DEI Dominates the University of Kentucky


Feb 5, 2003
Since this is about UK, I thought it deserved its own thread.

"The University of Kentucky is in trouble. Though a conservative state legislature has been in power for more than a decade, university administrators have created a sprawling DEI bureaucracy that encourages racial discrimination in hiring and scholarships, attempts to control students’ “unconscious thoughts and behaviors” through mandatory diversity training, and even requires new building projects to allocate up to $1 million toward public artwork that pushes left-wing ideology."

Since this is about UK, I thought it deserved its own thread.

"The University of Kentucky is in trouble. Though a conservative state legislature has been in power for more than a decade, university administrators have created a sprawling DEI bureaucracy that encourages racial discrimination in hiring and scholarships, attempts to control students’ “unconscious thoughts and behaviors” through mandatory diversity training, and even requires new building projects to allocate up to $1 million toward public artwork that pushes left-wing ideology."

Thats absolutely sickening. My alma mater has fallen. Forced indoctrination and reverse discrimination is everything a learning institution should run from, not embrace.

I'll root for our sports teams but the university itself can rot in hell.
Every dei position should be eliminated immediately. So should most every other high paying administrative job in n public education.

Saw a report yesterday that Jefferson county public schools has 98 administrative positions making over 100k per year while also having a massive school bus driver shortage because 1) god awful handling by administration of routes, etc and 2) low pay especially when considering item 1.

You can only imagine the bloat in higher education. Fire them all. Give the money to the teachers, bus drivers, janitors.
This just proves both sides will complain no matter what. Conservatives practically have a dream state in KY (minus one well-liked governor who doesn't have all that much power). We've got two blue mid-sized cities that no one outside of the state thinks about (minus one weekend in May) and the rest of the state is ruby red. Yet righties would have you believe we're still rotten to the core and it's because of those damned lefties in *checks notes* Kentucky.

Oh well, glad we've got a conservative site telling us UK is in trouble and public artwork is bad. We need a meme that says Right Left Red Blue The Media Biden Trump Abortion Guns Woke Cancel Beer Chicken Sandwich Books Artwork Teachers Masks...Y'all Mad Yet?
I’m not mad, I don’t care about any of it, but I wanted you all to know that I don’t care about it is all.

But honestly, you all should totally focus on hating Left and Right while they both laugh and bleed you dry.

Both “sides” are absolute fools as they keep you all mad about trivial bullshit while they give all your money to foreigners and themselves.

For sure though, let’s get mad about this, totes important.
This just proves both sides will complain no matter what. Conservatives practically have a dream state in KY (minus one well-liked governor who doesn't have all that much power). We've got two blue mid-sized cities that no one outside of the state thinks about (minus one weekend in May) and the rest of the state is ruby red. Yet righties would have you believe we're still rotten to the core and it's because of those damned lefties in *checks notes* Kentucky.

Oh well, glad we've got a conservative site telling us UK is in trouble and public artwork is bad. We need a meme that says Right Left Red Blue The Media Biden Trump Abortion Guns Woke Cancel Beer Chicken Sandwich Books Artwork Teachers Masks...Y'all Mad Yet?

In other words, discrimination is okay with you. Just look away and accept it. Nice.
This just proves both sides will complain no matter what. Conservatives practically have a dream state in KY (minus one well-liked governor who doesn't have all that much power). We've got two blue mid-sized cities that no one outside of the state thinks about (minus one weekend in May) and the rest of the state is ruby red. Yet righties would have you believe we're still rotten to the core and it's because of those damned lefties in *checks notes* Kentucky.

Oh well, glad we've got a conservative site telling us UK is in trouble and public artwork is bad. We need a meme that says Right Left Red Blue The Media Biden Trump Abortion Guns Woke Cancel Beer Chicken Sandwich Books Artwork Teachers Masks...Y'all Mad Yet?
So you're saying discrimination is OK as long as most of the state is red? Weird take but OK.
I’m not mad, I don’t care about any of it, but I wanted you all to know that I don’t care about it is all.

But honestly, you all should totally focus on hating Left and Right while they both laugh and bleed you dry.

Both “sides” are absolute fools as they keep you all mad about trivial bullshit while they give all your money to foreigners and themselves.

For sure though, let’s get mad about this, totes important.
It isn't "both sides". There is only one side that is pushing DEI. And they are about to get burned to the ground.

