Coolest thing a UK coach has ever done?


Jan 9, 2009
Two I'll throw out there first....

Pitino letting Derek Anderson shoot technical free throws off the bench in the Minnesota Final Four game

Tubby letting John Stewart's parents participate in Senior Night

Those are both awesome, but I vote for Cal taking the 2012 trophy around the state so fans could see it up close
My son got the opportunity to participate in one of Cal’s satellite camps. This was the Hagans, Richards, Quickly, and Maxey team. That, admittedly, was very cool. Cal bears the brunt of a lot of ridicule from me but he does do some good work with the kids on the team, and outiside of the team.
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My son got the opportunity to participate in one of Cal’s satellite camps. This was the Hagans, Richards, Quickly, and Maxey team. That, admittedly, was very cool. Cal bears the brunt of a lot of ridicule from me but he does do some good work with the kids on the team, and outiside of the team.
Didn’t Cal deliver shoes and have players wash people’s feet when they lost everything? Tune out the people on Twitter, etc. that have never done anything half that gracious. They’ll say he did it for his own image, anyway.
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It's not exactly a position conducive to cool.

The coolest things I've ever seen out of UK basketball were

1) Dwight Anderson wearing a Stetson around the Student Center
2) Pat Riley in general

Then cool gets scarce on the ground.
My friend and his wife took their new baby to a UK bball game at Rupp. They were hanging around the lobby of the hotel after the game. Well Tubby Smith comes walking through and off course the fans started cheering. So my friend goes up to shake Tubby's hand and chat with him briefly telling him his here with his wife and new baby boy. So he turns to go back to his wife and realizes people are following him. He turns and notices Tubby has followed him over to meet his wife and see his new son. Pretty cool and very classy of Tubby.
My friend and his wife took their new baby to a UK bball game at Rupp. They were hanging around the lobby of the hotel after the game. Well Tubby Smith comes walking through and off course the fans started cheering. So my friend goes up to shake Tubby's hand and chat with him briefly telling him his here with his wife and new baby boy. So he turns to go back to his wife and realizes people are following him. He turns and notices Tubby has followed him over to meet his wife and see his new son. Pretty cool and very classy of Tubby.
no shortage of Tubby stories like that. He was genuinely a nice guy. I was an early detractor on him as a coach but it was never about disliking him as a person
When Cal was at Memphis he owned a bar down on Beal Street. I was day drinking with a bunch of my buddies and his bar was dead (1 pm).
We had ordered about 3 rounds and Cal walked in.
Told him we were UK fans but liked watching his teams play. He sat with us for a while talking basketball. He was very complimentary of UKs program....then told us and the bartender that the next round is on the house.
Thought that was pretty damn cool.
Two I'll throw out there first....

Pitino letting Derek Anderson shoot technical free throws off the bench in the Minnesota Final Four game

Tubby letting John Stewart's parents participate in Senior Night

Those are both awesome, but I vote for Cal taking the 2012 trophy around the state so fans could see it up close
for me that is tops
Pitino should have played Anderson
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Those are both awesome, but I vote for Cal taking the 2012 trophy around the state so fans could see it up close
I like this one as well, traveling the state with the Championship trophy as well as playing B/W Game in Eastern Kentucky, letting the fans take pictures and get autographs after the game. Also liked the RJ Corman train trip Cal and the team took to visit fans along the ride.
Pitino letting me borrow a suit and shoes for dinner he gave me a gift card for/ Staying at the Pitinos in Boston, and setting at his desk at Boston Garden on my BD and talking to Red Auerbach.
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Tubby signing my Dad's UK ballcap during a post game show (commercial) break in Rupp Arena. UK beat Vandy pretty bad that night, late in the season in 1999.

Dad passed away that fall............ (F**k Cancer) 😥😥
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no shortage of Tubby stories like that. He was genuinely a nice guy. I was an early detractor on him as a coach but it was never about disliking him as a person
Nice enough to put playing his son over the good of the program?
Pitino bought Kightly a truck

You gotta lay the hate aside, cal has done more humanitarian work for this state and abroad than any other public figure in this state. Facts. That’s cool as hell. None of that is in his contract

I also loved the story with the coal miner last year.

Clyde stayed with one of our players who passed out before the game. Timon Harris maybe? He also tossed some cash at an old lady he heard about on the radio to help her out.

On the football side nobody is cooler than Vince.

Tubby was open about his Christianity. That’s cool to me. I’m not catholic but good on cal to be open about that too. We should not be ashamed to praise god.

Sutton did coin little brother when referring to Louisville

Joe B was cool to start a radio show with Crum. He was also the most gracious with his time.
Clyde stopped in a local radio station and paid for the funeral expenses of a lady who lost her husband. He heard about the death on a local radio show driving across the state. He was moved and wanted to help. This was never advertised but happened.

He was a mess in every way, but deep down there was some real good in the guys heart somewhere.
I’d be interested to hear if anyone can verify, but I went to Kentucky basketball camp while Tubby was coach and other campers said that, unlike Tubby, Rick was actually pretty hands on during camp, and that scholarship players were expected to not only participate by helping with drill stations but to go hard after the campers. Like you’d get Tony Delk going at you and it wasn’t all that fun. Always thought that sounded cool.