Best sports sayings/quotes…

All right, you ragtag bunch of misfits! You hate me, and I hate you even more. But without my beloved ringers, you're all I've got. So I want you to remember some inspiring words that someone else might have told you over the course of your lives, and go out there and win!

“Hit’em where they ain’t”
I thought from Yogi, but looks like from Wee Willie Keller

“To be the man, you got to beat the man” wooooo Rick Flair (I know not a real sport but applicable to sports)
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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott.

"The best ability is availability" - various analysts over time.
I particularly love this one because a player's ability to actually be ON the court/field is so overlooked. It matters in GOAT debates, it matters in which players have value, it even is a huge factor in fantasy sports.

There's a lot of others I have, but I realize they are sports MOVIE quotes.. so we can save that for another thread.
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Henry Jordan on Lombardi about race: "He didn't discriminate, he treated us all like dogs."