Chris Beard

Nov 11, 2005
Has won big at lesser programs. Would be a shame if he's not considered over a contested domestic violence charge that was dropped. We're all screwed if the only thing it takes to lose your job is a whacky gal pal calling the cops over an argument.
I’ve read that Arkansas checked into him and didn’t like him (LXWildcat type of info).

Beard when he gets mad.
No wacky gals have ever called the cops on me after an argument.

Beard is not high on my list allegations or not. Dude was winless against Cal FFS.
The problem I have is when your husband (ex) is a Head Basketball coach in college basketball. Even if she recanted I think you can assume there may have been some $ involved in that process. Wife beating should eliminate him from contention imho.
Would prefer Grant McCasland to Chris Beard. UK doesn't need the kind of negative energy private-life things like DV bring.
Beard is the moneyball choice. He's best coach for least money.

I throw 5 year 60 mil at BD, Hurley, an Wright first.