disagree

1) I assume you are trolling
2) You are wrong on pretty much everything, and what's sad is this info is available on the internet. As mentioned above, it's like 50% end in divorce. But the first has a likely success rate of 60%. So some people are actually responsible for several divorces.
3) What are you suggesting as an alternative for a man? Knock up several women and live on your own in an apartment? You can find a lot of that in low income areas. Sounds awesome.

As stated: I admitted that my stats could be off because I’ve not researched the data in quite some time. I’ve no reason to believe your data is incorrect so I’ll just assume it is accurate. If so, those stats are an improvement imo.
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As stated: I admitted that my stats could be off because I’ve not researched the data in quite some time. I’ve no reason to believe your data is incorrect so I’ll just assume it is accurate. If so, those stats are an improvement imo.

Ya the divorce rate has been steadily declining since 2000 - and the number of marriages has actually decreased. So sounds like people are being more careful and not rushing into it as much. In the article I read something was really interesting. It said if married couples have lots of divorced friends then the divorce rate increases by 75% - meaning that divorce is very much a social thing as well. Thought that was interesting. The more someone gets married the higher the divorce rate as well. 60% of 2nd marriages and 70% of 3rd marriages end in divorce.

1) I assume you are trolling
2) You are wrong on pretty much everything, and what's sad is this info is available on the internet. As mentioned above, it's like 50% end in divorce. But the first has a likely success rate of 60%. So some people are actually responsible for several divorces.
3) What are you suggesting as an alternative for a man? Knock up several women and live on your own in an apartment? You can find a lot of that in low income areas. Sounds awesome.”

1) not trolling. Just an opinion. My stats were off (outdated data I presume)

2) Again, I stated my info was probably outdated. If so the opinion is still valid imo. 40%-50% is still a coin flip imo. Poor odds for any wager but if that’s what ppl choose, I wish everyone the very best. Truly

3) Not suggesting anything of the sort nor am I implying ppl become ratchet-types and live an immortal existence. I’m just throwing out the idea that there should be something between living an unproductive, immoral lifestyle or a playing a game of Russian Roulette that will have consequences up to 18 yrs down the line. And yes, 50/50 (as the provided updated data suggests) IS basically like deciding to flip a coin to determine the outcome of some of the best & most productive yrs of ones life.

Many ppl are in stable, loving relationships w/o the “risks” that a contractual marriage always incurs. Just live by & actually take the vows of marriage seriously. You know: love, honor, respect et al. As a man, really strive to be the best man, provider, protector, father, lover that you can be & expect the same from your mate. It’s not really that far-fetched of an idea.

Obviously I’m not taking into account religious customs or things like that. You do you where that comes into play. I have no issues with that.

My intention wasn’t to hijack this topic or cause course feelings. My first sentence stated it was unpopular so I knew this was a possibility. Sorry to the OP who was questioning divorce & advice.
Ya the divorce rate has been steadily declining since 2000 - and the number of marriages has actually decreased. So sounds like people are being more careful and not rushing into it as much. In the article I read something was really interesting. It said if married couples have lots of divorced friends then the divorce rate increases by 75% - meaning that divorce is very much a social thing as well. Thought that was interesting. The more someone gets married the higher the divorce rate as well. 60% of 2nd marriages and 70% of 3rd marriages end in divorce.
Sounds about right - trying to be like your friends isn’t the wisest decision

Also with the second and third marriage it’s interesting b/c it seems like the person that doesn’t think they were the problem probably was thus subsequent divorces
“Ya the divorce rate has been steadily declining since 2000 - and the number of marriages has actually decreased. So sounds like people are being more careful and not rushing into it as much”

Interesting. Maybe I am/was kinda correct depending on how ppl interpret this.
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This is different than moving out. Leaving when the wife is drunk and crazy for a bit is what this is. What you don't want to do is go establish residence somewhere out because you'll lose a ton of leverage.
You are required to have a separate residence in some states to be separated for a certain period of time before allowed to divorce.
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This is different than moving out. Leaving when the wife is drunk and crazy for a bit is what this is. What you don't want to do is go establish residence somewhere out because you'll lose a ton of leverage.
If you do not move out, there is the chance you have to deal with this every day. If you don't give a crap about the house, move out. Or make her an offer she cant refuse to move out.

Either way, the residence means a lot less than some bullcrap charges on your record. IMO
I am on my second marriage (23 years now) after 10 years of being single and divorced from 1st wife. I was in the military on Drill Sergeant status when my first wife decided she had enough of the military life 10 years in . She was seeing 4 different men at the time so, there was no reconciling from that. The only positive was than it took 4 men to replace me. ;) My only advice is to get a good lawyer as the odds in most states are still in favor of the woman.

Infidelity for me is about the worst thing in a marriage. Even though I love my second wife very much, if she cheated, I would kick her to the curb in a heartbeat. My pride and mental state of mind would require it.
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I am on my second marriage (23 years now) after 10 years of being single and divorced from 1st wife. I was in the military on Drill Sergeant status when my first wife decided she had enough of the military life 10 years in . She was seeing 4 different men at the time so, there was no reconciling from that. The only positive was than it took 4 men to replace me. ;) My only advice is to get a good lawyer as the odds in most states are still in favor of the woman.

Infidelity for me is about the worst thing in a marriage. Even though I love my second wife very much, if she cheated, I would kick her to the curb in a heartbeat. My pride and mental state of mind would require it.

Similar story. Right there with you Warrior.
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