Without question, the biggest DEI push right now is to broaden the ridiculous practice to include Jews.
DEI, Trannies, Illegal Immigrants all just a bunch a boogie men none of us ever see in real life, Created to freak out dumb people into watching Fox News.
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The fools who believe you need to be sexist and racist to stop sexism and racism now evidently believe you can stop antisemitism with antisemitism.
These people need to be harassed mercilessly. It’s primarily the freaks and geeks so it shouldn’t be that hard.
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The fools who believe you need to be sexist and racist to stop sexism and racism now evidently believe you can stop antisemitism with antisemitism.
That's what I don't understand. The people who seem most upset about people not being treated the same are the first one to be for just automatically discriminating against whole groups of people strictly on race, gender or religion.
Its the lightweight left that does this. The sincere left does not, and they do exist. These are people who don't understand people and are emotionally immature. They are heavy on appearances, and light on substance. They confuse style with morality all the time. They cannot grasp the right to disagree. They mistake those that do not share their style as being morally less-than. And that defines them, in my mind, as the enemy of liberalism to the extent liberalism means anything.
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I see trans people daily. And I didn't care about DEI until they started coming for video games and movies. Modern gaming and movies are unwatchable and unplayable slop.
Now even in the game MLB the show you have the option to play as a woman to be a "pioneer" and they have some woman "analyst" that sounds like a retard. It's annoying.
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DEI, especially in government and universities, is simply repacked Marxism.

Read America's Cultural Revolution for the detailed history of how the 60's Marxists shifted strategy toward changing society through "DEI" bureaucracy.
Since this is about UK, I thought it deserved its own thread.

"The University of Kentucky is in trouble. Though a conservative state legislature has been in power for more than a decade, university administrators have created a sprawling DEI bureaucracy that encourages racial discrimination in hiring and scholarships, attempts to control students’ “unconscious thoughts and behaviors” through mandatory diversity training, and even requires new building projects to allocate up to $1 million toward public artwork that pushes left-wing ideology."

Wow, absolutely wow.
Now even in the game MLB the show you have the option to play as a woman to be a "pioneer" and they have some woman "analyst" that sounds like a retard. It's annoying.
I didn't buy the show 24. I'm still on 23. I mostly play on PC anyway. I use my PS5 for some sports games and stuff that isn't on PC. Most Sony games are mad woke because they moved from Japan to California. On PC you can pirate that slop if you want, or wait for a steam sale and get it for pennies on the dollar.
Its the lightweight left that does this. The sincere left does not, and they do exist. These are people who don't understand people and are emotionally immature. They are heavy on appearances, and light on substance. They confuse style with morality all the time. They cannot grasp the right to disagree. They mistake those that do not share their style as being morally less-than. And that defines them, in my mind, as the enemy of liberalism to the extent liberalism means anything.
Stop calling them liberals. They are not. They're bolsheviks.
That's what I don't understand. The people who seem most upset about people not being treated the same are the first one to be for just automatically discriminating against whole groups of people strictly on race, gender or religion.
Watch this sometime.

It boils down to, the modern marxist leftist sees the smaller country in any war, as an oppressed country held down by a colonialist power. So they therefore cannot side with the other bigger enemy. Because they are siding with the ''oppresors''. This is how you start siding with jihadi terrorists.

This is also why you have this push in America to hate everything America because the land was ''stolen'' from ''natives''. Oppressed minority vs colonalist ''empire''. Who weren't native to this place either, but walked over here on the land bridge.
How about just giving shit to people who deserve it. You have a job opening as a laborer? Well guess what? I’m more qualified than a woman. My strength allows me to do 3x the work in half the time.

Black guy with a good education is up for a job against a white male that doesn’t know how to tie his own shoes? F skin color, the more qualified black guy gets it.

You have some gay man dressed in a mini skirt and wearing make with 3 years experience who wants a job as a computer programmer. You have a straight white male with 8 years wanting the job? I’ll be damned if Rupaul deserves it. Get the jobs and opportunities based on qualifications, not demographics. This inclusive bullshit is more racist/sexist than blatant racism itself.

There are things I think are morally wrong and some I think that are just plain stupid and a cry for attention (tranny stuff) but the root of all humans are the same. No better or worse. The way you live your life is what makes me judge whether you’re no count.
One of the many reasons tuition is out of control, besides there's no risk to schools to gouge bc the fed gives anyone loans, is bc a major portion of admin staff at schools these days are these lunatics...theres more useless administrative positions then there are actual educators
That's funny, this thread has been open for weeks and I thought posts about race weren't allowed...